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Hồ Ngân

Chủ đề:

Luyện tập tổng hợp

Câu hỏi:

I. Match the two parts of each sentence and make them into one complete conditional sentence type 1. You can put if at the beginning or in the middle of the sentence



1. If Earth gets warmer

2. Things will change for the better

3. If people fly less

4. air pollution become worse in the city

5. we will regret in the future

6. there will be less water pollution

a.we have more cars

b. if the factory treats its waste well

c.the sea level will rise

d.carbon emissios will be reduced

e. if we take action immediately

f. if we use too much enrergy now

II. Give the correct form of these verbs (Using conditional sentence type 1 or 2)

1.If you (come)……..…. here in Sping, You will have a chance to go to the village fair.

2. Your work wouldn’t be sucessful if you ( not try)………………………. hard.

3. If Hoa ( finish)…………. ……the dress before Saturday, she’ll give it to you.

4. The child will die if nobody (send)……… …………him for a doctor.

5. If you (go)…………………. away, please write to me.

6. If he ( do) ……………….his homework, he wouldn’t worried about his examination.

8. If she (not be)………………… busy, she could come to the party.

9. If I finished my homework in time, I (go)…………………. to the soccer game.

10. If I were you, I (not go)…………… ………there.

11. If he started earlier, he (be)………………………..........in time.

12. If it (not rain)……………………… ,I will go to the movies.

13. If it (not rain)………………………, I would go to the movies.

14. What would you do if you ( be)……………………………. rich?

15. Where will she go if she ( have)………………………….a car?

16. If I see him , I (give)………… ……………….him a gift.

17. If I ( have)….. …………………….his telephone number, I would give it to you.

18. If he ( not study)…………. ………..hard, he’d fail the final examination.

19. He would get fat if he (stop)……………………………smoking

20. If I (be) ……………….. you, I (accept) ………………….that job

III. Write a conditional sentence type 2

1. People throw rubbish in the street. The street doesn’t look attactive.

-> . If people don’t throw rubbish in the street, it ………………………………...


2. There are so many billboards in our city . People can enjoy the view.

-> ……………………………………………………………………………………

3. There is so much light in the city at night, we can not see the stars clearly.


4. we turn on the heater all the time. We have to pay three million dong for electricity a month.


5. The karaoke bar makes so much noise almost every night. The residents complete to its owner.


6. She has a headache after work every day. She works in a noisy office.
