Đề số 1

Nội dung lý thuyết


NĂM HỌC 2018- 2019

I.                   PRONUNCIATION

EXERCISE 1: Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the others: pronunciation of “ ed”

1. A. arrived                            B. believed                          C. received                            D. hoped

2. A. opened                           B. knocked                         C. played                              D. occurred

3. A. rubbed                            B. tugged                            C. stopped                            D. filled

4. A. dimmed                           B. travelled                         C. passed                              D. stirred

5. A. tipped                             B. begged                           C. quarrelled                         D. carried

6. A. tried                                B. obeyed                           C. cleaned                             D. asked

7. A. packed                           B. added                             C. worked                             D. pronounced

8. A. watched                          B. phoned                           C. referred                            D. followed

9. A. agreed                            B. succeeded                      C. smiled                               D. loved

10. A. laughed                         B. washed                           C. helped                              D. weighed

11. A. walked                          B. ended                             C. started                              D. wanted

12. A. killed                             B. hurried                            C. regretted                           D. planned

13. A. visited                           B. showed                          C. wondered                         D. studied

14.A. sacrificed                       B. finished                           C. fixed                                 D. seized

15. A. needed                          B.  booked                         C. stopped                            D. washed

16. A. loved                            B.  teased                           C. washed                             D. rained

17. A. packed                         B. punched                         C. pleased                             D. pushed

18. A. caused                          B. increased                        C. practised                           D. promised

19. A. washed                         B. parted                            C. passed                              D. barked

20. A. killed                             B. cured                              C. crashed                             D. waived


EXERCISE 2: Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the others: pronunciation of “ s, es’

1. A. skims                              B. works                             C. sits                                    D. laughs

2. A. fixes                                B. pushes                            C. misses                               D. goes

3. A. cries                                B. buzzes                            C. studies                              D. supplies

4. A. holds                               B. notes                              C. replies                               D. sings

5. A. keeps                              B. gives                               C. cleans                               D. prepares

6. A. runs                                B. fills                                 C. draws                               D. catches

7. A. drops                              B. kicks                              C. sees                                  D. hopes

8. A. types                               B. knocks                           C. changes                            D. wants

9. A. drinks                             B. rides                               C. travels                               D. leaves

10. A. calls                              B. glasses                            C. smiles                               D. learns

11. A. schools                         B. yards                              C. labs                                  D. seats

12. A. knives                           B. trees                               C. classes                              D. agrees

13. A. buses                            B. horses                            C. causes                              D. ties

14. A. garages                         B. boats                              C. bikes                                D. roofs

15. A. ships                             B. roads                              C. streets                               D. speaks

16. A. beliefs                           B. cups                               C. plates                                D. apples

17. A. books                           B. days                               C. songs                                D. erasers

18. A. houses                          B. knives                             C. clauses                              D. changes

19. A. roofs                             B. banks                             C. hills                                   D. bats

20. A. hats                               B. tables                             C. tests                                  D. desks




Quy tắc

Ví dụ

Ngoại lệ

1. Từ có 2 vần:

- Thường nhấn ở vần đầu

- Danh từ hoặc tính từ: nhấn ở vần đầu

- Động từ: nhấn ở vần hai


Candy, really, active, carrot

Signal, provide, suppose


machine guitar, listen, open,……

2. Các từ tận cùng là: IC, TION, SION, ITY, OGY, UOUS,.. trọng âm thường đặt ngay trước những âm này

Economic, revision, , capacity,biology continuous,…

Politics, television,….

3. Các từ tận cùng là: ATE trọng âm thường rơi vào  âm thứ 3 từ dưới đếm lên

considerate, educate, communicate


4. Các từ tận cùng là: ADE, EE, ESE, EER, OO, OON, ETTE, ESQUE, trọng âm thường nhấn ở chính nó

 employee, Vietnamese, engineer, volunteer, taboo, balloon, cigarette, afternoon

Centigrade, committee,

5. Danh từ kép, trọng âm rơi vào âm tiết đầu

Blackbird, greenhouse


6. Tính từ kép, động từ kép, trọng âm rơi vào âm tiết thứ hai

Bad-tempered, old-fashioned understand, overflow



1. A.confide                          B.believe                               C.suppose                             D.couple

2. A.physical                         B.appearance                        C.partnership                         D.sacrifice

3. A.romantic                        B.determine                           C.attention                             D.attitude

4. A.majority                         B.significant                           C.ceremony                           D.diversity

5. A.maintain                         B.equal                                 C.demand                             D.precede

6. A.social                             B.conduct                             C.survey                                D.value

7. A.attention                         B.consider                             C.excited                               D.marvellous

8. A.verbal                            B.whistle                               C.proceed                             D.marriage

