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I’m sure you already use at least one social media platform such as Facebook, Google Pus, Zalo,… Do you find it more advantageous or more disadvantageous? Let’s take a look at some pros and cons of social networking.

On one hand, social networks bring about lots of advantages. First and for most, they are the fastest nad most convenient way people communicate nowadays. People no longer need to write or send letter and wait for a long time before receiving the responses. They just need a smartphone, a tablet or a laptop that is connected to Internet to talk face to face with the others even when they live far from each other. Another huge advantage of social networks is that they are a way to spread beautiful messages. For example, when there is someone meeting difficulties, people can post the information on facebook or zalo to raise fund. Thanks to social platforms, there are many disable are helped and many people living in poverty can be supported. Besides, social networks help the firms and corporations advertise their products and buy them online, which raise their revenue dramatically. Students use social platform to share study tips and help each other in learning.

On the other hands, social media has several drawbacks. The most negative effect is that people, especially young people, get addicted to social networking. They spend even more than 4 hours a day to check their social network, which waste an amount of their time. Nowadays, you can easily see the young people on the streets staring at their smartphone to use facebook or viber or snapchat,… Furthermore, even primary children now use facebook, which affect badly on their awareness. Another problem concerning with social media is the invasion of privacy. When you log in, you must provide your private information. Although the social network owners commit not to reveal your profile but the hackers can take it from them any when they can. Furthermore, some people use social networks for bad purpose such as offense some one or spread wrong information.

In conclusion, social network is beneficial when you make use of it.  I suggest that you take responsibility for what you do and protect your privacy. Be careful with what you post and treat others as if you were in a face-to-face situatio