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What can lift roofs from buildings and sweep houses into the air? Tornadoes can!
Tornadoes come in many sizes. Some tornadoes are only a few feet across. Others are
more than a mile wide. Some tornadoes touch down for a short time. Others travel for
hundreds of miles.
A. Bad effects of tornadoes
B. Where tornadoes often form
C. Introduction to tornadoes
D. How tornadoes form
77. What can lift roofs from buildings and sweep houses into the air? Tornadoes can!
Tornadoes come in many sizes. Some tornadoes are only a few feet across. Others are
more than a mile wide. Some tornadoes touch down for a short time. Others travel for
hundreds of miles.
A. Measuring tornadoes
B. How tornadoes form
C. Bad effects of tornadoes
D. Tornado safety

78. Scientists have a way to measure the strength of tornadoes. They look at the harm
caused by a tornado. They use the amount of harm to estimate the wind speed. They use
a special scale called the EF Scale. The EF Scale measures the strength of the tornado.


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A. Tornado safety
B. Where tornadoes often form
C. Bad effects of tornadoes
D. Measuring tornadoes
79. Tornadoes may be hard to measure, but scientists have a good idea where they will
strike. It’s true that a tornado can hit anywhere in the world at any time. Most tornadoes
happen in the central part of the United States. This area is called Tornado Alley.
A. Where tornadoes often form
B. Measuring tornadoes
C. How tornadoes form
D. Bad effects of tornadoes
80. There is no way to be sure that a tornado will strike. The National Weather Service
(NWS) tries to help people stay safe during tornadoes. If they put out a tornado watch, a
tornado might strike. If they put out a tornado warning, a tornado has been spotted. If
there is a tornado, it’s important to get to a safe place. Go indoors. The safest place is a
basement. If you can’t get to a basement, go into a closet or bathroom. Stay away from
A. Bad effects of tornadoes
B. Tornado safety
C. Where tornadoes often form
D. How tornadoes form