9. A.attract                            B.decide                               C.reject                                 D.beauty

10. A.suitable                        B.confidence                         C.family                                 D.solution

11. A.academic                     B.education                           C.electronic                           D.particular

12. A.impression                   B.concentrate                        C.insurance                           D.remember

13. A.consist                         B.achieve                              C.system                               D.require

14. A.compulsory                  B.interviewer                         C.receptionist                        D.certificate

15. A.preference                   B.candidate                           C.decisive                             D.applicant

16. A.separate                       B.destruction                         C.corridor                             D.serious

17. A.expedition                    B.priority                               C.entertainment                     D.conservation

18. A.extinction                     B.construction                       C.endanger                            D.wonderful

19. A.reserve                        B.swallow                             C.derive                                D.reduce

20. A.commercial                  B.agency                               C.enormous                           D.example



1. Word meaning ( Nghĩa của từ)

1. We shouldn’t evaluate anyone through his _______________.

       A. appear                       B. appearance                       C. appearing                          D. appeared

2.    I think it is a good  idea _______________ a party tonight.

       A. have                          B. has                                   C. having                               D. to have

3.    There are differences and ___________ between Vietnamese and American culture.

       A. similar                        B. similarly                            C. similarity                           D. similarities

4.    We have to pay _______________ to what our parents taught last night.

       A. mind                          B. attention                            C. notice                               D. thought

5.    Some people are concerned with physical ________ when choosing a wife or a husband.

       A. attract                        B. attraction                          C. attractiveness                    D. attractively

6.    In our life, we sometimes __________ what we have for our friends.

       A. sacrifice                     B. determine                          C. apologize                          D. thank

7.    I think it is _______________ to ask someone’s age.

       A. careless                     B. impolite                             C. disrespectful                      D. useful

8.    The average _______________ pays 40 penny a day in water rates.

       A. housekeeper              B. housework                        C. household                         D. housemate

9.    We are a very ___________ family, so we support each other when facing troubles.

       A. close- knit                  B. well- done                        C. hard – up                          D. old- aged

10. They are __________a survey to find out what the customers think of their local bus service.

       A. taking                        B. reviewing                          C. investigating                      D. conducting

11. Body language is a potent form of _______ communication.

       A. verbal                        B. non-verbal                        C. tongue                              D. oral

12. Our teacher often said, "Who knows the answer? _______ your hand."

       A. Rise                           B. Lift                                   C. Raise                                D. Heighten

13. Pay more attention _______ picture and you can find out who is the robber.

       A. to                              B. for                                    C. at                                      D. on

14. She looked _______ me, smiling happily and confidently.

       A. on                              B. over                                  C. forward to                        D. at

15. There are two __ school systems in England; i. e. , state school system and public school ones.

       A. parallel                       B. paragraph                         C. paradise                            D. pyramid


2. Word forms ( cấu tạo từ )

* Nhận biết danh từ : Các danh từ thường có đuôi là :

          ­+ -tion / -ation :          Ví dụ : conservation, prevention, creation, combination, station

          + -ment :                                Ví dụ : development, employment, disapointment, instrument

          + -ness :                                 Ví dụ : richness, happiness, business

          + -er (chỉ người) :       Ví dụ : teacher, speaker, worker, writer, singer

          + -or (chỉ người) :      Ví dụ : sailor, inventor, visitor, actor, instructor

          + -ist (chỉ người) :      Ví dụ : physicist, typist, biologist, chemist, guitarist

          + -age :                                  Ví dụ : teenage, marriage, passage, package, drainage

          + -ship :                                 Ví dụ : friendship, scholarship, championship

          + -ism :                                  Ví dụ : capitalism, heroism, critisim, Maxism, socialism

          + -(i)ty :                                 Ví dụ : possibility, responsibility, reality, beauty, safety, variety

          + (verb)-al :                 Ví dụ : refusal, arrival, removal, survival

          + -th                                       Ví dụ : width, warmth, strength, youth, truth, depth

          + ence, ance



* Nhận biết tính từ : Các tính từ thường có đuôi là :

          + -ful :                                   Ví dụ : harmful, useful, successful, helpful, hopeful

          + less :                                   Ví dụ : childless, homeless, careless, treeless

          + (noun)-y :                           Ví dụ : rainy, snowy, dusty, sandy, windy

          + -ish :                                   Ví dụ : foolish, selfish, childish

          + (noun)-al :                         Ví dụ : industrial, natural, agricultural, musical

          + -ous :                                  Ví dụ : poisonous, nervous, dangerous, famous

          + -ive :                                   Ví dụ : active, distinctive, attractive, progressive

          + -ic :                                     Ví dụ : Artistic, electric, economic

          + -able :                                 Ví dụ : countable, comfortable, acceptable

          + - ible :                                 Ví dụ : impossible, ..


