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I. Choose the best answer to complete the sentences by circling A, B, C or D. (15 pts)

1. I had to get up early, ……………..….I would miss the train.

A. otherwise

B. if not          

C. so that

D. but

2. My parents are going to take three days……….next month to help my brother move his house.

A. at            

B. over

C. off

D. out

3. English is used as an access …………….….a world scholarship and world trade.

A. into

B. to

C. for

D. towards

4. Parents love and support their children ……….the children misbehave or do foolish things.

A. if

B. since

C. only if

D. even if

5. The Historical Museum is becoming ……………..…. crowded.

A. much and more

B. more and more

C. much and much

D. more and much

6. The scheme allows students from many countries to communicate……………..….

A. with other

B. themselves

C. each other

D. with one another

7. Have you ever read anything……………..….Earnest Hengmingway?

A. by

B. of

C. from

D. for

8. Not a good movie,……………..….?

A. did it

B. didn’t it

C. was it

D. wasn’t it

9. Hoi An is……………..….for its old, small and tile-roofed houses.

A. well-done

B. well-dressed

C. well-organised

D. well-known

10. Hurry up! They have only got……………..….seats left.

A. a lot of

B. plenty of

C. a little

D. a few

11. The party, at ….. I was the guest honor, was extremely enjoyable.

A. that

B. who

C. which

D. where

12. _______  parrots are native to tropical regions is untrue.

A. All                             B. That all                       C. Since all                   D. Why all

13.  Lomonosov was not ______ a great scientist but also a very talented poet.

       A. fairly                      B. merely                    C. hardly                     D. scarcely

14. Linda: “What an attractive hair style you have got, Mary!” - Mr Buong: “___________.”

A. Thank you very much. I am afraid            B. You are telling a lie

C. Thank you for your compliment                D. I don't like your sayings

15. Mark: “Do you find it very interesting to travel alone?” – Nick: “___________.”

A. Yes, you’re welcome                                 B. Never mind      

       C. No, not at all                                              D. It’s exciting

Use given words to rewrite the second sentence that the meaning not change:

1. My grandma used to tell me folktales when I was young.

I …………………………………………………………………..

2. That’s the strangest film I’ve ever seen.                

 I’ve never …............................................................................................……

3. What’s the weight of your suitcase?


4. We can’t afford to buy the car.

           That car   ..............................................................................................................

5.She is proud of  being such  a  good cook.

           She prides...............................................................................................................

6. Do you want me to empty the basket?                   

               Would …….................…………………………………………………..………?

7. They’ll have to change the date of the meeting again.                  

               The date ….....................…………………………………………………………..

8. Her school bag is not the same as mine.

               My school bag …..........................……………………………………………………

9. When you phoned me, it was my lunchtime.

               I was .....................................................................................................

10- Diana finds it easy to make friends.

               Diana has no ...............................................................

Dear Grandma and Grandpa,

               Thank you both for the wonderful wedding present. Both Jill and I have always wanted to go to France and visit the many museums. We were so shocked when we first saw the airplane tickets that we almost fainted! It was more than we could have hoped to receive airplane tickets to France as a wedding present! Paris is wonderful! The only trouble is trying to decide where to go. I want to go to the museums, but Jill wants to see more of the beautiful traditional churches. In the end, we decided to see the churches in the morning (when the weather is cool), and the museums in the afternoon (because they’re air-conditioned). This allows us to get the most sight-seeing done during our two-week stay. There are many coffee shops, too. Jill likes sitting outsite and watching people, but I like sitting inside where I can enjoy the smell of the coffee. French coffees are so much more aromantic and stronger than the coffee we are used to back home. Thanks again for the lovely trip! We sent you a postcard, but I think we will arrive back home before you get it. It is a picture of the Eiffel Tower.


Freddy and Jill


1. What did Freddy’s grandparents give him and Jill for a wedding present?

        A. Tickets to a museum  B. A cake              C.Some coffee               D. A trip to France

2. Based on this letter, which of the following could be inferred?

        A.   Freddy and Jill hate to travel.

        B. Freddy is an indoor person, and Jill is an outdoor person.

        C.   Freddy is an outdoor person, and Jill is an indoor person.

        D. Both Freddy and Jill are indoor people.

3. Why did they decided to visit the museum in the afternoon?

        A. The art is better in the afternoon.

        B. They could get a discounted price in the afternoon.

        C. The museums are closed in the mornings.

        D. The weather is hot and the museums have air conditioning.

4. How long was their trip?

        A. The reading does not say      B. One week         C.Two weeks                           D. One month

5. Freddy likes sitting inside the coffee shops………………………….

        A. because he enjoys the smell of French coffee.B. because it often rains outside.

        C. because it’s too cold to sit outside.                    D. because he likes to enjoy the music

 If you live in a city, you probably see many people, hear the (1)............of traffic, and smell the pollution (2).............cars and factories.

               We are entering a new time (3).................. the history of the world. Before this, most people were  (4)................ They lived in the country. Now many people are (5) …….....the farms and moving into the cities. They are looking for better jobs. The cities are growing very quickly. Most cities are very crowded. People are driving more cars, burning more fuel, using more water, (6).................... more food, making more garbage, and producing (7)................. things in factories than  ever before. Life is becoming difficult.

               Some governments are trying to plan for the future. They are building new roads, putting up new houses, looking (8) ............more water, and limiting growth in certain areas. Still, city planners are getting worried. People are crowding into the cities (9) ……......  than cities can take them. The cities are running (10)............. of  room. What is the answer to this problem?

Question 8:  Choose the words or phrases that best fit each of the blank spaces.

