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I,Choose the underlined word or phrase that needs correcting in each of the following sentences.

1. Polluted water also cause the death of aquatic animals like fish or crabs.

      A                              B              C             D

2. Minh said that he would be doing an experiment at 10 o’clock tomorrow.

                                    A                     B                     C                     D   

II,Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions.   

1. We ______ pay so much money for electricity a month if we _______ the air conditioner all the time.

    A. wouldn’t have to/ don’t turn on                                    C. wouldn’t had to/ didn’t turn on

    B. would have to/ didn’t turn on                             D. wouldn’t have to/ didn’t turn on

2. Scientists said that it _______ possible for human to live on other planets.

      A. will be                          B. is going to be          C. would be                D. was going to be

3.The local people had to move to public shelters after the volcano ____________.

A. erosion                                B. break                       C. eruption                   D. damage

4. Some of the public would like the seven new Earth-like planets to be named _______ famous movies.

A.before                          B. out                          C. with                        D. after

5. Our Solar ________ is full of planets, moons, asteroids, comets, and many other exciting objects.

A.  Arrangement                     B. System                    C. Organization           D. Group

III,Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) that is CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined part in each of the following questions.

1. There is an enormous gap in technology between developing and developed countries.

A. huge                    B. small                      C. inconsiderable         D. tiny

2. I'm not properly dressed for this kind of weather.

            A. fitly                        B. neatly                      C. kindly                     D. appropriately

IV,Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word or phrase that is OPPOSITE in meaning to the underlined part in each of the following questions.

1. Things got a bit out of hand at the party and four windows were broken.

      A. out of control               B.under control           C. under pressure        D. under the condition

2. The sight of too many telephone poles, advertising billboards, overhead power times, or shop signs may cause visual pollution.

      A. contamination              B. population              C. cleanness                D. eruption

V,Mark letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that is closest in meaning to the original sentence in each of the following questions.

1. NASA said that they could send people to Mars the following year.

A.“We will send people to Mars next year.” NASA said.

B.“We can send people to Mars next year.” NASA said.

C.“We could send people to Mars last year.” NASA said.

D.“We would send people to Mars last year.” NASA said.

2.This is the first time she has been to the United Kingdom.

    A. She has been to the United Kingdom for some times before.

     B. She has never been to the United Kingdom before.

     C. She has never been to the United Kingdom.

  D. She hasn’t been to the United Kingdom

3. Dung said she had gotten great results the previous school year.

A.           “I got great results last school year.” said Dung.

B.            “I have gotten great results last school year.” said Dung.

C.            “I got great results the school year before.” said Dung.

D.           “I have gotten great results the school year before.” said Dung.

4. People had already left the flooded villages when rescue workers arrived.

A. People had already left the flooded villages by the time rescue workers arrived.

B. People had already left the flooded villages as soon as rescue workers arrived.

C. People had already left the flooded villages at the time rescue workers arrived.

D. People had already left the flooded villages after rescue workers arrived.

5. I don’t live with my mother, so I can’t take care of her.

     A. I can’t take care of my mother because of I don’t live with her.

     B. Since I don’t live with my mother, I can’t take care of her.

     C. Because not living with my mother, so I can’t take care of her.

     D. Because not live with my mother, I can’t take care of her.

1. He ___________ home last week while we ___________ dinner.

A. came – were having    B. was coming – had  C. came – had             D. was coming – were having

2. After he ___________ a new girl, he ___________ up with his wife.

A. met – broke                 B. had met – broke      C. met – had broken    D. had met – had broken        

3. At this time yesterday, I ___________ with my friends.

A. were singing                B. sang                        C. was singing             D. had sung

4. She ___________ Paris in 1907.

A. visits                            B. visited                     C. was visiting            D. had visited

5. She told me that she ___________ Spaghetti in Italy.

A. tried                            B. has tried                  C. had tried                 D. trying

6. While my father ___________, my mother___________ a cake and we ___________ around.

A. swam – made – were playing                         C . was swimming – made - played

B. swam – made – played                                   D.was swimming – was making – were playing

7. Linda ___________ no one before she ___________ Jack.

A. loved – married                                               B. had loved – married           

C. had loved – was marrying                               D. loved – had married

8. We___________ pizza the whole last week.

A. eat                               B. ate                           C. had eaten                D. was eating

9. When you ___________, I ___________ . I am so sorry for that!

A. arriving – sleeping                                          B. arrived – was sleeping       

C. arrived – slept                                                 D. arrived – had slept

10. Panda ___________ tired because she ___________ too late last night.

A. was –worked                                                   B. was – was working            

C. had been – worked                                          D. was – had worked