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Unit 8: Films

Câu hỏi:

II. Choose the word that has a different stress pattern from the others.

1. A. harvest                     B. parade                C. music                 D. village

2. A.  amazing                   B. festival               C. begin                  D. arrive

3. A. famous                     B. joyful                 C. usual                  D. alone

4. A. bamboo                    B. invite                  C. tourist                 D. prepare

5. A. answer                      B. happen               C. between              D. often

6. A. discuss                     B. gather                 C. receive               D. attend

7. A. ticket                        B. special                C. event                  D. number

8. A. solution                    B. expensive           C. natural                D.  abundant

9. A. energy                      B. volunteer            C. dangerous           D.  countryside

10. A. beautiful                 B. important            C. pollution             D. exhausted

11. A. traffic                     B. dancer                C. cycling               D. balloon

12. A. polite                      B. receive               C. copy                   D. obey

13. A. prefer                       B. finish                    C. complete                D. begin

14. A. dangerous                B. important             C. enormous              D. convenient

15. A. although                 B. primary              C. elephant             D. traffic