There are many problems in the public transportation system in Metropolitan City. Thousands of residents  (1) ............  on the city’s buses and streetcars  (2)............   throughout this large city, but Metro Transportation system’s   (3) ............  schedules are totally unreliable. For example, a bus or a streetcar that should  (4) ............  at seven may not arrive until eight o’clock or even   (5) ............ . Sometimes three buses or streetcars will arrive in bunches, one after another. Moreover, it is unusual  (6) ............  a bus driver or a streetcar conductor to pass up groups of people anxiously waiting in the snow in freezing weather because he is behind schedule and wants to make up for lost time.  (7) ............  , passengers  (8) ............     unhappy victims of the waiting game, which cause them   (9) ............  late for work or to  (10)  ............ important appointments.

1. A- relies                                     B- rely                               C- relied                           D- will rely

2. A- travelling                             B- go                                  C- to travel                      D- going

3. A- days                                       B- daily                             C- each day                     D- day

4. A- begin                                     B- start                                            C- go                                  D- arrive

5. A- sooner                                  B- later                                            C- lately                            D- soon

6. A- at                              B- on                                  C- for                                 D- in

7. A- Unfortunately                   B- Happily                       C- Strongly                      D- Interestingly

8. A- is                                              B- feels                             C- become                       D- gets

9. A- be                                            B- to be                             C- being                            D- are

10. A- get                                        B- arrive                          C- miss                             D- reach

  Choose the underlined word or phrase that is incorrect, then correct it.

1. For January, he has taken five exams and hasn’t got any poor grades.

     A                                          B                  C                                                    D

2.Nam seldom pays his billson time, and his brother does, too.

 A                B                      C                              D

3.Maididn’t go to the zoo with her friends last Sunday because her sickness

            A                                                 B                                              C                          D

4. The letter was typedclear and careful, but withoutany address or signature.

                                    A                    B                                      C         D

5.  The plays writing by Shakespeare are very popular in the world.

        A                 B                                        C                             D

Question 6: Fill in the blanks with the correct prepositions.

1.     Our group is planning to help the community ………  encouraging all members to participate ………....a recycling program.

2.     To be a member of our organization, you can register ………….   today.

3.     Please send an ambulance …….....….Hoang HoaTham School.

..................... your help, I can’t do the exercises

1. Bell …demonstrated his invention.                                                                        SUCCESS

2.Many rural areas in Viet Nam have been……..……..…for the last few years.                  URBAN

3. These shoes look smart but they’re so ….……..….                                                            COMFFORT

4. The …….……………....by the school girls is good.                                                PERFORM

5. He finds it ........................... to live in the jungle alone.                                       DANGER

6. My father can repair household .......................... very well.                                            APPLY

7. I watch the news everyday because it is very ..........................                                       INFORM

8. ..................................., the step mother was cruel to Little Pea.                                       FORTUNE

9. We’ll..............................our room with some roses.                                              BEAUTY

10. What is your…………..…..?   - I am Australian.                                                                 NATION

  Choose the best answer by circling its corresponding letter A, B, C or D.

1. I _________ to see Michael after so many years.

A- glad was really        B- was really glad       C- was glad really        D- really glad was

2. There is _________ food left but not enough for everyone.

A- little                             B- a little                          C- few                                D- a few

3. The boy ………..on the beach asked me if I liked his kite.

               A- lie                                  B- lay                                 C- laid                                D- lying

4. And I’d like a ………...of cigarettes, too.

               A- box                B- packet                         C- jar                                  D- case

5. Did you take enough money with you? – No, I needed ……...more than I thought I would.

               A- much                           B- many                           C- any                                D- of

6. He worked hard __________he could pass the final exam.

A.so that                     B.in order to                      C. so as to                        D. as result

7.Let’s paint the house __________ . It will be much cheaper.

A. themselves B. ourselves                   C. myself                          D. yourself

8. Choose a correct reply of the following expression: “Do you want this one or that one?”

               A- I’ll say it again for you.                                    B- I don’t mind. You choose.

               C- Never mind. It doesn’t matter.                    D- Yes? Can I help you?

9. I have forgotten _________ this machine. Can you show me how ?

A- how to operate       B- to operate                 C- operating                   D- how operates

10. We saw the girls _________ football as we drove past the field.

A- play                              B- to playing                  C- to play                         D- playing

11. I’ve………...to Paris. I went there in March.

               A- been                             B- gone                             C- just                                D- yet

12. We would like ………...to the president’s reception, but we weren’t.

A- having invited        B- having been invited            C- to have invited        D- to have been invited

13. Wood is used ………...making desks and tables.

               A- to                                   B- in                                   C- for                                 D- into

14. Hoa was extremely ………...about the history of China.

               A- knowledgeable                                                   B- knowledge

C- knowledgeability                                               D- knowledgeably

15. They ………... at the train station at 2 o’clock yesterday.

A- got                                B- reached                      C- traveled                      D- arrived

Lê Quyên

II. Rearrange the sentences using the following words:

1. about/ presentation/  water/ about/ air pollution?/ What/ and/ giving/ a/


2. saw/ I/ yesterday./ very/ a/ film/ interesting/


3. I/ ride/ bicycle./ primary school,/ started/ had learnt/ how/ By/ I/ the time/ a/ to/


4. stay/ City/ ten/ We’ve/ for/ in/ decided/ Ha Noi/ days./ to/


5. the moon/ in/ Scientists/ planning/ to explore/ future./ are/ people/ to send/ the near/


III. Make sentences using the words and phrases given:

1. I/ live/ on/ outskirts/ a city/ Thailand/now./


2. English/ speak/ all/ world./


3. Kangaroo/ be/ symbol/ Australia./


4. Nhi/ enjoyed/ chat/ the phone/ her friends./


5. Nam/ will/ not/ able/ go/ cinema/ at/ 3.30 p.m./ this Monday/ because/ be/ having/ class./
