-Help your family save water by using a watering can to water plants and vegetables in the garden rather than using a hose.
-Help your school save water by switching off taps properly and using the water fountain for drinking water.
-Don't switch on lights during the day.
-Switch off the computer, tv or radio if you are not using it.
-Switch lights off when you leave a room.
-At school remember to switch off lights when the room is empty.
-Help make a compost heap or start a worm farm to use up food scraps.
-Save computer paper by printing on both sides.
-Recycle clothes, toys, books and games by giving them to another family, charity shop or putting into a charity recycle bin at the supermarket.
-Recycle the uniform you have grown out of at the uniform shop.
-If you can't find a bin, take your rubbish home.
-You could get involved at school or at home with one or more of the many organizations around who are trying to help our environment.