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1. ​​ is the most expensive city in the world? - I think it’s Tokyo. ​A. What​B. Where​C. When​​D. How 2. ​​ is your favorite tennis player? – I don’t like tennis. ​A. Where​B. Who​C. How often​​D. How long 3. My brother can’t swim ​​ he’s afraid (sợ) of water. ​A. because​B. and​​C. but​​​D. so 4. My sister likes going to the cinema ​​ I like watching TV at home. ​A. and​B. but​C. because​D. or 5. ​​ pen is this? Can I borrow it? ​A. Whose​B. Whom​C. Who​D. Which 6. ​​ are you going to invite to your party next week? ​A. What​B. Who​C. Whose​D. Where 7. ​​ did you spend in Hanoi? – One week. ​A. How many​​B. How much​​C. How long​​D. How often 8. ​​ is a person who reads a report in the program. ​A. A weatherman​B. A comedian​C. A newsreader​D. A guest 9. We use a ​​ to change the channels from a distance. ​A. remote control​B. TV schedule​​C. newspaper​​D. volume button 10. I want to watch the cartoon ​​ I turn on the TV. ​A. but​​​B. so​​C. although​​D. because 11. Jerry is a(n) clever little mouse. ​A. small​B. special​C. intelligent​​D. special 12. ‘Let’s learn’ teaches children to study Maths. It’s an ​​ program. ​A. live​​B. popular​C. entertaining​​D. educational 13. Where are the children? They ​​ in the yard. ​A. play​​B. are playing​​C. is playing​​D. plays 14. The book is ​​ the adventure of three close friends. ​A. on​​B. from​C. at​​D. about 15. They invite special ​​ to appear in the show. ​A. character​B. guests​C. foxes​D. audiences 16. Millions of children ​​ the world enjoy the show. ​A. all​​B. in​​C. around​C. over 17. The game show this week will test you general ​​ about Amazon jungle. ​A. schedule​B. knowledge​​C. fact​​D. adventure 18. The program can both ​​ and entertain young audiences. ​A. educated​B. education​​C. educational​​D. educate 19. The ​​ I like best is Xuan Bac. ​A. comedy​B. comedian​​C. fun​​D. funny 20. A ​​ is a film that tries to make audiences laugh. ​A. Horror​B. sci-fi​C. comedy​D. documentary 21. The movie on TV last night made me​ ​. ​A. bore​​B. boring​C. bored​D. boredom 22. I was ​​ to learn that the director of that gripping film has won the first prize. ​A. interest​B. interests​C. interested​​D. interesting 23. We were ​​ with the latest film of that director. ​A. satisfy​B. satisfying​C. satisfactory​​D. satisfied 24. They were very disappointed ​​ her acting. ​A. of​​B. with​​C. in​​D. on 25. Lets go to the Victor Cinema. I’m sure you'll find the film ​​. ​A. excites​B. excite​C. excited​D. exciting 26. Mr. Beans Holiday is a ​​ film - I was laughing from beginning to end. ​A. funny​B. violent​C. scary​D. moving 27. We are really ​​ about going to the cinema tonight. ​A. excited​B. interested​C. amused​D. pleased 28. The film was so ​​. However, my father saw it from beginning to end. ​A. interesting​B. exciting​C. boring​D. fascinating 29. We found the plot of the film​ ​​. ​A. bored​B. boring​C. interested​D. acting 30. The cinema changed completely at ​​ end of ​​ 1920s. ​A. an – the​B. the - a​C. a - the​D. the - the