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Hà Lee

Sun, Sea, and Sport!
   Australian love sport. They play it, they talk about it and they watch it on TV. Australian weather is perfect for sport, and there are thousands of great beaches, so swimming is very popular. The population of Australia is only about 20 million, but many of the best sportsmen and sportswomen in the world come from Australia.
​Young people in Australia are very active. More than 60% of children go to sports clubs. They also do activities with friends such as skateboarding, cycling, and rollerblading.
​The most popular sports for boys are football, swimming, Australian Rules football, tennis, cricket, basketball, rugby, martial arts, athletics, and hockey.
​The most popular sports for girls are netball, swimming, tennis, basketball, gymnastics, football, athleticsm martial arts, hockey, and horse riding.
1. Do Australians love sport?
2. Are there any beaches in Australia?
3. What is the most popular sport in Australia?
4.How many children go to sports clubs ?
5. What are the most popular sport for boys ? 
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