Học tại trường Chưa có thông tin
Đến từ Chưa có thông tin , Chưa có thông tin
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Số lượng câu trả lời 0
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Điểm SP 0

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1. They ………………………… (play) soccer at school at 2pm yesterday. 2. Ann …………………….. (do) her homework at 5 o’clock last Monday. 3. Where ………… you ……………… (go) from 3 to 6 yesterday afternoon ? 4. My mother …………………… (wait) for me when I …………………… (come) home. 5. The doorbell …………………… (ring) while Tom …………………… (watch) television. 6. When Martin…………….. (arrive) home, Anna and Susan …………………… (make) dinner. 7. While The children …………………… (play), it …………………… (start) to rain. 8. We were having dinner when the light ….…………………… (go) out. 9. Lan ………………………………….. (always miss) the bus because she gets up late. 10. Keep quiet! You ………………………………. (always, talk) in class. 11. Would you mind ………………………. me about your story? (Tell) 1. They ………………………… (play) soccer at school at 2pm yesterday. 2. Ann …………………….. (do) her homework at 5 o’clock last Monday. 3. Where ………… you ……………… (go) from 3 to 6 yesterday afternoon ? 4. My mother …………………… (wait) for me when I …………………… (come) home. 5. The doorbell …………………… (ring) while Tom …………………… (watch) television. 6. When Martin…………….. (arrive) home, Anna and Susan …………………… (make) dinner. 7. While The children …………………… (play), it …………………… (start) to rain. 8. We were having dinner when the light ….…………………… (go) out. 9. Lan ………………………………….. (always miss) the bus because she gets up late. 10. Keep quiet! You ………………………………. (always, talk) in class. 11. Would you mind ………………………. me about your story? (Tell)