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I. Choose the word that has the ending pronounced differently from the other.

1. A. gripping B. fiction C. violent D. thriller

2. A. engaged B. gripped C. laughed D. wrecked

3. A. critic B. comedy C. cartoon D. cinema

4. A. terrified B. based C. starred D. entertained

5. A. feature B. theatre C. screen D. must-see

II. Choose the odd one out

1. A. honor B. adventure C. gripping D. action

2. A. director B. comedy C. producer D. actress

3. A. touching B. hilarious C. scary D. western

4. A. awful B. entertaining C. fascinating D. exciting

5. A. thrilling B. touching C. terrifying D. must-see

III. Fill in the gap with the type of the film

1. A movie that makes you laugh is a _________________

2. A movie that makes you scream is a _________________ film

3. A story that is exciting with lots of guns and explosions is an ____________ movie

4. Movies about future, aliens from space or space travel are ______________films.

5. A movie about real life is a ____________________.

6. An ____________________ is a film in which drawing of people and animals seem to move

7. A film that tells an exciting story about murder and crime is a ________________

8. A humorous film about love story is a _____________________.

IV. Choose the correct answer a, b, c, or d to complete the sentences.

1. Colin Firth won his first Oscar for best lead actor ___________ England’s King George VI.

A. As B. with C. Of D. in

2. Twelve Years a Slave is based ______ a true story of Solomon Northup

A. in B. by C. on D. from

3. “What _________ of film is the Matrix?” – “Science fiction”.

A. ranking B. plot C. review D. kind

4. Critic say Midnight Run is a must –see ___________ it is funny and exciting.

A. Although B. because C. however D. therefore

5. Vin Diesel _________ in many action films, including The Fast and Furious series.

A. Starred B. made C. produced D. directed

6. ___________ an all- star cast, Hotel Artemis was a total box- office failure.

A. Because of B. Although C. Despite D. In spite

7. The special effects in Jurassic Park are ___________! The dinosaurs look so real and alive

A. Visible B. incredible C. terrible D. believable

8. For a ___________, that film wasn’t very funny. I didn’t laugh once.

A. Thriller B. romance C. documentary D. comedy

9. That vampire film was extremely ____________. I had my eyes closed half on the time!

A. hilarious B. moving C. gripping D. scary

10. “Could I ask you a few question about your favorite movies?”____________________

A. That sound good. C. Sure. Go ahead

B. Not a bad idea D. But I don’t want to.

V. Write the correct tense or form of verbs in bracket.

1. What is the best horror movie you _____________________ (see) so far?

2. Tom Hanks _______________(win) an Oscar for playing Forrest Gump in 1994.

3. I ________________ (watch) a very interesting Korean drama at present.

4. Kong – Skull Island _____________________ (direct) by Jordan Vogt – Roberts.

5. The film was a commercial success although it __________________ (not receive) good reviews from critics.

6. __________________ (your brother/ usually/ watch) movies at home or the cinema?

7. What __________________ (you/ do) tomorrow night?

8. Joanna ________________________ (not be) to the cinema since November.