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I.         Choose the best answer A, B, C or D that complete the following sentences

1.      Trinh’s pen is red. ………… is black.

A.    I                             B. My                          C. Mine                       D. Mine pen

2.      They arrived ………… a car at 8 a.m. this morning.

A.    in                           B. on                           C. by                           D. with

3.      One day in the future, human ………… to Mars

A.    will travel              B. will be travelling     C. is travelling             D. travelled

4.      We just wear ………… on our back and we can fly.

A.    a metro                  B. a skytrain                C. a jetpack                 D. a teleporter

5.      ………… has one wheel and is very easy to fall.

A.    Hover scooter        B. Monowheel                        C. Bicycle                   D. Driverless car

6.      They ………… the boat out into the middle of the river.

A.    pedaled                 B. functioned              C. sailed                      D. drove

7.      People can ………… on the Dead Sea because the water there is very salty.

A.    flop                        B. float                                    C. crash                       D. cycle

8.      This morning I couldn’t go to work in time because of the ………… roads

A.    heavy                     B. crowd                     C. gridlocked              D. traffic jam

9.      My friend has a 3-year-old brother. The boy in this picture is ………… younger brother.

A.    her                         B. hers                         C. she                          D. the

10.  Next year, we ………… and soon get jobs.

A.    will graduate         B. will be graduated   C. will be graduating  D. won’t be graduated


II.                Choose the word which has the underlined part pronounced differently from the rest.

11.  A. wheel                      B. sweep                     C. heat                         D. beard

12.  A. stop                                    B. helicopter                C. metro                      D. chocolate

13.  A. behind                    B. hour                        C. horse                       D. hide


III.             Choose the word which has the different main stress from the rest.

14.  A. answer                    B. sentence                  C. return                      D. open

15.  A. magazine                B. information             C. revision                   D. electronic


IV.              Read the following passage and do as required

Technology is developing rapidly and there have been many interesting transport inventions. Here are some of them.

https://tienganhphothong.tienganh123.com/file/phothong/lop7/bai11/read/read1.pngOrganic Transit Elf is a three-wheeled vehicle. It travels at 32 kph. It runs by solar energy or pedaling. The vehicle can protect people from the sun, rain and other elements. However, it depends a lot on the weather. It costs about $5,000. I think it's too expensive.

https://tienganhphothong.tienganh123.com/file/phothong/lop7/bai11/read/read2.pngThe Ryno is a one-wheeled electric motorcycle. Just shift your body weight forward to go forward or lean back to stop or slow down. There's also a hand brake. You can ride it anywhere and with just a little bit of practice, nearly anybody can ride it. In my opinion, it's a convenient, environment-friendly vehicle.

https://tienganhphothong.tienganh123.com/file/phothong/lop7/bai11/read/read3.pngHovertrax is the world's first portable, double-wheeled, self-balancing electric scooter. It's controlled by shifting the body weight. Stand on the foot platform and lean forward to move forward. Lean back to stop or move backward. Shift more weight to one foot to turn. One problem is that it can be only used on a smooth surface. Personally, I think when using it, there is risk of injury, especially for children.

Which invention do you prefer to use in the future? I'm sure it will be very interesting to try one of them.

Task 1. Match the words/ phrases with their corresponding meanings.

16.  Pedalling

a.       xe máy điện một bánh

17.  one-wheeled electronic motorcycle

b.      thay đổi, di chuyển

18.  shift

c.       tự cân bằng

19.  hand brake

d.      đạp bàn đạp

20.  self-balancing

e.       phanh tay

21.  foot platform

f.       xe máy điện, xe hẩy điện

22.  smooth surface

g.      bề mặt nhẵn

23.  electric scooter

h.      bục đứng

Task 2. True (T) /False (F) / Not Given (NG)

24.  Among the three vehicles, the Organic Transit Elf is the fastest one.            ______

25.  We can't use Organic Transit Elf when it rains.                                              ______

26.  Both the Ryno and Hovertrax are controlled by shifting the body weight.   ______

27.  It's not difficult to ride a Ryno.                                                                      ______

28.  We can ride a Hovertrax anywhere.                                                               ______

Task 3: Choose the best options to complete the following sentences.

29.  ________ has the most wheels.

A. Organic Transit Elf                                    B. Ryno                                   C. Hovertrax

30.  We need to lean back to ________ the Ryno.

A. move backward                              B. slow down                          C. Both A & B are correct.

31.  The writer thinks ________ is an eco-friendly vehicle.

A. Organic Transit Elf                                    B. Ryno                                   C. Hovertrax

32.  We often stand when using ________.

A. Organic Transit Elf                                    B. Ryno                                   C. Hovertrax

33.  Hovertrax is ________ in the world.

A. the first portable electric scooter    B. the newest invention          C. the most dangerous vehicle