Học tại trường Chưa có thông tin
Đến từ Chưa có thông tin , Chưa có thông tin
Số lượng câu hỏi 4
Số lượng câu trả lời 3
Điểm GP 0
Điểm SP 0

Người theo dõi (0)

Đang theo dõi (0)

hoho Ho

Chủ đề:

Luyện tập tổng hợp

Câu hỏi:

Task 6. Give the correct form of verbs.

1.They ________________ in London since 1980 . (live)

2.She ______________________ here for two years.  (work)

3.John ___________________ this job ?  (do)

4.They ___________________in Hanoi from 1970 to 1999 ( not live)

5.You _______________ your book on my desk last night  ? (put)

6.He _________________ English at this school now.  (study)

7.Our present teacher likes ________________ in this city .    (live)

8.Nobody lives in those houses. They ___________________ empty for many years (be)

9.Cindy is in her office. She _____________ (work) until 7 o'clock.

10. My sister _______________ to see my last night (come)

Task 7 .Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verb with conditional sentence - type 1.
1. We (do) _______________________ this for you if you want.
2. If we (need) _______________________ some help, we will ask.
3. If Peter stays with his grandparents, Susan (not be) ____________ happy.
4. If we win the money, we (buy) _______________________ a new house.
5. She (not write) _______________________ to you if she leaves.
6. We (go) _______________________ on holiday if there is time.

7. If we_________________(plant) more trees, the air__________________(be) fresher.

8. If the soil___________________(be) polluted, thevegetables_____________________(die).

9. Unless he____________________(call) me, I_____________________(stay) at home.

10. The weather is not very good. It might____________________(rain) this afternoon.

11. If a student_______________(recycle) the papers, he________________(save) energy.

12. I_________________________(not clean) my room for a long time.

Task 8. Make questions for underlined words.

1. They are planting the trees in the garden.->................................................................................ .....

2. She will visit  Ha Noi  next week.

->........................................................................... ......... ......... ......... ......

3. She often watshes TV at 6. 45  p.m in the evening. >.................................................................................

4. We go to school everyday.    ->......................................................................................................................

5. Tom and Mai are reading a book.         

-> ................................................................................. ......... ......... .......

6. All the buildings in London are old.

 -> .....................................................................................................

7. It is very cold in Sweden in the winter.


8. My father was in Ha Noi last month. 


9. She went to the doctor because she was sick.

-> ........................................................................................

10. Nam left home at 7 o'clock yesterday. ->..................................................................................................     

11. My future house will be on the ocean.->.....................................................................................

12. She goes to the fitness center three times a week. ->.....................................................................................

13. They joined the environment project last Sunday. ->.....................................................................................

14.Our class has Geography on Monday. >....................................................................................

15.We will travel to the moon by a super car. >....................................................................................

Mọi người làm nhanh giúp mình vơi, mình cần gấp !

hoho Ho

Chủ đề:

Luyện tập tổng hợp

Câu hỏi:

Task 5. Give the correct form of verbs.

1. I ( be ) __________  hungry. I want ( eat ) __________  something.

2. Where she ( be ) __________  from ? - She ( be ) __________  from Viet Nam.

3. The Earth ( go ) __________  around the sun. Now,the sun ( shine ) __________ .

4. __________  ( Mary / go ) camping next Sunday ? - Yes.

5. There ( be ) __________  a little rice in the kitchen.

6. You must ( learn ) __________  harder.

7. She would like ( drink ) __________ a cup of coffee.

8. __________  ( you / write ) a letter at present?

9. My father ( not drink ) ...............................beer very often.

10.. They ( buy ) .................................a new car two months  ago.

11. Nam ( help ) ...............................his father repair the radio at this time.

12. I ( be ) .....................busy last night, so I ( miss ) ..........................a good film on TV.

13. She ( need ) ...................to send a postcards yesterday.

14. The girls like ( talk ) .................together at recess.

15. We ( phone ) .........................Mum and Dad last week but we ( not see ) ................them.

16. My best friend ( come ) .........................to visit me next Sunday.

17. He  ………………. (go) to school on foot yesterday.

18.             .It ……………….(rain) very hard now.

19.               The sun ……………….(warm) the air and ……………….(give) us light.

20.               Look! A man ……………….(run) after the train

21.             She ……………….(go) to school everyday

22.             .They  ……………….(never / work) hard before.

