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Khinh Yên

I/ Choose the suitable words or phrases:

1. Cool the burns immediately so as to _ tissue damage. (ease / relieve / minimize / maximize)

2. The lane is __ Nguyen Trai Street and Tran Hung Dao street. (near / between / beside / on)

3. __ you post this letter for me, please? ( Will / Do / Are / Won’t)

4. People use the first aid __ ease the victim’s pain and anxiety.( so that/ in order to /so as not to/ in order that)

5. __ is used to check one’s eyesight. ( Eye-shade / Eyeglass / Eyepiece / Eye chart)

6. Milk __ to the houses by the milkman very day. (brings / is bring / is brought / has brought)

7. We were delighted__ your letter last week. ( getting / to get / get / got)

8. Milk bottles can be __ after being clean. ( recycled / thrown away / broken / reused)

9. This project __ next month. ( is carried out / will carry out  / carries out / will be carry out)

10. It’s dangerous __ in this river. ( swim / to swim / swimming / swam)

11. we are looking forward to __ you in June. ( seeing / see / saw / be seen)

12. I’m looking forward __ seeing you in June.              (in / with / to / on)

13. Could I help you __ your luggage.                            (with / of / on / to)

14. Would you mind sitting __ the front seat the taxi?    (on / at / during / in)

15. Ha Long Bay is recognized __ UNESCO as a World Heritage Site. ( of / by / to / for)

16. John is interested __ the history of Viet Nam.           ( in / with / to / on)

17. She is thinking __ importing flowers from Viet Nam.         ( on / around / to / off)

18. I can see a boy __ a water buffalo.                   ( ride / riding / to ride / rode)

19. It’s __ to travel around Viet Nam.                   ( interested / interesting / interestedly / interestingly)

20. Would you mind __ the window?                  ( to close / closing / closed / close)

21. This is the first time Shannon __ rice paddies. ( is seeing / saw / see / has seen)

22. I promised __ late.             ( not being / not to be / to not be  /  not be)

23. She asked me __ a driving licence. (if I have/ whether I have / if I had /  whether I have had )

24. The pyramid of Cheops is one of the seven __ of the world. ( Pyramid  / temples / landmarks /  wonders )

25. The only surviving wonder on Antipater’s list is __  ( The great Wall of China / The statue of Zues / The Pyramid of Cheops / Angkor Wat)

26. Angkor Wat was originally built for __. ( Hindus / Buddhists/ kings/ the citizens of Phnom Penh )

. Put the words in the correct order to have complete sentences Use the verbs in their appropriate infinitive or –ing forms.

Example: manager/see/ now/ want/ I / the. -> I want to see the manager now.

1.     Children/ buy/ often/ comics and sweet/ want/ their parents/ them.

==> Children often  want  their parents to buy  comics and sweet for them.

2.     their patients/ high in fats/ eat/ Many doctors/ avoid/ advise/ food.

==> .....................................................................................................................

3.     stay/ like/ home/don’t/ all / weekend/ I

==> .....................................................................................................................

4.     exercise/ experts/remind/ once/ us/ day/ to Health/ regularly/ every

==> .....................................................................................................................

5.     The/ parking attendant/ for free/ didn’t/ allow/ the/ park/ woman.

==> ..............................................................................................................

6.     brothers/ together/ to live/ We/ lear/must/ as ( Martin Luther King).

==> ...............................................................................................................

7.     children/ spend/ time/ I’d like / with/ the/ more/ homeless.

==> .....................................................................................................................

8.     We/ get up/ for/ don’t/ than/ earlier/ usual/ work/ mind.

==> ......................................................................................................................

9.     mountainous/ new/ I /areas/ decided/ branches/ in/open.

==> ...................................................................................................................

10.            Why/ suggestions/ don’t /instead of / make/ some/ complain/ you?

==> ................................................................................................................

11.            It’s/ careful/ plans/ necessary/ make.

==> ...............................................................................................................

12.            summer/ I’d/ go/ this/ like.

==> ................................................................................................................

13.            my leg/ I /craw up/ can/ something/feel.

==> ...................................................................................................................

14.            be/seem/good/He/ preferred/than/ good

==> ................................................................................................................

15.            English/ studies/ better/ have/a/ She/ job/chance/ of get/ good/ a.

==> .....................................................................................................................