Học tại trường Chưa có thông tin
Đến từ Chưa có thông tin , Chưa có thông tin
Số lượng câu hỏi 12
Số lượng câu trả lời 4
Điểm GP 0
Điểm SP 0

Người theo dõi (1)

Đang theo dõi (2)


I. Complete the conversation with the given phrases or your own ideas.

forty-one dollars


these pants

this jacket

thirty-six dollars

these shorts


(a) medium (size)

(a) large (size)

extra large

twenty-seven dollars



A: Hello. Can I help you?
B: Do you have________________ in________________?
A: Sorry, we only have________________ in________________.
B: OK. I like the________________ ________________.
     Do you have________________ in________________?
A: Yes, here you are.
B: Can I try ________________on?
A: The changing room is over there.
      Is it OK?
B: Yes, how much________________?
A: ________________ ________________.

II. Write a paragraph about a famous dish from Italy. Use the information below to help you. Write 50 to 60 words.
- Spaghetti Bolognese-Italy
- kind of noodle dish with meat sauce
- tomatoes, herbs, beef, onions-cheese on top
- delicious-people all over the world love it 







I. Use the “present simple or present continuous tense” to complete the sentences.

1. The train ______________ at 9 at night. (arrive)

2. Giovanni ______________ to spend the weekend with us. (come)

3. What time __________ you __________ to fireworks competition on Wednesday? (go)

4. What time __________ the film __________? (start)

5. __________ the concert __________ at 7 or 8? (begin)

6. We ______________ a dinner party on Friday and we want to invite you. (have)

7. Most shops in Spain ______________ until 10 am. (open)

8. What time __________ the horse racing __________? (finish)

9. Where__________ you __________ in Bangkok? (stay)

10.   My taekwondo classes______________ next week. (start)

11.   Our flight______________ in London at 4 o’clock in the afternoon. (land)

12.   Everything’s arranged. We______________ house this Saturday. (move)

13.   We ______________ at the museum this afternoon at four. (meet)

14.   I’m sorry. I can’t meet up this weekend. We______________ to Wales. (go)

15.   We ______________ the gardening at 6 tomorrow morning. (do)

16.   This is a terrible film Tony! When __________ it ___________? (finish)

17.   The library ______________ in five minutes and I have four books to return. (close)

18.   After this lesson, I ______________ a friend at McDonald’s for a burger and a chat. (see)

19.   __________ you __________ your motorbike tonight? I want to borrow it. (use)

20. The plane ______________ at 10 am. (leave)






II. Read the article and write the names of the dishes next to the pictures.


Bún chả is a famous meat dish from Vietnam. It is grilled pork. You eat it with rice noodles, vegetables, and a sauce in a small bowl. People make this sauce with sugar, lemon juice, chili, and fish sauce. The dish is delicious.

If you don't like pork, bún bò Nam Bộ is a popular Vietnamese beef dish. It is very easy to make. People make bún bò Nam Bộ with beef, noodles, and herbs. You eat it with peanuts on top. Bún chả and bún bò Nam Bộ are both delicious dishes. Vietnam has lots of other amazing dishes, too. Its food is becoming very popular all over the world.


1. What meat is in bún chả?
2. What do you eat bún chả with?

3. What do they make the sauce in bún chả with?

4. What do people make bún bò Nam Bộ with?

5. What do you put on top of bún bò Nam Bộ? 