23               .Let's ………….(meet) him on the corner of this street.

24. Where ……… You ……..(go) now? – I ………….(go) to the theater.

25..He ……………….(not do) morning exercises regularly.

26. …… he ………….(do) morning exercises now?

27. If it (be) ...................... nice tomorrow, we (go) ...................................... on a picnic.

28 . ...................... you ever (see) ........................ a real robot ?

29. Nam  often ( watch)  ………………………………. in the evening..

30. ……………………you ever (see) ……………………a real robot at work ? – No,  never

31.  If it  is nice tomorrow., we ( go) …………………………… on a picnic.

32.  They might not ( have) …………………………… a meeting next week

33 . Thomas (work) …………………………in this factory since 2006

34. If we ( not economise)…………………….on electricity there will be power cuts.

35. Look at the sky!. It (rain) ……………………………………….

mọi người làm nhanh giúp mình nhé . Mình đang cần gấp !


hoho Ho

Chủ đề:

Luyện tập tổng hợp

Câu hỏi:

Task 4. Choose the best answer:

1. I ……………to Singapore three times. (A. have gone/ B. have been/ C. went/ D. visited)

2. My brother can’t swim…………he’s afraid of water. (A. because/ B. but/ C. and/D. so)

3. “I’ve just received a scholarship.” – “………………….”

 (A. Really/B. Thank you   /C. Congratulations/ D. Well)

4. We will have a ………to look after the children. (A. dishwasher/B. television / C. robot / D. computer)

5. Many girls and women ………………aerobics to keep fit. (A. play/ B. do/ C. go/ D. doing)

6. We might study (A. on / B. in / C. at ) computers at home.

7.  We might go on holiday (A. in/B.  from/ C. to) the moon.

8. We might have a (A. wire/ B. wireless/ C. wiring) TV so we can watch TV programmes from space.    

9.The weather in Da Nang city is (A. hot/ B. noisy/ C. delicious).   

10. Ho Chi Minh is the (A. larger/ B. large/C.  largest) city in Viet Nam.   

11. Hoa has never (A. been/ B. is/ C. was) to London .    

12. Walking to school will help ………air pollution. (A. reduce/ B. reuse/ C. recycle/ D. refill)

13. My sister ……… home for school yet

(A. didn’t leave /B. hasn’t left  /C. don’t leave/ D. isn’t leaving

14. Amsterdam is one of the ……… cities in the world.

(A. peacefulest  / B. peacefuler / C. most peaceful /D. more peaceful)

15 . If we cut down more trees in the forests, there (a. are/ b. were / c. will be) more floods.

16. That is (a. the borest/ b.  the most boring/ c. the most bored) film I’ve ever seen.

17. A robot can do (a. much/ b. many/ c. little) different things.

18. It’s getting light. Shall I turn (a. off/ b. on/ c. up) the light to save electricity ?

19. The opposite of “modern” is (a. new/ b. good/ c. historic).

20. My father ( a. has visited/ b. visits/ c. visited) Ha Noi capital many times.

Mọi ngươi làm nhanh giúp mình với , mình cần gấp

hoho Ho

Chủ đề:

Luyện tập tổng hợp

Câu hỏi:

Task 3. Choose the best item among A, B, C or D to complete the sentences:

1. _________ is a kind of film making people laugh.

A. documentary               B. cartoon                           C. music                              D. comedy

2. Do you want to check the _________ ?

A. remote control            B. TV schedule                  C. newspaper                     D. volume button

3. I have a lot of homework,  _________ I can't go out with you.

A. because                        B. and                                  C. but                                   D. so

4. _________ Tom and Jerry is rather funny, she doesn't like watching that film.

A. and                               B. but                                  C. because                          D. although

5. ___________ hours a day do you watch television?

A. How many                   B. How much                     C. When                              D. How often

6. ___________ is her favorite telecision MC?

A. When                           B. Who                                C. What                               D. Where

7. ___________ do you go to Hanoi? – By car.

A. How many                   B. How much                     C. How                                D. How often

8.VTV1is a ___________ television channel in Viet Nam.

A. local                             B. international                 C. national                          D. multi-  national

9. The news programme attracts millions of  __________ at 7 p.m.

A. newsreaders                B. weatherman                   C. MC                                  D. viewers

10. I want to watch the cartoon _________ it is funny and simple.

A. but                                B. so                                    C. although                         D. because

11. They  ______  badminton next week.

A. will play             B. to play                   C. playing                  D. plays

12. Duyen ______ with us to the museum next weekend.

A. won’t go                         B. dosen’t will go     C. won’t goes            D. not will go

13. “______will clean the classroom tomorrow ?” – “ Tu and Manh”.

