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Câu hỏi:

127. It .................. dangerous to swim in deep rivers.

           A. are                           B. is                         C. being             D. be

128. The boy .................at home yesterday evening.

           A. stay           B. staying                    C. stayed                                 D.  stays

129. Last time, he .................. very slowly.

           A. driving                 B. drove                      C. driven                                 D. drived

130. I now ............. speak English perfectly.

           A. can            B. was              C. could                                 D. did

131. My father ............ teaching in a small village 10 years ago.

            A. start                       B. started                   C. is starting              D. has started

132. Minh wishes he ......... a new bike.

            A. has                         B. would haves         C. had                         D. will have              

133. I wish you ..................... it again.

            A. don’t do                B. won’t do                C. didn’t do               D. wouldn’t do

134. I can’t go to the park with you ............. it is raining.

            A. so                           B. because                 C. and                         D. but

135. He wishes he ................ speak English well.

            A. can                         B. could                     C. should                   D. will

136. We often go for a walk....................... the weekends.

            A. to                            B. on                           C. in                            D. with

137. My village is about 100 kilometers .........the south of Hanoi.

            A. to                            B. on                           C. for                          D. with

138. It was an ..............day.

            A. enjoy                     B. enjoyed                 C. enjoyable              D. enjoyment

139. They walked ............... half an hour to reach the village.

            A. to                            B. in                            C. for                          D. with

140. The telephone was ............ by Alexander Bell.

            A. invent                    B. invented                C. inventing               D. inventor

141. People who are out of work are............................

            A. unemployed         B. unemployment     C. employed              D. employee

142.    ...............are written to make people laugh.

            A. Tragedies              B. Novels                   C. Funny stories        D. Fictions

143. The old man has saved a lot of money for his .....................

            A. retire                      B. retiring                  C. retirement             D. retired

144. We had a ................... discussion about football.

            A. bore                       B. boring                    C. bored                     D. boredom

145. She gave a long .................about unemployment in Vietnam.

            A. lecturer                 B. lecturing                C. lectured                 D. lecture

146. Money doesn’t always bring .................

            A. happy                    B. happily                  C. happies                  D. happiness

147. His ..................makes his parents happy.

            A. success                  B. successful             C. succeed                 D. succeeded

148. She has been talking to somebody ............. the telephone for two hours.

            A. at                            B. on                           C. in                            D. by

149. I usually get up late and ................ breakfast at 7. 30 a. m.

            A. eat                          B. have                       C. take                        D. get

150. It was ................. to listen to the story which the guide told.

            A. exciting                 B. excited                  C. excite                     D. excitement

151. I wish she ................... next examination.

            A. can pass                B. can passed                        C. could pass             D. could passed

152. I am very proud ............... my school.

            A. from                       B. at                            C. of                            D. off

153. She did the test very well and I did ............

            A. even                       B. also                        C. too                          D. so

154. He worked very hard, ............... he passed the exam easily.

            A. and                         B. so                           C. but                          D. because

155. On the ............. to the village, we saw a big hotel.

            A. way                        B. entrance                C. direction               D. mountain

156. I knew her .................... I was a child.

            A. since                      B. until                       C. while                      D. when

157. ........................ does it take you to school? About ten minutes.

            A. How often             B. How long              C. How far                 D. How much

158. He .......................... this car since he ....................it.

            A.hasn’t used/buys  B. didn’t use/buy      C.didn’t use/boughtD. hasn’t used/ bought

