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Chủ đề:

Looking Back

Câu hỏi:

Choose the best answer to complete the sentences.

1. How long ______ Jane? –Since she was a child.

A. do you know B. did you know C. had you know D. have you known

2. Although it will be more ______ to shop in the new mall, some people in the neighborhood are not happy.

A. comfortable B. inconvenient C. difficult D. different

3. There were a lot of people on the bus. It was ______ than usual.

A. as crowded B. more crowded C. so crowded D. much crowded

4. The shirt is ______ as that one.

A. as expensive B. expensive C. the same expensive D. more expensive

5. Mary looks ______ her mother.

A.as B. the same C. like D.as same as

6. My neighbor ______ to me ______ more than two months.

A. didn’t talk/ since B. doesn’t talk/ for C. hasn’t talked/for D. haven’t talked/for

7. She ______ time to do any shopping ______ last Sunday.

A. doesn’t have/ since B. hasn’t had/ for

C. hasn’t had/ since D. didn’t have/for

8. John ______ for 3 jobs ______ he left school last year.

A. had applied/ since B. applied/ since

C. has applied/ for D. has applied/ since

9. I ______ to the office every day last week.

A. drove B. drive C. have driven D. had driven

10. Look at Tom’s suit. Is it ______ mine?

A. the same style that B. the same style than C. the same style as D. as same as

11. The ______ of the small stores in the neighborhood are especially worried.

A. shop-keepers B. shoppers C. owners D. shop-assistants

12. Customers won’t mind the ______ outside.

A. weather B. climate C. cold D. heat

13. It is very different from the ______ shopping area.

A. older B. being C. present D. now

14. The stores in the mall will offer a wide ______ of products and goods.

A. selection B. choice C. difference D. possibility

15. And some of products are at cheaper ______.

A. prizes B. costs C. prices D. charges