Học tại trường Chưa có thông tin
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7. Last night’s storm caused a lot of __________ to people in that area.

A. droughts                

B. forests                    

C. damages                

D. volcanoes

8. If you can speak English, you __________ able to go to Canada.

A. will be                   

B. will                        

C. were                       

D. are

9. The road in front of my office is always __________ when it rains heavily.

A. to flood                 

B. flooding                 

C. flood                      

D. flooded

10. The fire was raging so fiercely that the rescue workers found it hard to put it __________.

A. down                     

B. out                         

C. off                         

D. with

11. After I __________ in the room, she left.

A. come                      

B. had come               

C. came                      

D. will come

12. This is one of the worst volcanic __________ in this year.

A. eruption                 

B. erupt                      

C. erupting                 

D. eruptive

13. The roof of the building __________ in a storm a few days ago.

A. damaged               

B. was damaged        

C. has damaged         

D. has been damaged

14. In some English speaking countries, turkey is __________food at Christmas.

A. national                 

B. historical                

C. traditional              

D. possible

15. If the factory _________ dumping poison into the lake, all the aquatic animals will die.

A. continues               

B. continued              

C. will continue          

D. continue

16. When the policeman came to the scene, the driver of the car __________.

A. have left                

B. had left                  

C. leaves                   

D. was left