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Đến từ Vĩnh Phúc , Chưa có thông tin
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Số lượng câu trả lời 88
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Người theo dõi (12)

Nguyễn Lê Na
Ngan Tran

Đang theo dõi (1)


Câu trả lời:

Music is a hobby too.

Firstly, I would like to say how I understand what hobby is. On my opinion, a hobby is something that you enjoy doing, something that brings relief of the daily grind and allows you to relax. So why not call music as a hobby? Many people turn to music as their form of release. That is why I love it. Music is among the most popular of all hobbies. There are several different ways to enjoy music as your hobby. Even if you can't play a single note, music is powerful enough to clean any limitations that you may place on yourself.

Some music fans find that playing an instrument is not so interesting, so they try to collect as many instruments as they could. Even if you don't play a particular instrument, having it in part of your collection is still outstanding. For example, how many people you know that have drums and never play it. Many of us know somebody like that. Drums could be used not only as a musical instrument, but also as a beautiful piece of décor

When you discover an artist or musician that you satisfies, it's clear that you want to collect all of their works. A music collection is a great hobby to have. Not only listening to music and enjoying it are the main focuses, but the collection itself is something that will continue to grow and thrive throughout the years.

All in all, I think Tilo Wolf, one of the greatest german musicians of all time, said it best, «If music can touch my soul, whether it is heavy or light - this is my music». I absolutely agree with him, because it doesn't matter what people think about your music, but it is important what thinks about it you. Furthermore, I can say that it's an universal hobby that brings out the best in all of us.

Câu trả lời:

Music is a hobby too.

Firstly, I would like to say how I understand what hobby is. On my opinion, a hobby is something that you enjoy doing, something that brings relief of the daily grind and allows you to relax. So why not call music as a hobby? Many people turn to music as their form of release. That is why I love it. Music is among the most popular of all hobbies. There are several different ways to enjoy music as your hobby. Even if you can't play a single note, music is powerful enough to clean any limitations that you may place on yourself.

Some music fans find that playing an instrument is not so interesting, so they try to collect as many instruments as they could. Even if you don't play a particular instrument, having it in part of your collection is still outstanding. For example, how many people you know that have drums and never play it. Many of us know somebody like that. Drums could be used not only as a musical instrument, but also as a beautiful piece of décor

When you discover an artist or musician that you satisfies, it's clear that you want to collect all of their works. A music collection is a great hobby to have. Not only listening to music and enjoying it are the main focuses, but the collection itself is something that will continue to grow and thrive throughout the years.

All in all, I think Tilo Wolf, one of the greatest german musicians of all time, said it best, «If music can touch my soul, whether it is heavy or light - this is my music». I absolutely agree with him, because it doesn't matter what people think about your music, but it is important what thinks about it you. Furthermore, I can say that it's an universal hobby that brings out the best in all of us.

Câu trả lời:

City is a place where life has become modern and comfortable and also mechanised. It is a huge habitation with brilliant life and life style to be seen everywhere.

For a correct assessment of city life we have to look at both the pros and cons of the city life, understand its advantages and disadvantages, and its merits and demerits.

People throng to a city basically for their employment i.e. for a means for a living or earning. This of course is absolutely necessary for all human beings and a city offers more avenues and has greater potential for jobs and there are more job opportunities. It is for this main reason that people come and crowd the cities.

This does pay as; the city has more to offer for people of all categories. This is not available in smaller places or villages. No matter what the talents and capacities of individuals, all of them get absorbed in cities as; it offers them all the power to sustain themselves.

Since every individual is busy looking for opportunities of livelihood there is bound to be in city a tough competition. Whether it is a competition for a job, for an examination or space or an office, or, as much as, even an area for begging, a city offers a very keen competition for all no matter what they follow.

This in turn results in the obvious tensions and hurry found in city life. In a city if we watch for some time, the impression we get is that, everyone is or at least seems to be running to his destination, lest someone else reaches there before.

There is besides the tensions of city life, a lot of glamour in most of them. This glamour also has its own attraction for the people rushing to cities. Life style becomes good as, there is a lot of money flowing in a city.

Just as job avenues are in plenty, the entertainment avenues are also in plenty. These avenues of entertainment and the light of glamour in cities have their charm and also their drawbacks.

The city children try to ape the scenes they see around full of glamour and priceless enjoyment. Seeing all this when most of them grow to be bereft of most of this, they feel left out and frustrated.

One most attractive point of city life is that here we find multifaceted avenues of education, which is completely lacking in small places. This gives the children a vast spectrum of choices of study to follow.

No matter what each child in a city is fond of doing, he/she is sure to find a place where his/her avenue of studies is taught. This is a great advantage to the children in cities, and this is exactly why, the city children are smarter and more exposed to the world, compared to their counterparts in villages.

Câu trả lời:

Neil Armstrong is an American astronaut. He is known as the first person to walk on the Moon. He was born on August 5th, 1930 in Wapokoneta in Ohio. From 1949 to 1952, he worked as a pilot in the United States Navy. Armstrong received his B.S (Bachelor of Science) from Purdue University in 1955. He joined the NASA astronaut program in 1962. Neil Armstrong became the first human to step on the Moon's surface on July 20th, 1969. Armstrong received his M.S (Master of Science) at the University of Southern California in 1970. In 1971, he resigned from NASA and from 1971 to 1979, he taught at the University of Cincinnati. In 1986, Armstrong was appointed vice chairman of the committee that investigated the space shuttle Challenger disaster. He is also well-known for what he said when he stepped on the moon's surface: "That's one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind."

Dịch : Neil Armstrong là một phi hành gia người Mỹ. Ông ấy còn được biết đến là người đầu tiên đi trên Mặt Trăng. Ông sinh ngày 5 tháng 8 năm 1930 ở Wapokoneta, Ohio. Từ 1949 đến 1952, ông làm phi công ở Hải Quân Hoa Kỳ. Armstrong nhận bằng Cử nhân khoa học từ trường Đại học Purdue năm 1955. Ông tham gia chương trình phi hành gia NASA vào năm 1962. Neil Armstrong trở thành người đầu tiên đặt chân lên bề mặt Mặt Trăng vào ngày 20 tháng 7 năm 1969. Armstrong nhận bằng Thạc sĩ tại trường Đại học Nam California năm 1970. Vào năm 1971, ông nghỉ việc ở NASA và từ 1971 đến 1979, ông dạy học tại trường Đại học Cincinnati. Năm 1986, Armstrong được bổ nhiệm làm phó chủ tịch ủy ban điều tra thảm họa nổ tàu con thoi Challenger. Ông còn nổi tiếng với câu nói đầu tiên khi đặt chân lên Mặt Trăng: "Đây là bước đi nhỏ bé của con người, nhưng là bước tiến khổng lồ của nhân loại."