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Today (1)....everyone in the streets of Seoul carries a mobile phone, and many people in the Subway or on the bus are (2)..... on it or texting. The rapid proliferation of phones offers a (3).... case for understanding the contemporary culture of South Korean young people 2005, ninety per cent of young Koreans between the ages of fourteen and nineteen had a mobile phone and 38.2 per cent of young users (4).... more than one thousand text messages per month. For young Koreans, the mobile phone has become metaphorically a part of the body (5).... than a form of media technology to be used only when necessary. The fast spread of the mobile phone, not only as a (6).... for communication, but also as a cultural artifact with various meanings among young Koreans, (7) .... a number of questions about the role of "new" technology in Korean youth culture. Why are young Koreans so (8) ....mobile and technologically- mediated communication, and how do the new modes of mobile communication (9).....young people's everyday lives? In addition, how are (10).... young mobile phone users represented in the Korean media? 1. A. not B. all C. no D. almost2. A.calling B.saying C. telling D. speaking3. A. fascinate B. fascination C. fascinated D. fascinating4. A.sent B. made C. post D. did5. A. nearer B. rather C. larger D. quite6. A.gift B. device C. tool D. way7. A. leads B. increases C. raises D. rises8. A. interested in B. involved with C. curious on D. crazy of9. A. reorganized B.reorganizing C. reorganizes D. reorganize10. A.this B. most C. those D. O/