Học tại trường Chưa có thông tin
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Số lượng câu trả lời 1
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Câu trả lời:

1, How ..beautiful. those shop window are! (Beauty)

2, This exercise seems .dificult.. (Difficulty)

3, Be ..careful. in your work! (Care)

4, The teacher asked each student to write a ..description. of his hometown (Describe)

5, She admitted that she had given incorrect .instruction.. (Instruct)

6, We'll live a happier and .healthy.. life if we keep our invironment clean (Health)

7, The ball was followed with great ..exciting. (Excite)

8, That was an .exciting.. match, wasn't it? I was .excited .. to see it (Excite)

9, .Teacher.. is a good career. I want to beacome a .teacher.. (Teach)

10, Rubber trees are very .useful.. (Use)

11, Sports are very good for our ..health. (Healthy)

12, He has .recently.. bougth a new car (Recent)

13, He is a ..funny. person. He often makes me laugh (Fun)

14, Red .symbolizes.. communist countries (Symbol)

15, The master gave Oliver Twist a terrible punishment(Punish)

16, The Thames flows .gentlely.. through green meadows (Gentle)

17, His ..laziness. make his parents feel sad (Lazy)

18, They sat .iquletly.. by the stream (Quiet)

19, I hope there won't be too much .difficulty.. in getting work permit (Difficult)

20, The weather was terrible, so we had a very .unpleasant.. holiday (Please)

21, You must be .careful.. when you open that door... (Care)

22, She broke the vase beacause of her .carelessness.. (Careless)

23, It is .inconvenient.. for me to have no car (Convenience)

24, Work on this office buiding is still ... (Complete)

25, Everyone is very .friendly.. towards me and they are always ready for help me (Friend)

26, Children need lots of eancouragement.. from their parents (Courage)

27, It's ..unfashionable. to wear short skirts at the moment, beacause the weather is very cold (Fashion)

28, Tommy has a beautiful .collection.. of foreign stamps (Collect)

29, The ... of jeans stopped growing in the 1900s (Sell)

30, The worldwide .economic.. situation got worse in the 1990s (Economy)

31, English is .widely.. spoken in many countries in the world (Wide)

32, .Occasionally.. , I will have a piece of chocolate, but this is quite rare (Occasion)

33, He was .hopeless.. when he did the test badly (Hope)

34, The girl was too .ashamed.. to make the stupid mistake (Shame)

35, Recently nutritious foods have increased in ..popularity. (Popular)