159. She has just taken the examination ................ Maths.

            A. for                          B. at                            C. on                           D. in

160. Now he doesn’t take the train as he ...................

            A. does                       B. is                            C. was                         D. used to

161. Don’t you get tired ................ watching TV every night?

            A. with                       B. by                           C. of                            D. at

162. I can’t stand ............. on the underground when it is busy.

            A. travel                     B. travelling              C. to travel                 D. to travelling

163. She’s keen ................. playing will dolls.

            A. on                           B. at                            C. of                            D. with

164. Don’t be afraid .............. the dog. He’s quite harmless.

            A. in                            B. of                            C. at                            D. for

165. She hates.................... housework at weekends.

            A. doing                     B. do                           C. to do                      D. to be doing

166. I had a headache, and the doctor asked me .................. some aspirin.

            A. took                       B. to be taking           C. take                        D. to take

167. I am .................. of gardening and growing a wide variety of flowers.

            A. fond                       B. keen                       C. surprised               D. fed

168. Mary is ..................in gardening. She can work in the garden for hours.

            A. excited                  B. exciting                 C. interested              D. interesting

169. Every day I spend two hours ............ English.

            A. practise                 B to practise              C. practising              D. practised

170. This is the place ............... I was born.

            A. where                    B. what                       C. which                     D. that

171. I don’t mind .................. if you’re tired.

            A. drive                      B drives                     C. to drive                  D. driving

172. The skiers would rather ................. through the mountains than go by bus.

            A. to travel by train B. travel by train       C. traveled by train  D. traveling by train

173. He likes ................ part in sports, so he joins the football team of the school.

            A. take                        B. taking                    C. takes                      D. took

174. She did all the work ................. her own.

            A. by                           B. on                           C. for                          D. at

175. Have you seen Peter lately? I’ve been looking .............. him this week.

            A. at                            B. in                            C. for                          D. into

176. I don’t remember ................ the front door when I left home.

            A. to lock                   B. lock                        C. locked                   D. locking

177. Children enjoy .............. to ghost stories on Halloween night.

            A. telling and listening B. tell and listen C. to tell and listen D. to tell and to listen

178. The audiences were ............... by the clown.

            A. amusing                B. amuse                    C. amusable               D. amused

179. They decided ...............  to Japan for their summer holiday.

            A. going                     B. to go                       C. go                           D. to going

180. She hasn’t written to me ....................

            A. already                  B. yet                          C. never                     D. ever

181. She is too .......... with her work, so she doesn’t have time to go out with her friends.

            A. bored                     B. busy                       C. fed up                    D. tired

182. His parents think it’s time for him ............. married.

            A. gets                        B. get                          C. to get                      D. got

183. She looked ...........  when she heard the ................  news.

            A. frightening/terrifying                              C. frightened/terrified        

            B. frightened/terrifying                               D. frightening/terrified

184. I’m .................. of hearing your excuses for your lateness.

            A. tired                       B. fond                       C. worried                  D. surprised

185. Now that weekends have come, I feel ....................

            A. relaxed                  B. relaxing                 C. relax                      D. to relax

186. She has learned English for 3 years, and she is good .................. English now.

            A. by                           B. in                            C. for                          D. at

187. A heavy storm swept through the village and many people ................... .          

            A. kill                         B. killed                     C. are killed               D. were killed

188. I’ve known him ............. I left high school.

            A. during                    B. until                       C. since                      D. when

189. Peter’s father ordered ................ not to stay out late again.

            A. him                        B. to him                    C. that he                   D. for him

190. Not all the staff in this company ............. in full- time employment.

            A. is                            B. are                          C. to be                       D. being

191.    ............ , he won the prize.

            A. Interesting            B. Interest                  C. Interested              D. Interestingly

192. Her strength is that she never gives .................... .

            A. in                            B. up                           C. at                            D. out

193. It is David ......................  broke the glass.

            A. which                    B. whom                     C. who                        D. whose

194. Smoking is bad for your heath. You had better .................... it up.

            A. to give                   B. give                        C. giving                    D. to be giving

195. The flat is very noisy, .................. we enjoy living there.

            A. but                         B. and                         C. for                          D. so

196. You will become ill ....................  you stop working so hard.

            A. until                       B. when                      C. unless                    D. if

197. I hope you don’t mind me .................... so late at night.

            A. telephoning          B. to telephone         C. telephone              D. to have telephoned

198. It took three and a half hours .................. to Singapore.

            A. to fly                      B. flying                     C. to be flown           D. fly

199. I am tired of my neighbours ....................  noise every night.

            A. to make                 B. make                      C. having made         D. making

200. I .............. a meeting from 9.00 to 10.30 tomorrow morning.

            A. attend                    B. will attend C. will be attending D. am going to attend

Đọc văn bản sau và thực hiện các yêu cầu:



Người ta thường nói: “Trời không tạo ra người đứng trên người và cũng không tạo ra người đứng dưới người”. Kể từ khi tạo hóa làm ra con nqười thì tất cả sinh ra đều bình đẳng, mọi người đều có tư cách, có địa vị như nhau, không phân biệt đẳng cấp trên dưới, giàu nghèo.[...]

Vậy mà nhìn rộng ra khắp xã hội, cuộc sống con người luôn có những khoảng cách một trời một vực. Đó là khoảng cách giữa người thông minh và kẻ đần độn: giữa người giàu và người nghèo; giữa tầng lớp quý tộc và tầng lớp hạ đẳng.

Như thế là tại làm sao? Nguyên nhân thực ra rất rõ ràng.

Cuốn sách dạy tu thân Thực ngữ giáo có câu: “Kẻ vô học là người không có trí thức, kẻ vô tri thức là người ngu dốt”. Câu nói trên cũng có thể hiện: sự khác nhau giữa người thông minh và kẻ đần độn là ở chỗ có học hay vô học mà thôi.

...Như tôi đã đề cập: ở con người vốn dĩ không có chênh lệch sang hèn, giàu nghèo. Vì thế, có thể nói rằng: người chịu khó học, hiểu biết nhiều sẽ trở thành người quan trọng, sống sung túc; người vô học sẽ trở thành con người thấp kém, nghèo khổ.

(Khuyến học, Fukuzawa Yukichi - Phạm Hữu Lợi dịch, NXB Thế giới, 2017, tr.24)

 Câu 1 : Hãy tóm tắt hệ thống ý cơ bản của văn bản giúp thể hiện quan niệm trong tiêu đề: "MỌI NGƯỜI SINH RA ĐỀU BÌNH ĐẲNG. NẾU CÓ KHÁC BIỆT LÀ DO HỌC VẤN"? *

 Câu 2: Anh/ chị hiểu như thế nào về các khái niệm "người đứng trên người" và "người đứng dưới người"? *

 Câu 3 :Theo anh/ chị, học vấn có phải yếu tố duy nhất quyết định sự chênh lệch đẳng cấp sang - hèn, giàu - nghèo trong xã hội hay không? Vì sao? *

 Câu 4 : Bài học lớn nhất anh/ chị rút ra cho mình từ văn bản trên là gì? Lí giải ít nhất 7 dòng. *