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The Cultural House, an imposing house at the Health Resort near my neighborhood, is
situated in the area of the spa park. The comfortable atmosphere of the coffee bar, ballroom
(dancing–hall) and lounge offers a number of pleasant sitting areas, as well as arranging cultural
and social activities for clients and guests.
The outdoor terrace, with its view overlooking the park, is much–frequented place for the
summer promenade concerts and garden parties.
The ballroom has a capacity for 80 – 100 places with a table for extraordinary matters, and
includes a dance floor and podium. It is suitable for arranging cultural events, wedding feasts and
festive parties, balls, professional meetings, training courses or business meetings). The adjoining
blue lounge has capacity for 24 places, and the pink lounge for 18 places, while the coffee bar has
capacity for 40 places.
The Cultural House also provides accommodation in 5 double rooms, two of which are
apartments, and one of which is the room for the bride.
Detailed information and reservations can be obtained by phoning these telephone numbers:
0983657878; 0537890677; 0798778899.
41. Where is the cultural house?
A. in the center of the city B. in the suburb
C. near a river D. in a resort
41. Why is the cultural house imposing?
A. Because it is very large and beautiful.
B. Because it can overlook the park.
C. Because it allows the reservation through telephone.
D. Because it is a very suitable and nice place for many special events.
43. Which of the following sentences is NOT correct according to the passage?
A. People can celebrate their birthday party in the cultural house.
B. Cultural house is suitable for many cultural events.
C. The concerts are not usually held in the cultural house.
D. One big company can hold an important meeting in the cultural house.
44. How many places are there in the dancing–hall?
A. nearly 100 B. at most 80 C. about 40 D. 24
45. Which of the following sentences is correct according to the passage?
A. We can not stay overnight in the cultural house.
B. The ballroom is suitable for arranging many special events and activities.
C. All the area of the cultural house in indoor.
D. There is no service for a drink in the cultural house.


A. Circle the best one (A, B, C or D) to complete each one below
6. There’s a leak on the ______ so we got wet last night.
A. roof B. floor C. ground D. room
7. All the classrooms in this school are ______ so it’s cooler inside when summer comes.
A. heating B. air–condition C. air–conditioned D. central heating
8. Hue: The apartment is large and comfortable, isn’t it? / Hien: Yes, quite ______
A. inconvenient B. safe C. convenient D. cheap
9. My mother spends time at ______ every week. The fish here are cheaper and fresher than
those in supermarket.
A. wet B. wet market C. fresh market D. grocery
10.My computer connects to the Internet so I can send my letter by ______
A. email B. surface mail C. airmail D. sea
11. Surface mail isn’t ______ airmail.
A. as expensive B. more expensive C. as expensive as D. expensive
12. ______ did she start learning English? / – 2 years ago.
A. How long B. Where C. Since D. When
13.We went to three restaurants and we choose this the most ______ because the food is
A. taste B. tastes C. tasty D. tasteless
14.Do you notice the “No parking” ______ here? Go to the parking lot over there.
A. sight B. sign C. signing D. signal
15.Waiter! What’s ______today? Give me the menu.
A. in B. of C. for D. on
16.What ______ books do you like to read in your free time?
A. kind B. kinds of C. kind of D. of
17.How much ______ this pair of shoes?
A. is B. are C. does D. do
18.The twins towers are ______ height.
A. in the same B. the same of C. the same with D. of the same
19.This carpet is too big. Do you have any ______ one?
A. small B. smaller C. much small D. bigger
20.How much ______ this parcel cost?
A. is B. are C. does D. do
21.My grand father practices exercises every morning. He ______ practicing last 10 years.
A. has started B. starts C. has starting D. started
22.This is my close friend. We ______ each other for a long time.
A. know B. known C. knew D. have known

23.I have worked as a teacher since I ______ from the university.
A. graduated B. have graduate C. have graduated D. graduate
24. Patina ______ iceberg in her whole life time.
A. hasn’t seen B. didn’t see C. doesn’t see D. hasn’t see
25.This is the first time I ______ to this restaurant. They serve good food here.
A. go B. went C. am going D. have been
26.I ______ a letter to my mother.
A. have already finished B. already have finished
C. have finished already D. finished have already
27.Tom ______ pictures for more than a decade.
A. has compose B. has composed C. composed D. composing
28.Last Christmas he ______ her his heart. She fell in love with him, too.
A. gives B. gave C. has given D. was giving
29.I ______ to reach him three days ago. Since then, I ______ him twice.
A. tried / have called B. try / has called
C. am trying / called D. tried / has called
30.The night ______, and it’s daylight now. The sun is rising.
A. ends B. ended C. has ended D. is ending