Học tại trường Chưa có thông tin
Đến từ Chưa có thông tin , Chưa có thông tin
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1. It was a nice day, __________ we decided to go out for a walk.

A. because             B. so                C. or                D. but

2. _____ she was hard working, she hardly earned enough to support her family.

A. In spite of         B. Because      C. Although                D. As

3. Many years ago the villagers had to work hard in the fields all day ________ their lives were still hard.

A. and                   B. or                C. because                  D. but

4. By cutting ________ the trees, people destroy the ecosystem of the rain forest.

A. on                     B. down          C. up                            D. off

5. Our environment is being destroyed by people’s ________ behaviors now.

A. worst                B. bad             C. badly                       D. worse

6. We ____________ our environment and keep it healthy and clean.

A. should protect             B. should be protected          C. should protected   D. should be protect

7. Doctors ________ that air pollution causes lung cancer.

A. proved             B. has proved             C. have been proved             D. have proved

8. If we __________ enough time, we’ll study this exercise more carefully.

A. has                    B. have            C. had              D. will have

9. I must go now, I’ve kept you _________ your dinner too long.

A. in                       B. out              C. with             D. from

10. He said that he __________ New York the previous year.

A. has visited        B. had visited             C. visiting        D. had been visited

11. Most couples feel they are ________ on air on their wedding day.

A. talking              B. breathing               C. walking       D. staying

12. Every day my brother spends an hour __________ English.

A. to study            B. study                      C. studying                 D. studies

13. They didn’t ___________ me take any photographs during the visit to their factory.

A. allow                 B. make           C. forbid                     D. let

14. I’m bored with ________ the same work every day.

A. to do                 B. doing          C. do                            D. have to do

15. ____________ English is interesting but not easy at all.

A. Learn                B. Learning    C. Practice                  D. Listening