Học tại trường Chưa có thông tin
Đến từ Bình Phước , Chưa có thông tin
Số lượng câu hỏi 11
Số lượng câu trả lời 31
Điểm GP 1
Điểm SP 9

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Chủ đề:

Luyện tập tổng hợp

Câu hỏi:


Choose the correct form of verbs (will or be going to) to fill in the blanks.

1. A: Why are you holding a piece of paper?
B: I (write) ............................ a letter to my friends back home in Texas.

A. am going to write

B. will write

2. A: I'm about to fall asleep. I need to wake up!
B: I (get) ..............you a cup of coffee. That will wake you up.

A. am going to get

will get

3. A: I can't hear the television!
B: I (turn) ..............it up so you can hear it.

A. are going to turn

B. will turn

4. We are so excited about our trip next month to France. We (visit) ..............Paris, Nice and Grenoble.

A. are going to visit

B. will visit

5. Ted: It is so hot in here!
Sarah: I (turn) ..............the air-conditioner on.

A. are going to turn

B. will turn

6. I think he (be) ..............the next President of the United States.

A. going to be

B. will be

7. After I graduate, I (attend) ..............medical school and become a doctor. I have wanted to be
a doctor all my life.

A. am going to attend

B. will attend

8. John: Wow, it's freezing out there.
Jane: I (make) ..............some coffee to warm us up. Do you want a piece of pie as well?
John: Coffee sounds great! But I (have) ..............dinner with some friends later, so I'd better skip the pie
Jane: I (go) .............. to dinner tonight too, but I'm having a piece of pie anyway.

A. will make – am going to have – am going

B. will make – will have – will go

Chủ đề:

Luyện tập tổng hợp

Câu hỏi:

IV/ Put the verbs in brackets in the past simple or the past continuous tense.

1/ He (sit) __________ in a bar when I (see) __________ him.

2/ When I (go) __________ out, the sun (shine) __________.

3/ The light (go) __________ out while I (have) __________ tea.

4/ When it (rain) __________ , she(carry) __________ an umbrella.

5/ We (walk) __________ to the station when it (begin) __________ to rain.

6/ He (teach) _______ English for 2 months when he (live)______ in Germany and (study) _______ as a journalist

7/ The house (burn) ________ fast, so we (break) ________ the window to get out.

8/ He (eat) __________ three sandwiches while you (talk) __________ to him.

9/ The servant (drop) _______ two cups while she (wash up) ______ last night; neither of them (break)_______

10/ While he (write) __________ a letter, the telephone (ring) ­­­__________; as he (go) __________ to answer it, he (hear) __________ a knock on the door; the telephone (still, ring) __________ while he (walk) __________ to the door, but just as he (open) __________ it, it (stop) __________.

11/ We ___________________________ (play) volleyball with Mary, when you ___________________________(call) me.

12/ When the teacher ___________________________(come) in, they ___________________________ (study) English.

13/ The baby ___________________________ (sleep) when the telephone ___________________________(ring)

14/ As I ___________________________ (walk) in the streets of Holland, I ___________________________ (meet) an old friend of mine.

15/ I ___________________________ (lose) my car keys.

16/ I was looking for my purse when I ___________________________ (drop) my credit card.

17/ My uncle ___________________________ (take) me to the airport yesterday.

18/ She ___________________________ (dance) when she hurt her ankle.

19/ It ___________________________ (rain) heavily when I got up.

20. I ___________________________ (see) the thief while he ___________________________ (get) into my neigh


Chủ đề:

Luyện tập tổng hợp

Câu hỏi:

III/ Simple past & present perfect


1. I _____________________ (move) to Seattle in January. I _____________________ (live) here for 3 months now. I _____________________ (live) in Canada from 1978 to 1980.

2. My friend ______________ (live) in Seattle since 1990.

3. My teacher in my country was British. I _________________ (study) with her for 1 year.

4. Now my teacher is American. I _________________ (study) with her since the beginning of the quarter.

5. My father __________________ (work) hard all of his life. (he is dead.)

6. My father __________________ (work) hard all of his life. (He is alive.)

7. My friend works at Microsoft now, but before that, she ____________________ (have) a job with Boeing.

8. Since January, I _________________ (have) a great job. I feel very lucky.

9. My parents ____________________ (like) my girlfriend since they met her.

10.Last night, I _______________________________ (talk) to my friend.She___________ (have) great news. She’s getting married soon. But she ___________________ (tell/not) her parents yet.They __________________________________ (be) angry at her for two weeks because she ____________________________________ (borrow) their car and________________ (have) an accident two weeks ago

11.Last week, I _____________ (meet) my friend at a Restaurant. We _____________ (have) many things to talk about. He is married now. He __________________ (be) married for 2 years. Since 1990, he _______________ (work) for a travel agency. He ____________ (travel)around the world two times and he is going to go again next year. I _____________ (meet/never) his wife. He___________________ (say) she likes to travel, too.