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Người theo dõi (2)

Jackson Williams
Nghĩa Vũ

Đang theo dõi (0)

Choose the correct answer.

1.    I prefer to do my ______ at shopping malls.

a.     Shopper            b. shops                  c. shopping      d. shop

2.    In our group, most people spend most of their money ____ clothes.

a.     Of                      b. at                        c. on                  d. in

3.    She should call the shipping company to complain ____ the problem.

a.     To                     b. about                  c. on                  d. with

4.    What do you like about shopping at a _____ store?

a.     Inconvenient     b. convenience       c. convenient      d. conveniently

5.    Some people go to shopping centres to _____ the heat or cold outside.

a.     Keep                 b. stop                    c. get                 d. avoid

6.    We can _____ bargain at a supermarket.

a.     Always              b. never                  c. sometimes      d. rarely

7.    My grandmother _____ goes to the market to buy food. She goes there every day.

a.     Always              b. never                  c. often              d. sometimes

8.    Do you like _____ products?

a.     Home- growing b. home- grow        c. home- grown     d. home- grew

9.    ____ you son be 14 years old next week?

a.     Will                   b. Are                     c. Does              d. Can

10. How ____ do you buy thing online?

a.     Much                b. always                c. often              d. far

11. The weather _____ shopping at an open- air market.

a.     Effect                b. effects                c. affect             d. affects

12. Let’s go to _____ shops to buy something as presents for our relatives after the trip.

a.     Specialize         b. speciality            c. special           d. specially

13. We an find many products ____ lower prices in a discount shop.

a.     At                      b. by                       c. with               d. on

14. That shop in the corner never ______ on Sunday.

a.     Opening            b. will open            c. open              d. opens

15.  I don’t like this store. The staff are rude and the _____ service is really bad, too.

a.     Costume           b. customer            c. customers      d. custom

16.  He wants to ____ about the package he has just got.

a.     Complained      b. complaining       c. complain      d. complain

17. You should shop online for electrical goods  because they _____

a.     Often are cheaper                            c. are cheaper often

b.    Often cheaper                                  d. are often cheaper

18. Never buy things you don’t need just because they are on _____.

a.     Sale                   b. sell                     c. selling           d. sold

19. Can you wave over a sales ______? I have a question about this jacket.

a.     Assistant           b. assistance           c. assist             d. assisting

20. _____ online is more convenient than one kinds of shopping.

a.     Shops                b. Shopper              c. Shopping      d. Shop

Find and correct the mistake.

1.    My grandfather goes jogging usually in the morning.                _______

2.    The restaurant is opening at 7 p.m tonight                                    _______

3.    My classmate always is late for school.                                         _______

4.    The music festival will end next Monday                                      _______

5.    A discount shop offer lower prices to shop online                        _______

6.    My friend spends too much money to shop online                        _______

7.    There’s a three- storeys shopping mall in this town.                   _______

8.    My mother doesn’t never shops at the market.                              _______

9.    This cake is home- make                                                               _______

Rewrite the following sentences based on the given words.

1.    Josh hates eating carrots and peas.  (never)

Ø …………………………………………………………………………….

2.    I spent the whole morning browsing online for anew laptop. ( took )

Ø …………………………………………………………………………….

3.    It’s my eighteenth birthday next week. ( will)

Ø …………………………………………………………………………….

4.    Jane wans to make a complaint about the smart watch. ( complain)

Ø …………………………………………………………………………….

5.    There’s no need to bargain at a shopping mall.  ( don’t )

Ø …………………………………………………………………………….

6.    The shoes I bought are bigger than the ones you advertised online. ( smaller)

Ø …………………………………………………………………………….

7.    Most people go to shopping centres to buy necessary items. ( so that)

Ø ……………………………………………………………………………..

8.    Shop owners usually allow customers to try on clothes and shoes. ( allowed)

Ø …………………………………………………………………………….

9.    My mother goes to the grocery store five times a week. ( usually)

Ø …………………………………………………………………………….

10. Let’s get something to drink in that food court. ( Why)

Ø …………………………………………………………………………….

Write T if the sentence refers to a timetable, schedule or plan, and U if it is an unplanned future action.

1.    I’m busy now, so I will help my mom prepare dinner tomorrow evening.

2.    The train leaves in ten minutes.

3.    They won’t go shopping next Sunday.

4.    Our school bus arrives at 6 a. tomorrow morning.

5.    Will we go to the supermarket on Monday this week?

6.    The boutique shop opens at 8 a.m.

7.    The winter sales start next Friday.

8.    My students will probably have a picnic this weekend.

9.    The flight takes off in 15 minutes.

10. I promise I will make a birthday cake for my brother in the next two days.

Fill in the blanks with the correct form of a suitable verb from the box.













1.    Teenagers prefer _____ at the shopping mall.

2.    The bar of chocolate you bought at the convenience shop _____  six days ago.

3.    I’m calling to ______ a complaint about the Ipad I ordered from the shop last weekend.

4.    Shopping centres usually _____ a lot of customers, especially during sales.

5.    Does the supermarket nearby ______ a wide range of products to choose from?

6.    People sometimes go ______ while wandering through the shopping malls.

7.    People prefer going to the shop to going to the market because they allow customers on ______clothes and shoes.

8.    Online shopping helps us ____ time.

9.    There’s nothing worth _____ in a dollar store, I think.

10. You must ____ for the shopping fee if you return a product.

Complete sentences with a suitable preposition.