* Nhận biết trạng từ : Các trạng từ thường có đuôi là : -ly

      eg: beautifully  , carefully , suddenly,...

    Ngoại lệ: friendly (adj)   , daily (adj),.....

* Nhận biết động từ : Một số động từ thường có tiền tố hoặc hậu tố -EN / EN- / -IFY / -IZE / -ISE, -ATE ( không nhiều )

          Ví dụ : endanger, enlarge, enrich, enforce, enclose, widen, frighten, classify, modify, satisfy, realize, modernize, industrialize, communicate


Choose (A, B, C or D) to complete these sentences:

1. My father helps my mother with the housework. He proves to be __, especially when my mother is sick

     A. support                             B. supporting                       C. supportive                     D. supported

2. Your __________must be typed into 3 copies to hand in for our company.

     A. applicants                         B. application                       C. applicating                     D. applying

3. Well, I think that the prices in Dong Thap supermarket are _______.

     A. reason                              B. reasonable                       C. reasonably                     D. reasoning

4. This company offered a lot of _______ jobs.

    A. attractive                          B. attraction                         C. attract                            D. attractively

5. What are the ____________ between women’s in old times and women in modern times?

     A. differs                               B. different                           C. difference                      D. differences

6. It is necessary for students to listen to their teacher ______.

     A. attentive                            B. attentively                        C. attention                        D attend

7. I like my work because I have the ___ to make my own decision.

    A. freed                  B. freedom                                         C. freely                             D. free

8. _________ films should be made for school.

     A. Educational                       B. Educating                        C. Educated                       D. Educate

9. We are in regular _________with each other by telephone or letter.

     A. communicate                    B. communicative                 C. communication               D. communicatively

10. They gave a clear ____________of their intentions.

     A. demonstrate                      B. demonstrative                  C. demonstration                D. demonstrating

11. Information technology is very ________ to our lives.

     A. useful                                B. useless                             C. use                                D. usefully     

12. A computer is a ___typewriter which allows you to type and print any kind of documents.

     A. magically                          B. magical                            C. magic                            D. magician

13. Hue is famous for its __________spots.

     A. beauty                              B. beautiful                           C. beautify                         D. beautifully

14. The most _________thing about listening to music is that you can relax your mind.

     A. enjoyment                         B. enjoyed                           C. enjoying                         D. enjoyable

15. “The Spy Returns” is a very ___________film about a wealthy man who visits Italy.

     A. exciting                             B. excited                            C. excitement                     D. excite



     Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) CLOSET  in meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.

1. An elderly woman in a nearby farm house heard a car stop, an unusual occurrence in so remote an area.

     A. automatic                          B. distant                             C. savage                           D. mean

2. She had no idea what made him angry one minute and jovial the next.

     A. incredulous                       B. merry                              C. revolting                        D. dizzy

3. Who can predict his comings and goings?

     A. foretell                              B. decide                             C. prevent                          D. discover

4. They detested each other on sight.

     A. argued with                       B. hated                               C. discovered                     D. revealed

5. She sat with a pensive expression on her face.

     A. oppressed                        B. caged                              C. thoughtful                       D. happy

6. If we continue to deplete the Earth’s natural resources, we will cause serious damage to the environment.

     A. explode                            B. conserve                          C. exhaust                          D. dig into

7. He was met by a throng of journalists and photographers.

     A. crowd                              B. barrier                             C. group                            D. few

8. Through he’s rich, he prefers to live in a modest little house.

     A. attractive                          B. clever                              C. current                           D. humble

9. Remember to drop me a line while you are away on business.

     A. give me a ring                   B. write to me                      C. call me                           D. drop in me

10. He disapproved of the behavior his sons displayed during the church service this week.

     A. comment                          B. support                            C. blame                            D. like

11. I was horrified to find a drug tablet which had been left on purpose in my room yesterday.

     A. ashamed                           B. shocked                          C. nervous                         D. surprised

12. He is among wealthy members of the golf club. He possesses houses, land and property across the country.

     A. adroit                               B. affluent                            C. adjacent                        D. acrid

13. ICD implantation is a routine operation with a very low complication rate.

     A. cheap                               B. small                                C. usual                              D. quick

14. You should cut down on cigarettes, for smoking does no good to your health.

     A. ceased smoking     B. become frightened      C. decreased the number of                D. gotten sick

15. A bachelor’s degree is required if one wishes to apply for the job.

     A. necessary                         B. desirable                          C. acquired                        D. optional



     Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word or phrase that is OPPOSITE meaning to the underlined part in each of the following questions. 

