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Quang Duy

Câu trả lời:

Like other traditions, patriotism is a special feature of our country's longstanding culture and it is reflected in the past and into every action and thought of every human being. Since ancient times, patriotic spirits have been most prominent in heroic heroes such as Trung, Trieu, Tran Hung Dao, etc. But it was in the war. Now - peacetime - the modernization period with the machines, tools are increasingly useful, practical. Society is moving forward, things have changed a lot, only the patriotic love of each individual is not faded. In the life of ideas, employment helps to develop the economy of the country in part is the patriotic spirit. From farmer feet muddy hands are still as skilful as the day of making rice seeds, rice seeds for agriculture, personal life. Or physicians who are dedicated to helping patients, it is also a gesture of kindness, love of one kind, more broadly that is the patriotism. Politicians, scholars, their achievements are also out of patriotism. Even small acts are part of the contribution to that noble thought. The consciousness of every human being is most clearly revealed. Do not throw litter indiscriminately, keep the environment clean and beautiful green, take care of fresh plants to fresh air atmosphere. It is a beautiful gesture by the patriotism from patriotism. From old people to young children are taught each other to understand and follow that virtue. The passion of patriotism is expressed not by words but by actions that have benefited the country. Responding to movements such as anti-narcotics, propaganda to preserve the environment, avoid social evils, learn and follow Ho Chi Minh's moral example. Is not that patriotic spirit? Newspapers and television also raise the issue of contributing, devoting strength, wisdom to the society, supporting the poor. Programs to understand the country, history to understand, protect and promote the multi-dimensional cultural heritage of the country. All, all because of that beautiful ideal. Specifically, the soldiers outside the border, the island must sacrifice happiness, away from relatives to protect the country, to keep the air in peace. It was patriotism that urged them. That motivation is also the goal, the inspiration, the happiness for them when protected beloved river, preserve the patriotic spirit. Patriotism is to love all that is good, to love nature, to love the sky, to love the sky, to fly birds, to love the rivers of love or to love the fragile leaves .
After all, the patriotism comes from the will, the determination to strive to build the motherland, love and hope. The patriotic spirit includes many other loves: family love, homeland, human love. It is revealed at all times, every individual, anywhere that the people of Vietnam live, it will always be the germ, the bud of the patriotic spirit of Vietnam. And that would not be the ideal of the Vietnamese people but many other countries, that ideal always takes the lead.