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VI. Give the correct form of the words in the brackets in each of the following sentences.

1.The film is a big ................................ It is boring from beginning to end.                  disappoint

2.Solar energy is ..............................., plentiful and clean.                                             renew

3.We should reduce the use of ............................... at home.                                          electrical

4.Waves will be used as an ............................... friendly source of energy.                   environment


5.I know it is also clean and safe to the environment. But does it cost a lot of

  money to install the ............................... panels on the roofs?                                      sun                                

6.Working all day is very ...................... I get .......... when I enter my factory.             tire

  7. Solar power can be used to ...............................or cool our houses.                           hot

  8. ..............................., fossil fuels are harmful to the environment.                              fortunate

  9. There will be a____________ of energy in the near future.                                       short        

  10. Scientists are looking for clean and ............................... sources of energy.            effect

  11. Thomas Edison is one of the greatest ...............................in history.                       invent

  12. The hover scooter is our new ................................                                                   create

  13. John likes traveling by bicycle, but it is ...............................in bad weather.           please

  14. D.E Huges was the............................... of microphone.                                           invent

  15. If it doesn’t rain soon, there’ll be a great............................... of water.           short

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