Học tại trường Chưa có thông tin
Đến từ Chưa có thông tin , Chưa có thông tin
Số lượng câu hỏi 3
Số lượng câu trả lời 5
Điểm GP 0
Điểm SP 0

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I. Listening

1/ Listen to the passage about my family, then choose the letter A, B, C or D representing the correct answer

erThis is my family. We are (1)….. our living room. There are (2)………..people in my family: my father, My mother, my brother and me. This is my father. He is forty. He is (3)……. engineer. This is mother. She is (4)……………. She is (5)…………. My brother is eight. He is a student.

1. A. in                       B. on                           C. at                            D. to

2 . A. two                   B. four                         C. five                          D. three

3 . A. the                    B. a                             C. an                           D. to

4 . A. thirty-six            B. thirty-seven            C. thirty-two                D. thirty-five

5 . A. teacher             B. nurse                      C. doctor                     D. engine

2/ Listen to the passage about My day and decide T/F statements




1. She gets up at six.


2. Nga gets up at ten


3. She goes to the market


4. Every afternoon she plays games


5. She doesn’t do her homework



II. Grammar and vocabulary

1/ Circle the letter A, B, C or D representing the correct answer

1. .......................do you spell your name?

A. What                     B. When                     C. Who                       D. How

2. They play soccer in a …….................

A. stadium                 B. hospital                 C. resturant               D. bakery

3. There is a movie theater ……................ a factory and a restaurant.

A. in                           B. between                C. on                           D. next

4. School starts ……................. 7.30 in the morning.

A. of                           B. in                            C. on                           D. at

5. When ……..................you have English?

A. do                          B. does                       C. are                          D. is

6. We have English ……….............Monday and Thursday.

A. in                           B. on                           C. of                           D. at

7. Mr. Long is a teacher, and this is ................ school.

A. your                       B. my                          C. her                         D. his

8. His house…….................a big garden.

A. have                      B. has                         C. are                          D. is

9. There aren’t ………………… stores near my house .

A. any                        B. some                      C. a                             D. the

10. Do you like music? - ..............................

A. Yes, I do.                                                  B. No, I don’t like.

C. Yes, I am.                                                 D. No, I am not

2/ Give the correct form the verbs to complete sentences

1. We……play………(play) soccer in the yard now.

2. She often……goes…(go) to work at 8.30 in the morning and……comes…….(come) home at 6.00.

3. We……………….( not go) to the zoo very often.

4. Lan and Phuong ……………..(be) in the kitchen.

5. What are you going to do this summer holiday? We……………..((visit) Ha Long bay.


III . Reading

1/ Reading the passage then choose the letter A.B.C or D to complete the passage.

I (1)……….…….usually eat breakfast. I only have(2)……….……. Of coffee. I don’t eat anything until about eleven o’clock. Then I have a biscuit and a glass of (3)……………. For lunch, I usually have a salad. That’s (4)……. about two o’clock. I have (5)………….at half past six in the afternoon.

1. A. don’t                 B. not                          C. am not                   D. no

2. A. a packet            B. a cup                      C. a can                      D. a bar

3. A. peas                   B. rice                         C. chocolates            D. milk

4. A. at                       B. on                           C. in                            D. of

5. breakfast                B. lunch                     C. dinner                    D. supper

2/ Read the text then choose True or False

Hi. My name is Nam. I’m a student. I get up at half past five. I take a shower and get dressed. I have breakfast, then I leave my house at half past six. The school is not far from my house, so I go to school by bike. Classes start at seven and finish at a quarter past eleven. I go home and have lunch at twelve.




1. Nam is a teacher.


2. He has breakfast before he takes a shower.


3. He takes a bus to school because his house is not far from school.


4. His classes finish at half past eleven.



IV. Writing

Rewrite the sentence so that it has similar to first one.

1. What do you do? (job)


2. Every morning, Mr. Ha drives to work.

Mr. Ha goes .………………..…………………………………

3. Her class has a new student.

There ………..……..………………………………………….

4. Where does his friend live?


Phòng Giáo dục và Đào tạo .....

Đề khảo sát chất lượng Giữa kì 1

Năm học 2021 - 2022

Môn: Tiếng Anh 6

Thời gian làm bài: 60 phút

I. Chọn từ có phần gạch dưới phát âm khác so với các từ còn lại 

1. A. people              B. television              C. pencil                    D. stereo

2. A. watches  B. fixes          C. washes          D. goes


II. Chọn đáp án đúng nhất để điền vào chỗ trống

1. How many ......... does it have? – It has 2 floors.

A. floors                    B. schools                  C. students                D. classes

2. I do ......... homework every afternoon.

A. their                    B. his                         C. her                         D. my

3. Which .................are you in? - 6A

A. grade                    B. class                      C. school                   D. floor

4. After school, Lan ...........................

A. listens to music                                       C. listen to the music

B. listen to music                                         D. listens to the music

5. We live .................the country.

A. near                      B. at                           C. in                          D. on

6. What are those? - ..............

A. They are a trees.                                     C. It is trees.

B. They are trees.                                        D. It is a tree.

7. Classes end at ..................

A. a quarter past eleven                              C. eleven past quarter

B. quarter past an eleven                            D. eleven past a quarter

8. The police station is ............... the restaurant.

A. opposite               B. near                        C. next                       D. in front

9. We have literature ............8.40...................9.25.

A. at ......at                                                    C. at ......and at

B. at ......to                                                    D. from ......to

10. Does she .................her face?

A. washs                   B. washes                 C. wash                     D. is wash


III. Hãy chuyển những câu sau sang câu phủ định và nghi vấn 

1. Mai and Lan play soccer in the afternoon.



2. Her teacher listens to music every day.




IV. Đọc đoạn văn sau và trả lời câu hỏi 

Nam is a student. He's in grade six. Every morning, he gets up at half past five. He brushes his teeth atfive forty-five, washes his face and gets dressed, and then he has his big breakfast atsix o'clock. He goes to school atsix thirty. Nam's school is small. It has two floors and Nam's classroom is on the second floor.

1. What does Nam do?


2. Which grade is he in?


3. What time doesNambrush his teeth?


4. Is Nam's school big?


5. Does Nam go to school at six thirty?


6. How many floors does his school have?



V. Sắp xếp những từ sau thành câu hoàn chỉnh 

1. lives/ he/ the/ in/ city.


2. Lan/ up/ gets/ six/ at.


3. near/ bakery/ the/ is/ my house.


4. windows/ six/ are/ in/ classroom/ there/ my.


Phòng Giáo dục và Đào tạo .....

Đề khảo sát chất lượng Giữa kì 1

Năm học 2021 - 2022

Môn: Tiếng Anh 6

Thời gian làm bài: 60 phút

I. Odd one out.

1. A. sister

B. brother

C. uncle

D. teacher

2. A. sofa

B. table

C. house

D. chair

3. A. studying

B. morning

C. listening

D. singing

4. A. small

B. finger

C. leg

D. hand

5. A. book

B. compass

C. pencil

D. basketball


II. Choose the best option marked A, B, C or D to complete each sentence. 

1. Hoa usually________________ after school.

A. is skipping            B. skipping                C. skips                      D. is skipping

2. Listen! They ______ in the classroom.

A. are sing                 B. are singing            C. sing                        D. sings

3. I _________ than my brother.

A. am older               B. more older            C. older                      D. am more older

4. Her shoes __________ his.

A. more expensive than                               B. expensiver than

C. are expensiver than                                 D. are more expensive than