1. In 1989, the Soviet Union decided to withdraw its troops from Afghanistan.

     A. reduce                              B. increase                           C. advance                         D. retreat

2. We did a thorough search of the house, but we couldn’t find my car keys.

     A. complete                          B. careless                           C. funny                             D. smooth

3. It is difficult tolerate person who continually lies.

     A. welcome                           B. reject                               C. dismiss                          D. get rid of

4. With people having fewer kids these days, the local school can easily accommodate all the children in the area.

     A. discourage                        B. reject                               C. lay off                            D. sack

5. I don’t want to change jobs. I’m quite content with my present position.

      A. disappointed                    B. unsatisfied                        C. happy                            D. concerned

6. The teacher is simply too lenient with her students and is passing people who ought to fail.

     A. occupied                          B. satisfied                           C. disappointed                  D. strict

7. He wants to find a temporary job or a seasonal one.

     A. eternal                              B. genuine                            C. permanent                     D. satisfactory

8. Many animals are being endangered by human activities such as the burning of coal and charcoal for heating and cooking.

     A. at risk                               B. defended                         C. hazardous                      D. varied

9. Workers need a secure environment so that they can work more effectively.

     A. protected                          B. riskless                            C. unsafe                            D. safe

10. I lost contact with my family and friends since I lost my mobile phone.

     A. lost control of                   B. made room for                 C. got in touch with            D. put in charge of

11. He is not popular and has a lot of enemies.

     A. opponents                        B. friends                             C. betrayers                       D. attackers

12. The jury declared him guilty and sentenced him to death.

     A. chargeable                        B. offensive                          C. innocent                         D. condemned

13. Maureen usually felt depressed on Mondays, because she never got enough sleep on the weekends.

     A. unhappy                           B. cheerful                           C. glum                              D. understanding

14. I can’t tolerate this situation any longer.

     A. look down on                   B. put up with                      C. take away from              D. give back

15. The number of illiterate adults in mountainous and remote areas in Vietnam has declined over the last few years.

     A. able to read and write                                                   B. unable to pass an exam in reading and writing

     C. inflexible                                                                       D. able to join intramural sport


III. COMMUNICATION FUNCTION ( Chức năng giao tiếp)

1. Peter: “How do you do?” – Mary: “___________”

       A.Yeah,OK                        B. Not too bad.                   C. How do you do?            D. I’m well.Thank you

2. Lam: “Bye!”- Lan “_________.”

       A.See you lately                  B. See you later                   C.Thank you                       D. Meet you again

3. John: “I’ve passed my final exam.”- Tom: “____________”

       A.Good luck.                                                                 B. It’s nice of you to say so. 

       C.That’s a good idea.                                                     D.Congratulation!

4. Hung: “Would you like to have dinner with me?”- Lam: “__________.”

       A.Yes, I’d love to               B. I’m very happy               C.Yes,it is                           D.Yes,so do I

5. David: “You’ve got a beautiful dress!” – Helen: “________.”

       A. I do                                B. Thanks for your compliment    C.You, too                 D. Okay

6. Mary: “That’s a very nice skirt you’re wearing.”- Julia: “_________.”

       A.That’s nice                      B. I like it                            C. That’s all right                 D. I’m glad you like it

7. David: “Happy Christmas!”- Jason: “____________”

       A.You are the same!           B. Same for you!       C. The same to you!  D. Happy Christmas with you!

8. Mary: “I’ve got an interview for a job tomorrow.” – Peter: “____________.”

       A. Thank you                      B. Same to me                    C. Good luck                      D. See you

9. A: “Thank you for the lovely present.” – B: “____________.”

       A. Go ahead                       B. Not at all                        C. Come on           D. I’m pleased you like it.

10. A: “____________” – B: “Certainly”

       A. Welcome back!                                                        B. What are you doing there?

       C. I’m sorry I am late                                                     D. May I borrow a pencil , please?

11. A: “Would you like some more tea?” – B: “____________”

       A. Yes, please                    B. Here you are                   C. It doesn’t matter             D. I’m OK

12. Hello, my name’s John. ____________ to meet you

       A. Please                            B. I am very well                 C. Pleased                          D. Thank you

13. Peter: “Thanks a lot for your wonderful gift.” – Mary: “____________”

       A. You are welcome           B. Thank you                     C. Cheers                           D. Have a good day

14. A: “Thank you for a lovely evening.” – B: “____________”

       A. Don’t mention it              B. I’m glad you enjoy it       C. Yes, I’d like that  D. Yes, that would be very nice

15. A: “Let’s meet for a coffee tonight.” – B: “____________”

       A. I hope not                      B. I’m afraid I can               C. Yes, let’s                        D. Yes, thank you

16.“How well you are playing!”                                              – _______________

