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Số lượng câu hỏi 34
Số lượng câu trả lời 255
Điểm GP 67
Điểm SP 509

Người theo dõi (52)

Shiratori Hime
Sỹ Nam Trần
Ngọc 1205
Nhi Phạm

Đang theo dõi (4)

Chủ đề:

Luyện tập tổng hợp

Câu hỏi:

1. Only in Japan …the high levels of western countries.
A. industrialization has reached
B. industrialization is reached
C. has industrialization reached
D. is industrialization reached
2. Nowadays children would prefer history ______ in more practical ways.
A. be taught B. to teach C. to be taught D. teach
3. Hurry up! They’ve only got………….seats left.
A. a little B. a few C. a lot of D. plenty of
4. ……of the students know the answer to that question.
A. Most B. Almost C. Mostly D. The most
5. We decided not to travel, ………….. the terrible weather forecast.
A. having heard B. we heard C. having been heard D. being heard
6..............for their strong fibber include flax and hemp.
A Plants are grown B. Plants grown C. Plants that grow D. To grow plants
7.I think you must be ………….me for someone else.
A. confusing B. reminding C. mistaking D .considering
8. ‘John won’t come tomorrow.’ ‘Did he say he ……….….next week?’
A. will come B. would come C. is coming D. had come
9. Pests occur in large numbers, and they can ….terrible damage, particularly to growing crops, that in some parts of the world people frequently suffer from famine.
A. do such B. do so C. make such D. make so
10. The new magazine about maintenance ……………..tomorrow.
A. comes down B. comes off C. comes on D. comes out
11. A:”Do you think it will rain?’ B: ‘…………………...’
A. I hope not B.I not hope so C. I don’t hope so D. So do I hope
12. Peter is very………… for all the help you have given him.
A. generous B. pleasant C. acceptable D. thankful
13. He couldn’t…………. her to speak a word to him all the way back to her boarding house.
A. have B. make C. let D. get 14. No sooner ………….. the corner than its wheel came off.
A. the van turned B. did the van turned C. the van had turned D. had the van turned
15. He……….. all his money, then closed the account.
A. took out B. took away C. took off D. took in
16. The government are doing a …………. of people’s changing habits.
A. plan B. project C. survey D. research
17. A cool drink……….. him after his long hot journey.
A. relaxed B. relieved C. refreshed D. recovered
18. Although he is rich and famous, he lives in a ……….. house in the village .
A. limited B. modest C. slight D. reserved
19. I took the shoes back to the shop, but the manager……….. to change them.
A. denied B. disliked C. disagrees D. refused
20. Well, we did have a terrible row but we’ve………….. it up now.
A. turned B. made C. sorted D. cleaned
21. I do not believe that this preposterous scheme………… of our serious consideration.
A. worthy B. worth C. worthwhile D. worthless
22. It was only …….. he told me his surname that I realized that we had been to the same school.
A. when B. until C. as soon as D. then
23. He did not share his secrets with many people but he……… in her.
A. confessed B. concealed C. confided D. consented
24. He just couldn't open the jar……………hard he tried.
A. however B. whatever C. moreover D. even
25. If the students……….. on time, they'd have enjoyed the pictures.
A. had come B. came C. have come D. come
26. Would you be……….to hold the door open?
A. too kind B. as kind C. kind enough D so kind
27. Mike: 'That's the 16th job interview I've failed. What should I do?'Jane: '.........'
A. Don't give over.B. Don't give out. C. Don't give up. D. Don't give on.