Lớp học
Môn học
Chủ đề / Chương
Bài học
Write a letter about 150 – 200 words to a pen friend to tell about some activities you did to help your neighbourhood greener and cleaner . You should base on the suggestions below.
· Where is your neighbourhood? (in the city, near a city, in the country, in the mountain, etc.)
· What environmental problem you can see in your neighbourhood? (littering, pollution, etc.)
· What did you do to help your neighbourhood greener and cleaner ?
· How do you feef about those activities
(viết khoảng cỡ 155 đến 175 words là đủ rồi :)
Đặt 2 câu có sử dụng thành ngữ "Đẽo cày giữa đường", "Tre già măng mọc"
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