       A. No, do you think so?                                                 B. I think so. I’m proud of myself

       C. Many thanks. That is a nice compliment.                    D. Yes, Thank you.              

17. Alice: “ What shall we do this evening?” – Carol: “ ……………………………”

       A. Let’s go out for dinner. B. Oh, that’s good!               C. No problem                   D. I went out for dinner

18. A: Does Maria speak English well? – B: ………………………… .

       A. Yes. I do                        B. I think not                       C. I don’t think so             D. She thinks so

19. Helen: “ May I introduce you to Mary, Peter ?” – Peter: “ …………………………………?”

       A. How are you, Mary?       B. How do you do, Mary?                                            

       C. Pleased to meet you, Mary                                        D. B and C are correct

20.What an attractive hair style you have got, Mary! - _______

       A. Thank you very much. I am afraid                              B. You are telling a lie

       C. Thank you for your compliment                                 D. I don't like your sayings



1. Don’t bother me while I ____________ .                        

       A. am working                    B. was working                   C. will work                        D. will have worked

2. I____________  the book by the time you come tonight.

       A. will be finishing               B. finished                           C. had finished                    D. will have finished

3. How ____________ since we ____________ school?

       A. are you / left      B. will you be / had left      C. have you been / left      D. had you been/ had left

4. The last time I saw Rose was three years ago.

       A. I didn’t see Rose three years ago.                              B. I have seen Rose for three years.

       C. I haven’t seen Rose for three years.                           D. I hadn’t seen Rose for three years.

5. Fish were among the earliest forms of life. Fish ____________ on earth for ages and ages.

       A. existed                           B. are existing                      C. exists                              D. have existed

6. She was sitting on the park bench when she ___________ a strange noise.

       A. heard                             B. hears                              C. was hearing                    D. had heard

7. They missed the ferry. I _________by the time they reached the pier.

      A. had gone                         B. went                               C. would go                        D. has gone

8. I had missed the beginning of the film when I _____TV on.

       A. switched                         B. was switching                  C. am switching                   D. had switched

9. The last time I played football was in 1991.

       A. I haven’t played football in 1991.                               B. I haven’t played football since 1991.

       C. I didn’t play football in 1991.                                     D. I last played football since 1991.

10. Nothing has changed in this town since I first _________ it.                                      

       A. visit                                B. visited                             C. have visited                    D. am visited

11. This morning while I ______ for the bus, it started to rain.

       A. waited                            B. have waited                    C. had waited                     D. was waiting

12. This is the first time we _________ a sewing machine.

       A. are using                         B. use                                 C. used                               D. have used

13. “Where is Nam?”           - “He _________in his room.”

       A. studies                            B. is studying                       C. studied                           D. has studied

14. When I was at school, I _________ soccer twice a week.

       A. will play                          B. am playing                      C. used to play                    D. am going to play

15. They _________ for 3 hours when the storm suddenly broke.

       A. had been running            B. have been running           C. are running                     D. will be running

16. I can’t go out with you because I _________ for my uncle.

       A. wait                                B. am waiting                      C. was waiting                    D. will wait

17. I am sitting in class right now but I_________ at home at this moment yesterday.

       A. was staying                     B. have stayed                     C. is staying                        D. stayed

18. When Peter_________, we told him the good news.

       A. wakes up                       B. has woken up                 C. woke up                         D. was waking

19. After I ________ here, I _________ to feel better.

       A. have come / started       B. had come / started            C. was coming/ had started  D. came/ had started

20. In recent years, the price of coffee, cocoa and bananas _______.

       A. has fallen                        B. fell                                  C. was falling                      D. falls



       Ex 1: Choose the best answer

1.    John asked me _______ in English.

     A. what does this word mean                                           B. what that word means

     C. what did this word mean   D. what that word meant

2.    The mother told her son _______ so impolitely.

     A. not behave                        B. not to behave                  C. not behaving                   D. did not behave

3.    She said she _______ collect it for me after work.

     A. would                               B. did                                  C. must                               D. had

4.    She said I _______ an angel.

     A. am                                    B. was                                C. were                              D. have been

5.    I have ever told you he _______ unreliable.

     A. is                                      B. were                               C. had been                        D. would be

6.    Laura said she had worked on the assignment since _______.

     A. yesterday                          B. two days ago                  C. the day before                D. the next day

7.    John asked me _______ that film the night before.

       A. that I saw                       B. had I seen                       C. if I had seen                    D. if had I seen

8. The mother told her son _______________ so impolitely.

       A. not behaving                   B. not to behave                  C. did not behave               D. not behave

9.    She said she _______________collect it for me after work.

       A. would                             B. did                                  C. will                                 D. had

10. He asked me where I _________________.

       A. have studied                   B. study                              C. am studying                    D. studied

11.  Peter said that he had lived in London four years _______________ .

       A. then                                B. ago                                 C. before                            D. later

