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Chủ đề:

Luyện tập tổng hợp

Câu hỏi:

EXERCISE 1: Use the correct form of verbs in brackets.

1. In all the world, there (be) __________ only 14 mountains that (reach) __________above 8,000 meters.

2. They (stay)_____at the hotel in London. At this time tomorrow, they (travel) in Vietnam.

3. When I (come) __________, she (leave) __________for Dalat ten minutes ago.

4. When they (come)__________ tomorrow, we (swim) in the sea.

5. We just (decide) __________ that we (undertake) ____________ the job.

6. My parents (visit)____________ Europe at this time next week

7. My brother used to ( go )……………… to work by motorbike. Now he cycles.

8. How about (see) ……………. a movie on Sunday evening ?

9. I knew that this road (be) __________ too narrow.

10.Tomorrow I'm going to leave for home. When I (arrive) __________at the airport, Mary (wait) __________ for me.

11.An didn’t used (play) ………………………. football in the afternoon. Now he often does it.

12.Daisy (sit) ___________on the plane at 9 am tomorrow.

13.___your father (use to)_________(work) in the army?

14.I (visit) __________ my uncle's home regularly when I (be) __________ a child.

15.Me sister is used to (get)_________up at 6 o’clock

16.That book (be) __________ on the table for weeks. You (not read) __________ it yet ?

17.Are you used to (talk)___________in the class when your teacher (teach)_____?

18.At 8 o’clock this evening my friends and I (watch) _________a famous film at the cinema.

19.She (play) ___________with her son at 7 o’clock tonight

20.David (wash) __________ his hands. He just (repair) __________ the TV set.

21.You (be) __________here before? Yes, I (spend) __________ my holidays here last year.

22.We never (meet) __________ him. We don't know what he (look) __________ like

23.The car (be) __________ ready for him by the time he (come) __________tomorrow.

24.He (work)___________ at this moment tomorrow.

25.On arriving at home I (find) __________that she just (leave) __________a few minutes before

26.When we (arrive) __________ in London tonight, it probably (rain) __________.

27.It (rain) __________ hard. We can't do anything until it (stop) __________

28.This time next year I (live)______ in London.

29.They (make) ___________their presentation at this time tomorrow morning.

30.London (change) __________a lot since we first (come) __________ to live here

31.He used to ( talk)_________________ to us for hours about all the interesting things he (do) __________ in his life.

32.I (spend) __________ a lot of time travelling since I (get) __________this new job.

33.When I (meet) __________ him , he (work) __________as a waiter for a year.

34.After (finish) __________ breakfast he (sit) __________down to write some letters.

EXERCISE 2: Change these sentences into PASSIVE sentences

1. My father waters this flower every morning.

2. John invited Fiona to his birthday party last night.

3. Her mother is preparing the dinner in the kitchen.

4. We should clean our teeth twice a day.

5. Our teachers have explained the English grammar.

6. Some drunk drivers caused the accident in this city.

7. Tom will visit his parents next month.

8. The manager didn’t phone the secretary this morning.

9. Did Mary buy this beautiful dress?

10. I won’t hang these old pictures in the living room.

11. The German didn’t build this factory during the Second World War.

12. The Greens are going to paint this house and these cars for Christmas Day.

13. Ann had fed the cats before she went to the cinema.

14. The students have discussed the pollution problems since last week.

15. Have the thieves stolen the most valuable painting in the national museum?

16. Some people will interview the new president on TV.

17. How many languages do they speak in Canada?

18. Are you going to repair those shoes?

19. He has broken his nose in a football match.

20. Have you finished the above sentences?

1. Does your brother find the key?

2. Do you sweep the floor?

3. Can your father finish the report?

4. Which horses do you prefer?

5. What song do the clowns sing?

6. Who cleaned my room yesterday?

7. Do you steal my pencil case?

8. Which animals do you like?

9. Who broke my glasses?

10. Did he explain that lesson?

11. Where this you buy this book?

12. Why does your father find you?

13. When do you paint your house?

14. Do you paint your house?

15. Didn’t she find a job?

16. Will your granny visit you?

17. Do they wash the dishes?

18. Where do they wash the dishes?

19. When do they wash the dishes?

20. Why will your granny visit you next week?