Học tại trường Chưa có thông tin
Đến từ Chưa có thông tin , Chưa có thông tin
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Hải Yến

Chủ đề:


Câu hỏi:

1.       Michael ____ a word with Lisa this morning.

          a. has                           b. had                        c. has had                    d. had had

2.       Old Ted____ twenty cigarettes a day till he gave up.

          a. had smoked             b. has smoked           c. smoked                    d. smokes

3.       Stephen____ on the phone when I came in.

          a. talked                      b. was talking            c. has talked                d. has been talking

4.       I____ TV at 8L30 last night.

          a. watched                   b. was watching        c. has watched            d. had watched

5.       While I was working in the garden, my son____ video games.

          a. was playing             b. played                   c. has played               d. has been playing

6.       When he worked here, simon____ mistakes.

          a. always made           b. made always         c. was always making d. was making always

7.       I____ if you could give me hand

          a. wonder                    b. am wondering       c. wondered                d. was wondering

8.       I____ four chairs so far this morning.

          a. painted                    b. was painting          c. have panted             d. had painted

9.       Frank____ home since he was a boy.

          a. isn't                          b. wasn't                    c. hasn't been               d. hadn't been

10.     Mai____ in HCM for five years.

          a. lives                         b. has lived                c. is living                    d. was living

11.     We____ "Alexander the Great". It's very interesting!

          a. see                           b. saw                        c. have seen                 d. would see

12.     I've lived here________ 1990.

          a. since                        b. from                      c. to                             d. for

13.     Paulo has learned English________ five years.

          a. since                        b. from                      c. to                             d. for

14.     My little sister________ "sleeping beauty" several times.

          a. watches                   b. is watching            c. has watched            d. watched

15.     since the appearance of karaoke machines, they________

          a. had been widely used                                b. have been widely used

          c. were widely used                                      d. widely used

16.     She has been studying engineering________

          a. since 5 years            b. for 5 years             c. 5 years before          d. during 5 years.

17.     In 1996, my brother________ at Harvard university.

          a. studies                     b. is studying            c. studied                    d. had studied

18.     Are you learning your lesson? No, I________ it.

          a. finished                   b. have finished         c. finishing                  d. have finished'

19.     Elvis Presley________ on television for a long time.

          a. isn't appearing         b. hasn't appeared     c. won't have appeared    d. hadn't appeared

20.     We________ waiting for her half a hour before she came.

          a. have been                b. will be                   c. will have been         d. had been 

Hải Yến

Chủ đề:


Câu hỏi:

Exercise 5

1.       Hurry up or the train________ before you ca catch it.

          a. will leave                 b. leaves                    c. will have left           d. has left

2.       Now my sister________ a bicycle of her own.

          a. is having                  b. are having             c. has                           d. had

3.       A football team________ chiefly of 12 players.

          a. composed                b. composes               c. comprised                d. comprises

4.       This is the first time I ________ here.

          a. am                            b. have been              c. was                          d. be

5.       Last week, my professor promised that he________ today.

          a. would come             b. will come              c. comes                      d. coming

6.       My girls friend arrived after I ________ for her about half an hour.

          a. was waiting             b. had been waiting   c. has been waiting         d. have waited

7.       Did she say she________ him tomorrow?

          a. has visited               b. will visit                c. would visit               d. is going to visit

8.       ________ to rain before you woke up this morning?

          a. Did it begin             b. has it begun           c. Had it begun            d. Would it begin

9.       My daughter saw an elephant this morning but she________ one before.

          a. had never seen         b. has never seen       c. never seen               d. never had seen

10.     I________ in Da Nang before I moved to Dong Nai.

          a. have been living       b. have lived            c. had lived                  d. had been living

11.     There are many ways________ to Rome.

          a. is leading                 b. are leading            c. leading                     d. led

12.     When we got home, dinner____ so we had a drink first.

          a. was preparing                                            b. was being prepared

          c. was prepared                                             d. had been prepared

13.     She was tired. She____ for a long time.

          a. has been learning     b. had been learning        c. leaned                d. was learning

14.     He ____ in space for 10 days by tomorrow.

          a. will travel                b. will be traveling    c. will have been traveling d. has traveled

15.     He said he would visit me, but he____ me yet.

          a. has not visited         b. had not visited      c. is not visiting           d. does not visit

16.     The weather____ fine so far this week.

          a. is                              b. has been                c. was                          d. had been

17.     Before the prime Minister leaves New Your he____ several talks.

          a. will have had           b. would have            c. will be having          d. has

18.     We had just got out of car when it ____ to set fire.

          a. has begun                b. had begun              c. was beginning         d. began

19.     As soon as he____ a certificate in English, he will apply for a job.

          a. would get                b. got                         c. gets                          d. will get

20.     He was told that he____ knocked out in the first round.

            a. had been      b. was  c. has been       d. was being