12. The host asked her _______________ tea or coffee.

       A. whether she liked            B. that she liked                   C. if she likes                      D. whether she like

13. My friend asked me who _______________ the piano in the sitting room.

       A. was playing                    B. plays                               C. is playing                        D. has played

14. The teacher told his students _______________ laughing.

       A. would stop                     B. to stop                            C. stop                               D. stopped

15. Mary asked me ________________.

       A. whether I would watch the football match on TV the day before.

       B. whether I watched the football match on TV the day before.

       C. If I had watch  the football match on TV the day before.

       D. whether I had watched the football match on TV the day before.

16. I told him _______ the word to Jane somehow that I _______ to reach her during the early hours.

       A. passing / will try     B. he will pass / tried    C. to pass / would be trying D. he passed / have tried

17.I wanted to know__________return home.

       A. when would she              B. when will she                  C. when she will                  D. when she would

18.“Could you tell me how to get to the airport?”

       A. he asked me how to get to the airport                        B. he said if I could tell him the airport

       C. he told me how to get to the airport    D. he asked me to tell how to get to the airport


Ex 2: Change these sentences into reported speech

1. Lan said : “ I went for a picnic with my friends yesterday”

     Lan said..........................................................................................................................................................

2. “Did you go out last night , Lan ?”

     I asked Lan.....................................................................................................................................................

3. “How long are you waiting for the bus ?” he asked me

     He asked me...................................................................................................................................................

4. “Please, don’t smoke in this room” said the clerk.

     The clerk asked me.........................................................................................................................................

5. “If I were you, I wouldn’t drink so much wine” he said.

     He advised me................................................................................................................................................

6.“Come for dinner with us tonight, will you ? Bill said

     Bill invited me..................................................................................................................................................

7. “Remember to post my letter on your way” Hoa said.

     Hoa reminded me............................................................................................................................................

8.“I didn’t steal her money” he said.

     He denied.......................................................................................................................................................

9.“Yes, I broke into that house”  the thief said.

     The thief admitted............................................................................................................................................

10.“I’m sorry. I didn’t tell you the truth” he said to her.

     He apologized to her.......................................................................................................................................

11.“Let’s go out for dinner” he said.

     He suggested...................................................................................................................................................

12.“Thank you very much for inviting me to the party” she said to him.

     She thanked him for.........................................................................................................................................

13.“Congratulation! You’ve passed the final Examination” he said to her.

     He congratulated her....................................................................................................................................... .

14.“Let me pay for the meal,” Ben said to me.

     Ben insisted.....................................................................................................................................................



Ex 1: Choose the best answer

1.“What a beautiful dress you are wearing!" - "Thank you. It _ especially for me by a French tailor”.

     A. is made                          B. has made                        C. made                                D. make

2.  “Mary is a wonderful ballet dancer.” - “She  ___ how to dance since she was four.”

     A. has been teaching           B. has been taught               C. is teaching                         D. was taught

3.  Gold _______________ in California in the nineteenth century.

     A. was discovered              B. has been discovered       C. was discovering                D. discovered

4.  All the luggage _______________ before departure.

     A. will have checked           B. will has checked             C. will be checked                 D. will checked

5.  Where did you get these old dresses?  - They ________ in the old trunk accidently.

     A. were found                     B. were finding                    C. have been found               D. found

6.  The preparations _______________ by the time the guests arrived.

     A. had been finished            B. have been finished           C. have finished                     D. had finished

7.  “Where is the old chicken coop?" - “It _____ by a windstorm last year.”

     A. destroys                         B. is destroyed                    C. was destroyed                  D. destroyed

8. A new law ………… to ban smoking in public places.

     A. has passed                     B. will pass                         C. is passing                          D. has been passed

9. Each term is separating by a one-week break.

       A                      B            C                    D

10. A new primary school has just built in this village.

      A             B                             C          D

11.They have been translated Shakespeare’s tragedies into many languages.

A                                          B          C                   D

12. The children  were frightening by the thunder and lightning.

     A                                  B                    C                        D

13. Two people got hurt in the accident and were took to the hospital by an ambulance.

                         A                   B                        C                    D

14. The students  helped by the clear explanation  that the teacher gave.

                              A                                B              C                        D

15. That alloy is composing by iron and tin.

      A                      B           C          D

16. The winner of the race  hasn’t been announcing yet.

     A               B                    C                   D


Ex 2: Change these sentences into passive

1.        Tom was writing two poems.


2.        She often takes her dog for a walk.


3.        People speak English all over the world.


4.        A group of students have met their friends at the railway station.


5.        The teacher won’t correct exercises tomorrow.


6.        This well-known library attracts many people.


7.        People say that he is intelligent.


8.        He can’t repair my bike.


9.        Mary has operated Tom since 10 o’clock.


10.   Mr. Smith has taught us French for 2 years.


11.   They didn’t look after the children properly.


12.   Nobody swept this street last week.


13.   People drink a great deal of tea in England.


14.   They know that English is an international language.


15. They reported that the troops were coming.

       The troop..................................................................................................................................................

