Xác định từ tượng hình, tượng thanh trong các đoạn trích dưới đây và nêu tác dụng của từ tượng hình, tượng thanh đó
Mặc kệ chúng nó, anh chàng ốm yếu im lặng dựa gậy lên tấm phên cửa, nặng nhọc chống tay cào gối và bước lên thềm. rồi lảo đảo đi đến cạnh phản, anh ta lăn kềnh lên trên chiếc chiếu rách nát .Ngoài đình, mõ đập chan chát, trống cái đánh thùng thùng, tù và thổi như ếch kêu.
Dear Mom and Dad,
I'm happy to tell you that I'll be able to join in the Green Group of my school.
The Green Group is holding an environment month. And there will be a lot of interesting activities to do in this program. We will clean the lakes' banks on the weekends, and plant trees and flowers in the school garden and water them every afternoon after class. In addition, we are planting young trees and plants to sell to other schools.
I hope that we can give more green color to the city and earn some money for school Y&Y. The program is really interesting, isn’t it?
I'll write to you and tell you more about the group activities later. I'm OK and still work very hard. Aunt Lien is very pleased with me.
I hope you both are well.
With love
1 when is Hoa going to plant trees and flowers in the school garden?
2 does Hoa want to earn money for her?
3 How does she feel when she joins the Y s Y Green Group of her school?
4 is the program very interesting and useful?