Học tại trường Chưa có thông tin
Đến từ Chưa có thông tin , Chưa có thông tin
Số lượng câu hỏi 8
Số lượng câu trả lời 2
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Điểm SP 1

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Chủ đề:

Luyện tập tổng hợp

Câu hỏi:

VI. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense: (2ms)

1. The first World war (start)……….. in 1939 and (finish) …………..in 1945.

2. When he last (see) Nam?

3. I (visit) my mother last weekend.

4. After we (finish) our work, we (go) home.

5 When my teacher (retire) last year, he (work) as a teacher for 20 years.

6. I want to know how (use) this machine.

7. I can’t help (laugh) when you see him.

8. My mother decided (stay) at home .

9. The lecture already (start) before we arrived.

10. When I got to the supermarket ,I (realize) that I (leave) all the money at home

11.Do you enjoy (watch) TV?

12. This novel is worth (read).

13. Before he (buy) that car last month, he (save) money.

14. He (not sign) the contract until he (talk) to the lawyer.

15. Yesterday we(not have) lunch because when we (come) home, I (realise) that the dog (eat) all the food.

16. I am not in a hurry. I don’t mind (wait)

17. It was a film that I (never hear ) of before.

18. He wanted (improve) his health. 

19. Would you like (go) out?

20. We’d rather  (die) than (be) slave.

21. She regretted ...............................(not / go) to the concert.

22. Thank you for...................(let) us ........................(service) your car.

23. It is likely.......................(snow) in the far north this morning.

24. You don’t need.........................(clean) the floor.

25. Ngoc is looking forward to ....................(see) Linda.

26. I must remember...........................(ring) the dentist.

27. I remember .....................(go) there last year.

28. My clothes need........................(iron)

29. ................................(Swim) is good for you.

30. Can you show me how……………………..(get) to the station?

31. It’s no use……………. (tell) him about your feeling . He’ll never regret ……………..( hurt) you.

32. I do not mind ………. (look) after the children but I hate………… (do) the housework.

33. George has no intention of ………….. (leave) the city. He wants……………. ( live ) here all his life

34. When a young man, he used …………………..( jog )  every morning.

36. I decided .................................(speak) to her again.

37. The river became deeper after it........................(rain) heavily.

38.  The sun had set before I...............................( be)  ready to go.

39 He had already learnt English before he ........................(leave)  for England.

40.  Why didn’t you go to the doctor after I .......................(tell) you to?

41.  It.....................(rain) yesterday after it ....................(be) dry for many months.

42.  He took the money after I .......................(ask) him.

 43. My friend....................(not / see) me for many years when I .......................(meet) him last week.

44. He died after he ...........................(be) ill a long time


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