16.It is said that  he won a lot of money gambling.



 Read the passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct word:

Before the 19th century, families usually __( 28)___ marriages for their children. Young people didn’t decide who they want to marry. After they got married, they usually had __( 29)__ children. In the 19th century, most children could not choose the person they wanted to marry. A marriage joined two people and not two families. Two people could get _( 30)__ because they loved each other, not just because their families wanted them to marry. At the same time, people began to realize that they had to _( 31)__ very good care of their children. Before this, most people didn’t go to school. The family members all worked together at home. Later, people realized that ___( 32)____ is necessary for a good life.


28. A. have arranged           B. arranged                           C. were arranging                  D. arrange

29. A. much                        B. little                                   C. a lot of                              D. few

30. A. marry                       B. marriage                            C. marrying                           D. married

31. A. make                        B. get                                    C. take                                  D. give

32. A. educate                    B. educated                           C. educator                           D. education


Read the passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the correct answer:

Every year students in many countries learn English. Some of these students are young children. Others are teenagers. Many are adults. Some learn at school, others study by themselves. A few learn English just by hearing the language in film, on television in the office, or among their friends. But not many are lucky enough to do that. Most people must work hard to learn another language.

Learning another language! Learning English! Why do all these people want to learn English? It is not difficult to answer that question. Many boys and girls learn English at school because it is one of their subjects. They study their own language, and Math... and English. (In England, or America, or Australia, many boys and girls study their own language which is English, and Math,... and another language perhaps French, or German, or Spanish.)

Many adults learn English because it is useful for their work. Teenagers often learn English for their studies, because some of their books are in English at the college or university. Other people learn English because they want to read newspapers or magazines in English.

33.  According to the writer, ________ .

   A. only adults learn English                                            B. no children like learning English  

   C. English is only useful to teenagers                              D. English is popular in much of the world  

34.  Many people learn English by________.

      A. watching videos only      B. hearing the language in the office  

      C. talking with the film stars                                        D. working hard on their lessons  

35.  Many boys and girls learn English because ________.

      A. English can give them a job                                    B. it is included in their study course  

       C. their parents make them                                       D. they have to study their own language  

36.  In America or Australia many schoolchildren study ________.

      A. English as a foreign language                                 

     B. English and Math only  

      C. such foreign languages as French, German, and Spanish  

      D. their own language and no foreign language  

37.  Many adults learn English because ________.

      A. their work is useful                                                B. they want to go abroad  

      C. most of their books are in English                          D. it helps them in their work


I. Choose A, B, C, or D to indicate the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently

1: A. books                             B. cats                              C. dogs                                 D. maps

2: A. kites                                B. catches                         C. oranges                            D. buzzes

II. Mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the word that differs from the other

3. A. recently                           B. facial                            C. tomorrow                         D. confidence

4. A. communicate                   B. impatient                      C. interesting                         D. apologize

III. Choose A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer

5. Most doctors and nurses have to work on a _______ once or twice a week at the hospital.

      A. solution                          B. night shift                     C. household chores              D. special dishes

6: It is generally believed that “men build the ________ and women make it home”.

      A. school                            B. bridge                          C. hospital                             D. house

7: The children ___________ high grade at school.

     A. achieve                           B. achievement                 C. achievable                        D. achieving

8: He was said……………….this building.

    A. designing                          B. to have designed          C. to designs                         D. designed

9: Up to now, the manager_______ a lot of information about his secretary.

      A. learned                          B. learns                           C. had learned                      D. has learned

10: In the 19th century, it________ two or three moths to across North America by covered wagon

      A. took                              B. had taken                    C. had been taken                D. was taking

11: When I came to visit her last night, she ________ a bath.

      A. is having                         B. was having                   C. has                                   D. had

12:  He was writing to his friend when he __________a noise.

      A. was hearing                    B. heard                           C. had heard                         D. hears

13:  That book ................ by a famous  author.

      A. wrote                             B. was written                  C. is writing                           D. has written 

14:  She asked me where I _______ from.

      A. come                             B. coming                        C. to come                            D. came

15:  I asked Martha _______ to enter law school.

      A. are you planning             B. if she is planning           C. was she planning               D. if she was planning

16:  Nam wanted to know what time _______.

      A. the movie began             B. the movie begins          C. does the movie begin        D. did the movie begin

17:  “I’m looking for the book you gave me last week,” Mary said to Peter.

