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Chủ đề:

Luyện tập tổng hợp

Câu hỏi:

Dear Phong,

I’m sorry I couldn’t write to you earlier because I was very busy. Now, we’re staying in a small hotel near a shopping area in District 10. Near my hotel, there’s a cinema, a bank, a supermarket and some cafés. There are some big shops at the end of the street. It is also very noisy here  because there’s always a lot of traffic, day and night. In my hometown, I live in a quieter street. There are some small shops, a school and a market in my neighbourhood but there isn’t a park and a cinema. The streets are narrower but they are cleaner and there isn’t so much traffic. The air is much fresher, too. And every house has a backyard and a front yard.





1.                  Where is Minh staying now?


2. Why is it very noisy around his hotel?


3. What is there in his hotel?


4. Is there a park in his neighbourhood?


5.What does every house have?


6. Is the air fresh ?


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Chủ đề:

Luyện tập tổng hợp

Câu hỏi:

: Choose the best answer.( 3ps )

1. There is a hotel in front ………. the park.

    A. of                                    B. on                                       C. to                            D. at

2. Cua Lo is a ………. .beach!

    A. boring                             B. historic                                C. fantastic                  D. modern

3. I love it here- everything I want is only five minutes away. It’s so  ……. .

    A. convenient                      B. narrow                                C. exciting                   D. noisy

4. ………. there a theatre in your neighborhood?

    A. Are                                 B. Is                            C. Do                          D. Does

5. My head hurts. I need to take some ……. .

    A. backpacks                       B. compasses               C. painkillers  D. plasters

6. Ha  Long Bay is in …….. .

    A. Viet Nam                       B. Australia                             C. Brazil                      D. Great Britain

7. Life in the countryside is ……………… There aren’t many things to do there.

   A. exciting               B. boring                     C. happy                      D. noisy

8. The air in the area is………….. with smoke from factories.

A. polluted                  B. fresh                       C. noisy                       D. boring

9. Hoi An is a…………..with a lot of old houses, shops, buildings and theatres, etc.

A. historic                   B. old              C. modern                   D. new

10. The street is very……..with a lot of traffic so we can’t move.

A. wide                                   B. narrow                    C. noisy                       D. quiet

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Chủ đề:

Luyện tập tổng hợp

Câu hỏi:

Choose the best answer for each of  the following sentences

3.                  we go to buy stamps or send letters?

 A. What                      B. Where                    C. How                        D. Which

4. You must remember to bring a       . It’s very useful when you go into a cave because it’s very dark there.

            A. scissors                   B. compass                  C. clock                       D. torch

5. If we had a              , we wouldn’t get lost

   A. backpack              B. torch                       C. painkiller                D. compass

6. You             travel alone to the mountain. Always go in group.

A. must                        B. can’t                        C. can                          D. mustn’t

7. _____the third turning _____the left.                                                                                                                          

A. Take – in                 B. Get – in                   C. Take– on                 D. Get – on

8. My backpack is more_____ than your backpack.

A. better                       B. cheaper                   C. modern                  D. smaller

9 The boat trip to Hai Phong, the northern tip of Viet Nam, was       experience of my life.

A. good                       B. the best                    C. more                       D. best

Choose the words or phrases that are not correct in Standard English.

10. There is a supermarket at my neighbourhood.

        A        B                 C               D

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