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Mỗi bạn làm 1 bài giúp mình nha ^^. Hix đang cần gấp lắm luôn á. Thanks <3


Bài tập 1: Hoàn thành những câu sau đây với thì quá khứ đơn

1. I _______________at home all weekend (stay)

2. It ______________everyday last week (rain)

3. We ______________her very carefully (listen)

4. The shop _____________at 5 o’clock (close)

5. My friend _______________ to stay all weekend (want)

6. I ________________(wash) my clothes yesterday morning (wash)

7. John _________________(study) very hard last night (study)

8. My father _____________very angry with me last Saturday (be)

9. One of my friends __________________me very late last night (phone)

10. The worker ________________the windows for several hours (clean)

Bài tập 2: Viết lại các câu sau, dùng thì quá khứ đơn với các phó từ trong ngoặc

1. I see my parents every Sunday morning. (last Sunday)

2. My friend John always asks a lot of questions (this morning)

3. They go to the mountain in the winter (last winter)

4. Julie meets Tom from school every afternoon (this afternoon)

5. He eats a lot in the evenings (last night)

6. I love cycling at the weekend (when I was a child)

7. That TV programme starts at 7:30 every Friday (this morning)

8. We always have a nice time with them. (on holiday)

9. The garden looks lovely in the spring. (last spring)

10. We paint our house every year (in 1998)

Bài tập 3: Hoàn thành các câu sau với động từ được cho ở thì quá khứ

1. We ___________ to the concert (go)

2. He ____________this book (buy)

3. I ____________ two cups of coffee (drink)

4. He __________three days ago (leave)

5. They _____________ their house (sell)

6. I ____________ two big cate (eat)

7. You _____________ several mistake (make)

8. We ______________ a good time (have)

9. The Wilson _______________ a new house in Washington DC (build)

10. John _____________ downtown with his friends today (drive)

11. Yesterday___________ a bad day for me (be)

12. I ____________the day with an accident (begin)

13. I ____________my hand with a knife (cut)

14. I _____________about the meeting (forget)

15. Then I _____________ my new suit (tear)

16. A thief _____________ my money (steal)

17. Fortunately, the police ______________the thief a little while later (catch)

18. Later I ___________ in some slipper steps and _____________my arms (fall/hurt)

19. Then a little boy ______________ a ball and ___________me accidentally (throw/hit)

20. Ater that, I___________ down again and _______________ my new watch (fall/down/break)

Bài tập 4: Chuyển các câu sau sang thể nghi vấn

1. I watched TV last night →............................................................................................................................

2. I enjoyed the party→.....................................................................................................................................

3. She had a good vacation→............................................................................................................................

4. My parents got up early this morning→........................................................................................................

5. We listened to music last night→..................................................................................................................

6. I drank a lot of coffee→................................................................................................................................

7. He miss them so much→...............................................................................................................................

8. I went to the cinema last Sunday→...............................................................................................................

9. I slept well last night→..................................................................................................................................

10. They sat and talked about their schooldays. →.............................................................................................
Bài tập 5: Chia các động từ trong ngoặc ở thì quá khứ đơn

A: Where __________________(you go) for your last summer holiday?

B: We _____________(go) to Egypt

A: Oh really? How interesting! _____________________(you/enjoy) it?

B: Oh, yes, we ________________. Paul _________________(love) the Nile River and I_____________(think) the pyramids and all the historical sights_______________(be) fascinating.

A: How long ______________(you/stay)?

B: For 4 weeks. We _________________(be) there for the whole of October

A: How nice! So you __________________(have) lots of time to travel round

B: Yes, we_____________. Well, quite a lot. But we only _______________(see) a few places so I’d like to go again

A: ______________(you/learn) any Egyptian Arabic?

B: I______________ but Paul _______________. I _______________(study) the language for a few weeks before we _____________(go). I _____________(find) a good Arabic language cassette in the local library and that ______________(be) helpful.