      A. Mary told Peter she was looking for the book he had given her the last week.

      B. Mary told Peter she was looking for the book he had given me the last week.

      C. Mary told Peter she was looking for the book he had given her the last week.

      D. Mary told Peter she was looking for the book she had given her the last week.

18:  "How beautiful is the dress you have just bought!" Peter said to Mary.

      A. Peter promised to buy Mary a beautiful dress.

      B. Peter said thanks to Mary for her beautiful dress.

      C. Peter complimented Mary on her beautiful dress.

      D. Peter asked Mary how she had just bought her beautiful dress


19: Choose the word that is CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined part

      The air conditioner Mary has just bought is very hard to  use.

      A. boring                            B. difficult                        C. simple                               D. easy

20: Choose the word that is OPPOSITE  in meaning to the underlined part in the  following questions:

      Her thoughtless comments made him very  angry.

      A.    honest                         B.    kind                          C.    pleasant                         D. thoughtful

IV. Choose the letter A, B, C or D to show the underlined part that needs correction.

21:After John eaten dinner, he wrote several letters and went to bed.

                           A                     B                       C             D

22:What did you do at 9 o'clock last night? I phoned you but nobody answered.

                     A                                B                  C                      D


Read the passage and choose A, B, C or D to indicate the correct word

Throughout the world there are different ___(23)____ for people to greet each other. In much of the world, a handshake is the common form of welcoming and greeting someone. In many countries around the Mediterranean Sea a light kiss on the cheek is the appropriate way to welcome friends and family. It can be a very ___(24)____ surprise if you expect to shake hands and get a kiss or a hug instead.

            At times, it is difficult to tell what sort of greeting _____(25)____ is followed. People may bow, wave another’s arm or even slap the other person on the back. In some places people just smile, look at the other’s face and say nothing.

            Most people in the world are __(26)__ of, visitors and don’t mind what travelers do that seems wrong as long as the visitors are sincere. A big part of the  pleasure of world travel is experiencing different customs.

23:  A. means                      B. ways                              C. methods                       D. techniques

24:  A. huge                        B. large                               C. big                               D. great

25:  A. habit                        B. routine                            C. tradition                       D. custom

26:  A. kind                         B. generous                         C. tolerant                        D. independent


Read the passage and choose A, B, C or D to indicate the correct answer

            If you invite an American friend to join you to have dinner in a restaurant, phone the restaurant first to find out if you need a reservation to avoid a long wait for a table. To make a reservation, just give your name, the number of people in your group, and the time you plan to arrive. When you invite someone to dinner, you should be prepared to pay the bill and reach for it when it arrives. However, if your companion insists on paying his or her share, do not get into argument about it. Some people prefer to pay their own way so that they do not feel indebted, and those feelings should be respected. In most American restaurants, the waiter or waitress’s tip is not added to the bill. If the service was adequate, it is customary to leave a tip equal to about 15% of the bill. In expensive restaurants, leave a bit more.

27: When you invite an American friend to have dinner in a restaurant ___________.

       A. a reservation is not necessary                                     B. you should make a reservation

       C. there are always many tables available for you            D. you always have to wait for a long time

28: To make a reservation, you ______________.

       A. just give your name, the time you arrive and how many persons there are in your group

       B. have to give your address, the time you arrive and how many persons there are in your group

       C. just give your name, the time you arrive and your address

       D. just give your name, the time you arrive and your telephone number

29: If your companion insists in paying his share, _______________.

       A. do not agree                                                              B. it will be impolite

       C. you should let him pay as he expects                          D. you should get into argument with him

30: In most American restaurants, _______________.

       A. the tip is added to the bill                                           B. the tip is about 15% of the bill

       C. you should not give the tip to waiters or waitresses    D. waiters and waitresses never get the tip



1..“I’m looking at the girl you told me yesterday,” Phong said to Lan.

à Phong told Lan ...............................................................................................................................................

2.“ Where did you study in High School?” Long asked me

à Peter  asked me .............................................................................................................................................

3.“Have you heard of her death?”

à I asked Peter .................................................................................................................................................

4.“ Close all your  books.” said the teacher.

àThe teacher told us ..........................................................................................................................................

5.“ If I were you, I wouldn’t buy this book” he said.

àHe advised me ................................................................................................................................................ .

6.You passed your driving test at the first attempt. Congratulation.” Hoa told me.

à Hoa congratulated me ....................................................................................................................................

7.“ You lend me some money. Thank you very much” Hoa said to Nam

à Hoa thanked Nam ..........................................................................................................................................

8.His father will help you tomorrow.

àYou ................................................................................................................................................................

9.They said that she won the competition.

àShe .................................................................................................................................................................

10.I knew that they had told him of the meeting.

àThey ...............................................................................................................................................................