Học tại trường Chưa có thông tin
Đến từ Chưa có thông tin , Chưa có thông tin
Số lượng câu hỏi 2
Số lượng câu trả lời 0
Điểm GP 0
Điểm SP 0

Người theo dõi (1)

Mr 9323

Đang theo dõi (0)

Châu Phạm

Hoàn thành câu: 1. - Where ………………….……you from? - I’m ………………….……Vietnam. I’m ………………….……. 2. - ………………….……is he/she from? - He/She ………………….……from England. He/ She is English. 3. - What ………………….……is today? - ………………….……Monday. 4. -What’s the ………………….……today? - It ………………….……October 10th 2009. 5. - When ………………….……you born? - I ………………….……born on September 20th 1996. 6. -How many people ………………….……there in your family? - There …………………….….…… people in my family. 7. - What’s ………………….……name? - My name ………………….…… Quan. 8. - ………………….…… your father’s name? - ………………….……name’s Nam. ( his: của cậu ấy) 9. - What’s your mother’s ………………….……? - ………………….…… name’s Mai. ( her: của cô ấy) 10. - What ………………….……you do? - I am ………………….……post man. 11. - What ………………….……your mother do? - ………………….……a doctor. ( father: cha/ mother: mẹ) 12. I want to ………………….……a nurse. - She ………………….……to be an engineer. 13. - Where ………………….……you work? - I study at Quang Son B Primary School. 14. - ………………….……does he work? - He/ She works ………………….……Bach Mai Hospital. 15. - What ………………….……you doing? - I’m ………………….……a letter. (viết một lá thư) 16. - What is ………………….……doing? - She ………………….……singing a song. ( hát một bài) 17. - Do you want to play ………………….……and seek?- Sure./ Yes, I do. 18. - How ………………….……do you play football? - Sometimes. 19. - Where ………………….……you yesterday? - I was ………………….……the School Festival. 20. - ………………….…… was she yesterday? - She ………………….……at the Song Festival. 21. - What ………………….……you do at the festival? - I ………………….……sports and games