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III. Supply the correct form of the words in parentheses to complete each sentence.

1. They have a lot of ______ in the summer.          (act)

2. People often _________ their houses and trees before Christmas. (decorating)

3. My close friend is very________                        (help)

4. They always go ________ on Sundays.             (swim)

5.  Mrs Lien ________ me Geography.                  (teaching)

6. Children often get ______ money at Tet.            (luck)

7. Da Nang is _____ for beautiful bridges.             (fame)

8. My father is a _______.                                       (farm)

9. How do you ____ for Christmas?                       (preparation)

10. I don’t like _____ scary novels.                          (read)

IV. Write a new sentence as similar as possible in meaning to the original sentence or do as directed.

1. Make the meaningful sentence with the correct order of the words.

a. goes / the / to / twice / My / month / a / father / judo club /.

b. in my free time / play football/ with my brother/ I/ always /.

c. a yard / has / Tom’s / house / a pool /and /.

d. does / Who / the most / in / your family / housework/ ?

2. Make the correct question for the underlined words

a. My sister cleans the living room very day. 

b. I usually play badminton with my father on the weekends.

c. He is tall and has curly hair.

d. People often wear new clothes on New Year’s days.

3. Write a new sentence as similar as possible in meaning to the original sentence.

a. There are four people in her family.

Her family______________________________________________________________

b. Miss White’s hair is long and black.

Miss White __________________________________________________________

c. I like Geography.

My favourite _________________________________________________________

4. Make the complete sentence with the given words.

a. Which /club / you / want / sign / for?

b. What / housework / you / do?

c. I / watching / movie / tomorrow.

d. People / often / house / before / Tet.

giúp mình bài ni với


II. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs.

1. My sister and I  ...................... (go) shopping tomorrow. Do you want to join us?  

2. Harry  ...................... (practice) the piano on Fridays.  

3. What time  ...................... the festival  ...................... (open)?  

4. I like  ...................... (read) comic books.  

5. My house  ...................... (not have) a big yard.  

6. My dad usually  ...................... (do) the shopping on the weekend.  

7. I like ...................... (chat) to my friends and my cousins.  

8. My dad ...................... (cook)  breakfast for my family every day.

9. Today we ...................... (wear) shorts because it’s hot.

10. I ...................... (listen) to music now.  

III. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words.

1. There are many ............................. landscapes in my village.                                           (beauty) 

2. Living in a town is  ............................. from living in a big city.                                       (differ) 

3. Is that blue bag yours, Mike? – No, it isn’t. ........................ is brown.                               (I)  

4. What do you do in  ........................  P.E. class?                                                                 (you) 

5. Today is a  ........................  day. We can play badminton in the garden.                           (love) 

6. She is pretty, with long hair and a  ........................ smile.                                                 (friend) 

7. Simon is very ........................ when his friends have problems with their homework.     (help) 

8. Turkey and mashed potatoes are ........................ food on Thanksgiving Day.                 (tradition) 

9. Would you like to go to the ........................... of our drama group this evening?             (perform) 

10. During Tết, children wear new clothes and receive  ........................ money.                (luck) 

giúp mi bài ni với