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III. Choose the best answer.
1. I ________ play with dolls when I was small.
A. enjoyed B. hated C. started D. used to
2. He has been out of work________ a long time.
A. since B. for C. when D. in
3. ________ the traffic was bad, he arrived on time.
A. Although B. In spite of C. Despite D. Even
4. Most of the town is modern. There are ________ old buildings.
A. many B. few C.much D.more
5. ‘Whose phone is this?’ ‘________’
A. It’s beautiful. B. It’s new. C.It’s hers. D.It’s expensive
6. ‘Nice weather, isn’t it?’ ‘________’
A. Yeah, couldn’t expect more. B. Do you like nice weather?
C. We’re going out tonight. D. We are busy, unfortunately.
7. The city library is closed ________ Monday. Then you can borrow this book.
A. on B. until C.for D.before
8. The teacher was angry because ________ students came to the class rehearsal.
A. many B. a little C.a few D.few
9. My English is not as good as ________. I need to try harder.
A. she B. her C.she’s D.hers
10. We will use more ________ energy in the future.
A. solar B. sunny C.sun D. sunlight
V. Complete the sentences with “more, less or fewer “.
1. She likes apples so she always buys ___________ apples than oranges.
2. Ba spends ___________ money on books than Susan.
3. They are very tired. They can do ___________ exercises this evening.
4. I am very tired, too. I will do ___________ work tonight.

5. There are ___________ trees along the streets in the new town.

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