Exercise 2. Re-order the sentences below to write a report about the discoveries and inventions that happened by accident.
1. William Perkins
In, / a chemistry student//attempting/1856 / to/create/artificial quinine/treat/was /, /he/ a/ color /an/ and/it/ was/malaria/ Mauve/ to/ named /discovered /called /new/ William Perkins.
2. Ninth-century Chinese alchemists
Ninth-century/trying /find/ by/ suddenly / /mixing /recipe /Chinese /saltpeter /,/sulfur /,/ and /charcoal // gunpowder / a / for / alchemists/ immortality/they /to / invented/were /.
3. Alexander Fleming
In/ discovered/ Scottish/ Sir Alexander/was/ 1928, / Scientist/ Staphylococcus /is/ bacteria/causes/food poisoning /which/ suddenly/ that/ Fleming /he/when/ Penicillin/ studying/ the.
4. Alfred Nobel
Swedish /was /silica /when /scientist /he /Alfred Nobel /with/mistake /nitroglycerin /invented /the mixing/ dynamite / by.
5. Issac Newton
- sitting / in / Newton / , / yard / when / his/he / apple / noticed / from /an / a tree / was / fall .
- he / When / wondering / the / why / apple / down / falls/ discovered/,/he /gravity/ was.
6. Christopher Columbus :
Christopher Columbus / When / west / Asia / he/,/America / /discovered /was / suddenly /to / sailing
7. Harry Coover
During/ Harry Coover /World /attempting/ to /clear plastic/ for/ super / gun sights /,/War/ make / II / glue / when/ he /was / invented /by accident.
8. Joseph John Thomson
Joseph/electric discharges/at/suddenly/ laboratory/ his /Thomson /when/ he/studying/discovered/the/was/John/electron.