Học tại trường Chưa có thông tin
Đến từ Hà Tĩnh , Chưa có thông tin
Số lượng câu hỏi 31
Số lượng câu trả lời 12
Điểm GP 0
Điểm SP 2

Người theo dõi (3)

Không có tên
Kim Ji Soo
Nguyen Bao Đan

Đang theo dõi (3)

Hà Trần Khánh

Chủ đề:


Câu hỏi:

III: Give the correct tense of the verbs in brackets

1. You ever (be) _________________to England? – Yes, I (go) ____________ there 3 years ago.

2. If she (work) ____________ harder, she (not fail) ____________ the exam next time.

3. It’s difficult to get used to (eat) ____________ with chopsticks.

4. The chairman suggested (hold) another meeting next week.

5. I prefer (drive) ____________ to ( drive) by the other _______________

6. Would you mind (lend) ____________ me 5$? I forgot ____________ (cash) a cheque.

7. I’d rather (stay) ____________ at home than (work) ____________ for him.

8. There (be) ................... no guests at all since I ( leave ) ................ .

9. I (never forget) ............... what you (just say)....................... .

10. Someone (steal) ...................... my handbag on the bus .

11. Hurry up or you (be) ................ late for class .

12. I (start) ................. learning English when I (be) .....................in grade 6.

13. Would you mind (open) ....................... the window ?

14. Some animals (not eat) ................. during the winter .

15. My sister (finish)…………………….. school in 1979 and (be)…………………………. a student since then.

16. What…………….. she still (do)…….………………… when she ( go)………..………………….. to bed last night?

17. It’s a waste of time (wait) …….……….. for her because she is busy (cook) …………………………..dinner now.

18. I had the mechanic (repair) …………………my car. He told me (get)…………………………… it two days later.

19. .Over the years, She (collect) ……………..thousands of stamps.

20. "Where is Jane?" -- "Down stairs sir" ."She (greet)…………. the guests."

21. We don’t enjoy (use) ……………. as cheap labour.

22. I can't help (feel) ……………..sorry for the hungry children. If only there (be)…………. peace in the world

23. They (see) ……………to go out three times a day.

24. Passengers (travel) …………..on this bus bought their tickets in books.

25. Writing many letters (make)…………….. her happy.

26. Do you hear someone (cry)………….. softly in the next room?

27. I (have) my house (paint)……………… . That's why there is all this mess.

28. Either my sister or I ( be) …………..going to visit our uncle.

29. The Nile (flow)………….. into Mediterranean.

30. When I entered his room, I saw him ( sleep )………….. in a chair.

31. Hurry up or you ( be)………….. late for class.

Chủ đề:

Luyện tập tổng hợp

Câu hỏi:

X/ Supply the correct forms of the verbs.

1. I’m afraid I not (be) quite ready. – never mind. I (wait)

2. Now I (understand) what you are trying ( say).

3. What you (think) Tom (do) ?- he (tell) the truth to his parents.

4. You(wait) a minute while I (look) through the test ?

5. After the party tonight I (speak) to you about your future job.

6. I hear you’ve bought a new house.- yes. I (move) in next week.- you (have) warmming party?. – not just yet. I ( paint) the house first.

7. Don’t make too much noise. I (try) to do this math question.

8. I’m just going out ( get) an evening newspaper

9. at the moment we (sit) in a café, we 9 wait) for the museum to open,so I (write) some postcards.

10. miss Hellen (help) as soon as she (finish) that letter.

11. you ( go ) abroad for your holiday? – well, I (get) a holiday job.

12. – you ( remember) to lock the door? – Oh, my God! I (forget).

13. did you remember ( book) seat ? – Oh, no I (forget)…I (telephone) for them now.

14. I (not,want) to meet Paul so when he went into the room. I ( leave).

15. you (like) this necklace? I (give) it to my sister for her birthday tomorrow.

16. He (live) in London for two years and then (go) to Edinburgh, now he (live) in Manchester.

17. you(know) why an apple (fall) down and not up?

18. I ( have) a cold. Yesterday I (feel) terrible, but I’m feeling better today.

19. if she ( try) her best, she ( get) high marks this exam.

20. we ( not, write) him since last week.