Bài tập 6: Chia động từ ở thì quá khứ tiếp diễn

1. I ___________________down the street when it begin to rain (go)

2. At this time last year, I ___________________an English course (attend)

3. Jim ________________ under the tree when he heard an explosion (stand)

4. The boy fell and hurt himself while he _________________ a bicycle (ride)

5. When we met them last year, they______________ in Santiago (live)

6. The tourist lost his camera while he________________ around the city (walk)

7. The lorry _______________ very fast when it hit our car (go)

8. While I ____________________in my room, my roommate ___________________ a party in the other room (study/have)

9. Mary and I___________________ the house when the telephone rang (just leave)

10. We __________________ in the café when they saw us (sit)

Bài tập 7: Chia động từ ở thì quá khứ hoặc quá khứ tiếp diễn

1. I ________________ (call) Mr Wilson at 9 last night, but he (not be)_________________at home. He (study) _______________ at the library

2. I _________________ (not hear) the thunder during the storm last night because I ________________ (sleep)

3. It was beautiful yesterday when we went for a walk in the park. The sun______________(shine). The birds_____________(sing)

4. My brother and sister ________________ (talk) about something when I ________________ (walk) into the room

5. Tom went to his friends ‘house, but the boys ___________________ (not be) there. They (play)_____________soccer in the vacant lot down the street

6. The little boy _______________ (fall) asleep while his mother___________________ (read) him a story

7. I really enjoyed my holiday last January. While it_______________(snow) in Iowa, the sun ______________ (shine) in Florida

8. While Ted _______________ (shovel) snow from his driveway yesterday, his wife _________________ (bring) him a cup of hot chocolate

9. John _________________ (have) a car accident last week. He __________________ (drive) down the street when suddenly a lorry __________________ (hit) his car from behind

10. Ten years ago, the government _______________ (decide) to begin a food programme. At that time, many people in the rural areas _______________ (starve) due to several years of drought

11. They ___________________(wait) for me when I _________________ at the station (arrive)

12. She ________________ (swim) in the sea when I ___________________ her (see)

13. ___________________they__________________(play) tennis when it _________________ raining (start)?

14. We __________________ (drive) home from the theatre when the police __________________(stop) us

15. The wind __________________ (blow) very hard when I ________________(go) out this morning

16. When she _____________________ (leave) him, he _____________________ (become) quite ill

17. I _______________(be) looking for some photos when you rang but I ______________(not find) them

Bài tập 8: Hãy điền vào chỗ trống với gone hoặc been

1. He’s on the holiday at that moment. He has ______________ to Spain

2. “ Where is Bill?” – “She’s not here. I think she has ___________ to the bank

3. “Hello, Pat, where have you _______________been? “I’ve _______________ to the bank”

4. “Have you ever _____________ to Japan?”- “No, ever”

5. My parents aren’t at home this evening. They’ve ______________ out

6. There’s a new restaurant in town. Have you _______________ to it?

7. Paris is a wonderful city. I’ve ____________ there many times

8. Helen was here earlier but I think she’s ______________ now

9. “Have you ever _____________ to Hanoi?” – “ Yes, twice”

10. Jill is in London. She’s ______________ in London since Monday.

Bài tập 9: Điền vào chỗ trống các hình thức đúng của động từ ờ thì Hiện tại hoàn thành

1. John ______________ very hard for the final exam (work)

2. You ________________ very hard. You can do better work than this (not/try)

3. Why are the police here? What _________________ ? (happen)

4. Alice _______________________ my letter. Perhaps she’s busy (not/answer)

5. He _________________ for this company three years (work)

6. John ____________________ here since 9 o’clock (be)

7. ________________ you _______________ the dishes? (wash)

8. Thank you for everything. You ___________________ me a lot (help)

9. Linda is not here. She ____________________ to the shop (go)

10. I ___________________ English since 1976 (teach)

Bài 10 : Chọn for hoặc since điền vào chỗ trống

1. She has been there (for/since) four days

2. I have known Linda (for/since) two years

3. Jack has stayed here (for/since) Thursday

4. My aunt has lived in Australia (for/since) 15 years

5. We have had a camera (for/since) 1995

6. They have been married (for/since) six months

7. Liz has studied medicine (for/since) a long time

8. It has rained (for/since) an hour

9. Indian has been an independent country (for/since) 1947

10. Mike has been ill (for/since) a long time

Bài 11: Đặt câu hỏi với How long….?

