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Đề kiểm tra học kì 2

Câu hỏi:

4.A. bachelor               B. diploma                              C. internship                            D. scholarship

4. A. natural                            B. dangerous                   C. endanger                     D. animal

Choose the best answer for each of the following sentences.

5. The tour of the cave and grotto system is the main _____ for tourists in Phong Nha - Ke Bang National Park
A. attract                                 B. attraction                C. attactive                  D. atractively

5. Ha Long Bay was recognised as a World Natural Heritage Site for its __________ beauty and geological value in 1994 and 2000 respectively. (nature)
A. nature                                 B. naturally                 C. natural                    D. naturalist

6. Having measured the company’s carbon________ they realized that the amount of carbon dioxide it produced was great.

A. footprint                             B. dioxide                   C. atmosphere             D. habit

7. Most of the students in our country are interested in pursuing higher education to get bachelor's degrees. (OPPOSITE meaning)

A. following                            B. giving up                C. trying                      D. interrupting

8. It is important to maintain the biological diversity of the rainforests. (CLOSEST meaning)

A. similarity                            B. identity                   C. variety                    D. compatibility

9. Thank you for having ____ the information about global warming.

A. shared                                 B. sharing                    C. share                       D. shares

10. Sandy hasn’t met  his sister since she ____ to university in 2014.

A. has gone                             B. goes                        C. go                           D. went

11. Henry VIII of England was the only king ____ six times.

A. to marry                              B. married                   C. was married            D. marrying

12. That girl cried a lot. She had been punished by her supervisor.

A. That girl, punished by her supervisor, cried a lot.

B. That girl who had been punished by her supervisor, cried a lot.

C. That girl, to punish by her supervisor, cried a lot.

D. That girl, punishing by her supervisor, cried a lot.

6. Carbon dioxide is one of the primary ____ gases that cause global warming.

A. greenhouse                         B. house                      C. plant                       D. home

7. Cutting down on energy use is the best way to help reduce global warming. (OPPOSITE meaning)

A. Shrinking                            B. Declining                C. Decreasing              D. Increasing

8. Taj Mahal is a giant mausoleum of white marble in Arga, India. It is considered to be an outstanding work of art. (CLOSEST meaning)

A. noticeable                           B. attractive                C. brilliant                   D. significant

9. He regretted ____ killed and eaten several rare species.

A. to have                               B. having                     C. have                        D. has

10. I ____ the money yet.

A. not received                       B. didn't receive          C. haven't received     D. hadn't received

11. At 24, William Pitt was the youngest person ____ Prime Minister.

A. becoming                B. to become               C. became                   D. was become

12. Mr. Ba comes from Haiphong. He teaches our class.

A. Mr. Nam, teaching our class, comes from Haiphong.

B. Mr. Nam, to teach our class, comes from Haiphong.

C. Mr. Nam, taught our class, comes from Haiphong.

D. Mr. Nam, who teach our class, comes from Haiphong.



Task 1: Find the mistake in each sentence, then correct it

13. Having deciding on the topic of the presentation, he started finding relevant information for it.



13. With clear evidence, his company couldn't deny having dump a large quantity of toxins into the sea.


14. The book publishing last week is her first novel about a World Heritage Site in Viet Nam.

.............................................................................................................................................................................14. Students arrived late will not be permitted to enter the classroom.



Task 2: Rewrite the sentences without changing their meaning by using the given words if have.

15. I started learning how to play the piano eight months ago. I'm still learning it.

à ................................................................................................................................................................

16. He had dumped lots of rubbish onto the beach. He denied it.

à ................................................................................................................................................................

15. Nam started studying English two years ago. He's still studying it.  (for)

à ........................................................................................................................................................................

16. The factory had dumped tons of toxic waste into the river. It was heavily fined for that.



17. After the students had learnt about the benefits of recycling and reusing, they started collecting waste paper, bottles, and cans to recycle and reuse.

à .........................................................................................................................................................................

18. The sunlight which comes through the window wakes me up early every morning.

à ............................................................................................................................................17. Since Mai had refused Nam's offer of a lift in his car, she had to walk home.

à ................................................................................................................................................................

18. Linda was the second student who answered this question correctly.

à ........................................................................................................................................................................