A. What                               B. Who                       C. When                     D. Where

14. I ______a birthday party on Tuesday, November, 10th.

A. will having                     B. having                   C. am having             D. be having

15. We will ______our old friends next Sunday.

A. meet                                B. to meet                  C. meeting                 D. will meet

16. ______is your telephone number?

A.what                                 B. when                      C. which                     D. how

17. Her birthday is  _______Sun day, april 20th

A.on                            B. at                            C. in                            D.of

18. ______you have a test tomorrow morning?

A. will                                    B. do                           C. are                          D.is

19. Will he be free? - ______

A. No,he isn't                        B. No,he doesn't       C. No, he won't         D. No,he be not

20. Mai ______ badminton in her free time.

A.plays                                   B.  playing                 C. play                        D.is playing

21. she will ______ happy.

A. be                                       B. is                            C. are                          D. am

22. My family often______  for picnic on the weekend.

A.goes                                    B. go                           C. are going  D. is going

23. The children______ camping next week.

A. will  go                              B. is  going                 C. go                           D. goes

24. If we __________ waste paper, we will save a lot of trees.
A. Repeat                             B. Recycle                C. Rewrite                  D. Remark
25. You can save money while shopping by only buying __________ you need.
A. What                               B. This                       C.It                             D. That

26. What can we do __________ air pollution?
A. Reduce                             B. To reduce              C. Reducing D.To reducing
27. Why do you often forget to __________ the lights when you go out of the classroom?
A. Turn on                            B. Turn off                 C. Close                    D. Shut down
28. If we plant more trees in the schoolyard, the school will become a__________ place.
A. Darker                             B. clearner                  C. Dirtier                  D. More polluted
29. Do you think we should put a __________ bin in every classroom in order to
keep it clean?
A. Reusable                         B. Recycled              C. Recycling             D. Recyclable
30. My brother and I will give last year’s clothes to __________ instead of throwing  them away.
A. Shop                                B. People                   C. Charity                    D. Survey
31. Next week our class is having a discussion about finding __________ ways to reuse old items before throwing them away.
A. Interested                                   B. Surprising            C. Useless                   D. Creative
32. It is a good idea to __________ our clothes with our friends or cousins.
A. Change                                        B. Swap                      C. Turn                       D. Send
33. If people turn off all electric appliances in one hour all over the world, they can save a lots of __________ .
A. Electric                                       B. Electrical              C. Electrician            D. electricity
34. You should put the food in a reusable box __________ plastic bags.
A. By                                                B. Instead of              C.Because of             D.Without
35. If we use __________ paper, we will save a lot of trees.
A. Fewer                              B. Less                      C. More                      D.Much
36. Don’t throw rubbish into the river because you will make it __________.
A. Greener                           B. Dirty                      C. Cleaner                  D. Fresher
37. If there is a rubbish bin in every class, the classroom will become______
A. Harmful                          B. Lighter                   C. Dirtier                    D. Cleaner
38. If we all use__________ bags, we will help the environment.
A. New                                 B. Cheap                    C. Reusable               D. Reduced
39. This newspaper is made of __________ paper.
A. Recycle                           B. Recycled               C. Old                         D. Waste
40. Please collect all the recyclable materials, and take them to the __________ factory.
A. Recycle                           B. Recycled               C. Recyclable            D. Recycling
41. Reduce, reuse, recycle is said to encourage people to waste less, by using
less and using things again, in order to __________ the environment.
A. Harm                               B. Damage                 C. Pollute                   D. Protect
42. These three Rs __________ reduce, reuse and recycle.
A. Stand up                         B. Stand for               C. Ask for                  D. Means
43. If you have old clothes, will you give them to those __________?
A. Needs                              B. To need                 C.For needing           D.In need.

44.        It’s very …………… to swim there. The water is healthy polluted

A.                    safe                            B. unsafe                                  C. unpopular                  D. exciting

 45.  Many girls and women …… aerobics to keep fit.

         A. play                              B. go                                 C. do                   D.have

Mọi người trả lời nhanh giúp mình nhé mình cần gấp !!!