1. Jill is in London

2. I know George

3. Mike and Judy are in Brazil

4. Diana is learning Italian

5. My brother lives in Germany

6. It is raining

7. Bill is a teacher

8. I know Margaret

9. I have a motor –bike

10. Linda and Frank are marrie

Bài 12: Chia động từ trong ngoặc ở dạng thích hợp

1. I __________________ a letter just a few minutes ago (receive)

2. They ________________ in London since 1980 (live)

3. Linda is working in this department. She ______________________ here for two years (work)

4. Up to the present, John ___________________ good work in the class (do)

5. They ___________________in Hanoi from 1970 to 1999 (live)

6. You _______________ your book on my desk last night (put)

7. He _________________ English at this school for six weeks up to now (study)

8. Our present teacher ________________ in this city all of his life (live)

9. Nobody lives in those houses. They ___________________ empty for many years (be)

10. Cindy is in her office. She _____________ there since 7 o’clock (be)

11. My sister _______________ to see my last night (come)

12. Nobody ________________ at the party on Saturday (dance)

13. They __________________ about the terrible accident near my school since came home (talk)

14. ________ you __________ well last night? (sleep)

15. My friend Geogre is learning Japanese. He _________________ it for six month (learn)

16. I _________________ very much when I was at school ?(not/learn)

17. I _________________ tennis for two hours this morning but I lost every game (play)

18. I _________________ this bike since I was a teenager and I still use it (have)

19. John, I’m furious with you. I ________________ in this rain for half an hour (wait)

20. They _______________ meat since they saw that film about farm animals (not/eat)

21. Steven _______________ in London since 1990 (live)

22. We ______________ Singapore six month ago (leave)

23. Mrs Brown ________________ English from 2 o’clock to 5 o’clock everyday (teach)

24. Up to now, we _____________________ almost every lesson in the book (write)

25. Oh no! someone ________________ my bag (steal)

26. I ___________________ hard when I was at school (work)

27. My brother ____________________ my bicycle this morning (borrow)

28. ___________________ Kim since lunch? (you see)

29. We ___________________ in Australia from 1991 to 1996 (live)

30. I __________________ a football game on TV every Sunday (watch)

31. My friend is a writer. She ___________________ many books (write)

32. Last year we _______________ to Finland for a holiday (go). We _______________ there for three weeks (stay)

33. I ______________ tennis yesterday afternoon (play)

34. What time __________________ to bed last night (you/go)

35. ___________________________ to United State? (you/ever/be)

36. My hair is clean. I ___________________ it (wash)

37. I ____________________ my hair before breakfast this morning (wash)

38. When I was a child, I ___________________ sport (not like)

39. Kathy loves travelling. She __________________ many countries in Europe and Asia (visit)

40. John works in a bookshop. He___________________ there for three years (work)

Bài 13: Chia động từ trong ngoặc ở thì hiện tại hoàn thành

1. We _________________ to the pagoda many times (be)

2. My sister ___________________ out (go)

3. We ______________ very busy lately (be)

4. Our present teacher ____________________ in this city all of his life (live)

5. I _____________________ that television program (never/see)

6. We _____________________ to Hanoi twice since last summer (fly)

7. John _______________________ his assignment (just/finish)

8. I _________________________ your brother recently (not/see)

9. I’m very tired. I _____________________ this car since 7a.m (drive)

10. You ____________________ her – if you hurry, you will catch her in the street (just/meet)

11. This is the nicest restaurant I ________________ (see)

12. I ______________________ three letters already (write)

13. This is the fourth time he _________________________ my car (damage)

14. ______________________________ Chinese food? (you ever eat)

15. She’s got the best voice I ______________________ (ever hear)

16. We __________________________ two holidays this year (have)

17. ___________________ already __________________ Mary? (you see)

18. This is the first time the children __________________ on a plane (fly)

19. __________________ your sister lately? (you see)

20. I _________________ a tiger in my life (never see)

Bài 14: Viết lại câu,chia động từ trong ngoặc ở dạng thích hợp

1. I (study) medicine for/since two years but the I stopped

2. I (work) in the restaurant for/since six months but then it closed

3. I (live) here for/since I was a little girl

4. He (be) in the prison now for/since three years

5. She (work) for me for/since she left school

6. I (not see) him for/since he left the office

7. We (be) in Italy for/since 1960

8. I work here for/since seven years but it’s time to leave now

9. What’s the matter? You (not speak) a word for/since you came home

10. I (not see) her for/since several years and then I met her again

Bài 15: Các câu sau đúng hay sai, nếu sai sửa lại cho đúng

1. Tom arrived last week

2. Have you seen John last week?

3. I have finished my work

4. I have finished my work at 2 o’clock

5. When have you finished your work?

6. George has left school three years ago

7. “Where’s Ann?” – “She’s gone to the cinema”

8. Napoleon Bonaparte has died in 1821

9. I haven’t seen you at the party on Saturday

10. The weather has been very bad last week