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Luyện tập tổng hợp

Câu hỏi:

 We celebrated Earth Day in my city last week. The idea of this special day began in the 1960s when life was very different. The first Earth Day was just in the United States but on April 22n, it led to events every year all around the world.

   In my town, last Saturday afternoon, lots of people rode their bikes from the park around the town together and back to the park, taking as much time as they could, so that the cars had to wait. Then they talked to all the drivers in cars which just had one person in them, to explain how wasteful that is and how much pollution it causes. The idea was to make people think about how much they use their cars.

   In other places, people collected plastic bags for a week and then made a pile of them in the town square. You can do anything as long as it makes people of all ages join for a few hours and talk about the environment.

1. What’s writing trying to do in this text?

A. Encourage people to take part in Earth day this year.

B. Explain why Earth day happens every year.

C. Compare success of different events on Earth day.

D. Offer advice to people arranging an Earth day event.

2. Why did Earth day begin?

3. What happened on Earth day this year in the writer’s city?

4. What does writer think the most important thing about Earth day events?

5. True or False?

A. Many more countries take part in Earth day now then it first began.

B. Nelson travelled around the world to persuade people to arrange events on the first Earth day