1.    This salad is made ______ home- grown vegetables.

2.    Shopaholic is a person who is addicted _____ shopping.

3.    We sometimes go round and look at things ____ display.

4.    Some luxurious brands are rarely _____ sale, are they?

5.    Can I use these vouchers _____ the next shopping?

6.    A supermarket is a large indoor shopping place ____ fixe prices for all the items offered.

7.    I paid too much _____ the bag I bought yesterday.

8.    There are a lot of customers _____ shopping centres _____ holidays.

9.    People choose a department store as a place to hang ____ with others.

10.  An open- air market often offers a wide range _____ goods.

Complete the sentences with the words in the box

Open- air      assistant      fixed              speciality         dollar         convenience      bargain

Home-made         shopaholic         items

1.    Would you like to try these ____ sandwiches? My mom made them this morning.

2.    The ____ store is a shop where everything costs one dollar.

3.    All the items in supermarket have ____ prices on their price tags.

4.    Have you ever been to a(n)____ market in Lao Cai?

5.    My aunts usually make a shopping list in order not to forget any_____ needed.

6.    Can I ____ to get a lower price when shopping in a mall?

7.    Whenever I go travelling, I go to some _____ shops to buy some local food as gifts for my relatives and friends.

8.    Ngoc is a _____. She spends most of her time and money shopping.

9.    Seven Eleven is the most popular _____ store in Thailand.

10. My sister works as a shop ______ in a souvenir shop in Hoi An Ancient Town.

Complete the sentences with the adverbs of frequency from the box.

Always x2

Often x2



Rarely x2

Never x2

1.    His friend never sad. He’s _____happy.

2.    I have been late for school only once this year. I’m ____ late.

3.    How _____ do you go shopping at the supermarket?

4.    My uncle hates fish. He ____ eats any kind of fish.

5.    I ____ go to have a drink in coffee shop, but not too often.

6.    James is _____ sick, so he almost never sees a doctor.

7.    I always remember to do my homework. I _____forget to do it.

8.    My father doesn’t like eating out. He ____ has meals at home.

9.    We go to the cinema five times a week. We ____ go there to see a movie.

10. How _____does Jane bargain when shopping?

Put the adverbs of frequency in brackets into its correct position.

1.    My mother buys food in the supermarket. ( always)

2.    My grandma buys things online because she doesn’t know how to use e-commerce flatforms. ( rarely)

3.    Does Jane go to buy some local food in the market? ( usually)

4.    Ann surfs the internet in the evening. ( sometimes)

5.    We pay by credit card. ( never)

6.    I don’t return things that I buy online. ( often)

7.    The shop assistant at his shop gives us special attention. ( always)

8.    My friend visits a farmer’s market to find a lot of home- grown fruit and vegetables.

 ( often)

9.    My parents go to an open- air market in the mountainous area. ( sometimes)

10. The shop owner treats her customers with a lot of respect. ( usually)

1. The noise from the music club is loud, so the residents of the street can not sleep. ( because of)

=> ……………………………………………………………………………….

2. It’s good for us to protect endangered species. (should)

=> ………………………………………………………………………………..

3. Con Dao National Park provides a rich habitat to marine life. ( with )

=> ……………………………………………………………………………….

4. What can we do to reduce our carbon footprint. ( cut)

=> ……………………………………………………………………………

5. Global warming happens when there is too much carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. ( causes)

=> ……………………………………………………………………………

6. Constant exposure to noise pollution will lead to loss of hearing. ( from )

=> ……………………………………………………………………………

7. The weather was bad. That’s why our departure delayed. ( so)

=> …………………………………………………………………………..

8. There was damage to our property because of the fire. ( result in)

=> ………………………………………………………………………….

9. Thomas Edison kept trying. He made a successful light bulb. ( until)

=> …………………………………………………………………………

10. The road condition is poor. There have been several accidents. ( Because)

=> …………………………………………………………………………

1. The noise from the music club is loud, so the residents of the street can not sleep. ( because of)

=> ……………………………………………………………………………….

2. It’s good for us to protect endangered species. (should)

=> ………………………………………………………………………………..

3. Con Dao National Park provides a rich habitat to marine life. ( with )

=> ……………………………………………………………………………….

4. What can we do to reduce our carbon footprint. ( cut)

=> ……………………………………………………………………………

5. Global warming happens when there is too much carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. ( causes)

=> ……………………………………………………………………………

6. Constant exposure to noise pollution will lead to loss of hearing. ( from )

=> ……………………………………………………………………………

7. The weather was bad. That’s why our departure delayed. ( so)

=> …………………………………………………………………………..

8. There was damage to our property because of the fire. ( result in)

=> ………………………………………………………………………….

9. Thomas Edison kept trying. He made a successful light bulb. ( until)

=> …………………………………………………………………………

10. The road condition is poor. There have been several accidents. ( Because)

=> …………………………………………………………………………

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