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Exercise 2 : ViÕt l¹i c¸c c©u sau gi÷ nguyªn nghÜa

1. The rough sea prevented the ferry from sailing.

®  Because of .............................................................................................

2. We drove slowly so that he could follow us.

® We drove ..................................................................................................

3. They set off early so that they could reach the village before night.

® They set off ...............................................................................................

4. We left early so that we didn't miss the train.

® We left early ................................................................................................

5. As they hadn't met our sister before, I introduced her to them.

® Since ..............................................................................................................

6. Because of the rain, we couldn't go out.

®  Because ..........................................................................................................

7. She left the party quickly. She didn't want to have to say good bye.

®  She left the party quickly in order ............................................................

8. He turned on the TV. He wanted to see a football match.

® He turned on the TV so as ..............................................................................

9. Having nothing else to do, we decided to go for a walk.

® Since .............................................................................................................

10. Having nowhere else to go, I tried to sleep in the station waiting room.

®  As ..................................................................................................................

11. We were busy so  we couldn't look after the children.

® So as ..................................................................................................................

12. I want him to write to me. I gave him my address.

®  I gave him my address ......................................................................................

13. They left early because they didn't want to get caught in the traffic.

®  They left early in .........................................................................................

14. As  the weather was bad, he didn’t go to work.

®  Fearing ..........................................................................................................

15. None of us had a watch. We didn't know what time it was.

®  As .........................................................................................................................

16.Because it rained heavily, we coulhn’t go out

®  On account of.........................................................................................................................

17.As he is  lazy, he failed the exam.

®  Owning to.........................................................................................................................

18.He worked hard so he earned lots of money

® Because of .........................................................................................................................