Học tại trường Chưa có thông tin
Đến từ Hà Nội , Chưa có thông tin
Số lượng câu hỏi 28
Số lượng câu trả lời 8
Điểm GP 0
Điểm SP 1

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minh tran

V.   Choose the best answer a, b, c or d to complete the sentence.

1.   Studies show that having good conflict               skills is associated with various positive outcomes.

      a. resolutional              b.resolving                   c.resolve                      d. resolution

2.   For most of us, however, positive thinking and               can be learned.

      a. self-awareness         b.self-abuse                 c.self-access                d.self-analysis

3.   He asked her to marry him but she                       .

      a. carry him out           b.turned him down     c. took him out            d. let him in

4.   The cost                 living in Singapore is higher than any countries in South East Asia.

      a. for                            b.on                             c.of                              d. in

5.   I met James in a restaurant on Friday and he said that he had seen Caroline there         .

      a. the day before         b.this day                    c.today                        d. that day

16. Jane said that she              come and look after the children the following day.

      a. can                           b.will                           c.could                        d. should

7.   The weather was               in England than in Spain last week.

      a. most warmer            b.by far warmer           c.more warmer            d. much warmer

8.                     all our efforts to save the school, the authorities decided to close it.

      a. Since                        b.Despite                     c.Although                  d. Because

9.   He still doesn’t know                    his budget when living alone in the city.

      a. when to manage      b. how to manage        c. where to manage     d. what to manage

10. A: “I really don’t like shopping around the holidays.”

      B: “            . It’s always so busy.”

      a. I couldn’t agree with you more.                  b. I like it.

      c. I don’t like it.                                              d. No, it’s not that.

minh tran

I. Choose the best answer a, b, c or d to complete the sentence.

1.   Every time I fly to the United States, I get really bad                       .

      a. asthma                    b. jet lag                     c. confusion              d. recreation

2.   Leave the ironing                                   - I’ll do it later.

      a. for the time being b. from time to time c. in any time            d. in the nick of time

3.   These factors contribute                                   making city life more difficult for its residents.

      a. in                             b.with                         c.to                              d. on

4.   Tower blocks from the 60s and 70s could be                        after Grenfell Tower fire.

      a. got down                b.let down                  c.turned down           d. pulled down

5.   The trip to the National Gallery has been      until next Friday.

      a. put off                    b.looked into             c. turned up               d. found out

6.   The street food in Hoi An is delicious and                .

      a. available                b.fabulous                 c.affordable               d. fascinating

7.   “Thanks for giving me a ride to work today.”

      “                I was heading this direction anyway.”

      a. You don’t need to.   b. Yes, thanks.      c. No worries.            d. I’d love to.

8.   “                ?” “Everything is fine. How about you?”

      a. How old are you?                                     b. How’s it going?

      c. What’s your life?                                     d- What’s the matter?

9.   Life in Ho Chi Minh City is                  than we thought at first.

      a. far the busier         b. the more busier    c. much more busy   d. much busier

10. Of the cities we surveyed, Singapore was      the worst rated by its residents for culture.

      a. a bit                        b. a lot                        c. much                      d. by far

minh tran

Question 15: Our new coach is popular ___________the whole team.

A. for                                      B. to                                        C. by                                       D. with

Question 16: Don’t go too fast! I can’t _____up with you.   

A. keep                                    B. go                                       C. walk                                    D. run

Question 17: I have no idea where ___________.

A.  has she got that information                     B. she got that information

C. did she get that information                       D. that information has she got

Question 18: That’s___________ story I have ever heard.

A. a ridiculous    B. the ridiculous      C. the more ridiculous             D. the most ridiculous

Question 19: We bought some ___________.

A. German lovely old glasses                         B. German old lovely glasses

C. lovely old German glasses                          D. old lovely German glasses

Question 20: ___________non-verbal language is___________ important aspect of interpersonal communication.   

A. The - a                    B. ø – an                      C. A – the                   D. The - ø