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Complete the Conditional Sentences (Type II) by putting the verbs into the correct form. Use conditional I with would in the main clause.


1. If he (start) __________  at once, he (arrive)__________ there by midday. 

Tom (be)__________  sick if he (eat) __________ all those chocolates. 

2. If I (lose)__________  my glasses, I (not be)__________ able to read. 3. You (become)__________  ill if you (forget)__________ your jacket.4. If the weather (get)__________  colder, I (buy)__________ a new coat. 5. If we (have)__________ a yacht, we (sail)__________the seven seas. 6. If he (have)__________more time, he (learn)__________karate.7. If they (tell)__________their father, he (be)__________very angry.8. She (spend)__________a year in the USA if it (be)__________easier to get a green card.9. If I (live)__________on a lonely island, I (run)__________around naked all day.10. We (help)__________ you if we (know)__________ how.11. My brother (buy)__________a sports car if he (have)__________the money.

    12.If I (feel)__________better, I (go) __________to the cinema with you.

13. If you (go)__________by bike more often, you (be / not)__________so flabby.

14. She (not / talk)__________to you if she (be)__________mad at you.

15. If I (be) __________you, I (get) __________a new job.

16. If he ___________(be) younger, he (travel)__________ more.

17. If we (not/ be)__________ friends, I (be) __________angry with you.

18. If I (have) __________enough money, I (buy)__________a big house.

19. If she (not/ be) __________always so late, she (be) __________promoted.

20. If we (win) __________the lottery, we ___________ (travel) the world.

21. If you (have)__________ a better job, we (be)__________ able to buy a new car

22. If I (speak)__________ perfect English, I  (have) __________a good job.

23. If we (live)__________ in Mexico, I (speak) __________Spanish.

24. f she (pass)__________ the exam, she __________ (be) able to enter university.

25. She (be)__________ happier if she (have)__________ more friends.

26. We (buy)__________ a house if we (decide)__________ to stay here.

27. They (have)__________ more money if they __________ (not / buy) so many clothes

28. We (come)__________ to dinner if we __________ (have) time.

29. She (call)__________ him if she (know)__________ his number.

30. They (go)__________ to Spain on holiday if they (like)__________ hot weather.

31. She (pass) __________the exam if she __________ (study) more.

32. I (marry)__________ someone famous if I (be)__________ a movie star.

33. We never (be)__________ late again if we (buy)__________ a