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Minh Nhân
17 tháng 1 2021 lúc 21:06

All of us want to have good health because we cannot buy health even we are rich.I think we need to stay healthy to prevent the flu, keep as healthy as i can by taking good care of myself. Sleep and nutritional considerations are help to prevent the onset of a cold or flu, a healthy lifestyle helps my immune system to be in its best possible shape, giving me the best chance of being able to fight off the onset of a cold or flu. In my opinion, health is the better than wealth because if we were in good health, but not rich, we could do what we want, we could do hard work and serve ourselves in daily activies. Moreover, we could help others, bring happiness to them. With good health, we could interesting. Otherwise, if we were rich but not healthy, we would depend on others because we could not serveourselves in daily life, become other’sload, we are easy to be angry or bored with everything. In summary, healthis better than wealth. 

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Lê Thành Đạt
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Khinh Yên
21 tháng 9 2021 lúc 15:32

Tham khảo nè :33

All of us want to have good health because we cannot buy health even we are rich.I think we need to stay healthy to prevent the flu, keep as healthy as i can by taking good care of myself. Sleep and nutritional considerations are help to prevent the onset of a cold or flu, a healthy lifestyle helps my immune system to be in its best possible shape, giving me the best chance of being able to fight off the onset of a cold or flu. In my opinion, health is the better than wealth because if we were in good health, but not rich, we could do what we want, we could do hard work and serve ourselves in daily activies. Moreover, we could help others, bring happiness to them. With good health, we could interesting. Otherwise, if we were rich but not healthy, we would depend on others because we could not serveourselves in daily life, become other’sload, we are easy to be angry or bored with everything. In summary, healthis better than wealth. 

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Hương Quỳnh
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Trà My
28 tháng 7 2018 lúc 21:12

-Gợi í:

* There are hundreds of thousands of way for you keep your fit. But in my opinion, you can notice some following point:
+ You should do morning exercises or play sport as ride bicycle(because riding bicycle helps to reduces polluted environment.)
+ You should have sufficient sleep, at least 6 hours per day, not stay at late. I deal sleeping is about 10 pm.
+ You shouldn't work too hard, reduce the pressure, prevent from stress.
+ You should keep yourself and your home, especially your room clean, tidy.
+ You should see the doctor regularly periodic examine.

-Tham khảo ở đây :http://bpvietanh.forumpro.eu/t68-topic

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So Yummy
15 tháng 8 2019 lúc 14:29

Maintaining a healthy body is not that easy and not so difficult also. Always there is a need to be healthy because unhealthy body will be attacked by many diseases. Here we will discuss about some tips which will help to have a happy and healthy life.

Most important tip for a healthy body is to have healthy food and eat them at proper time. Avoid eating junk food. None of the nutrients are available in these junks foods so no point in having them. Your diet should contain food which has more nutrients. Try to include leafy vegetables, fresh vegetables, fruits, milk, and fish in your daily diet. Make sure you are having your breakfast regularly. Skipping your breakfast regularly will definitely affect your health. If water content in your body goes low then it will lead to dehydration. So to keep the body healthy make sure you drink more amount of water daily.

Exercise also pays a vital role in keeping your body healthy. Regular exercise will also keep your body in good health. By exercise it doesn’t mean a simple and slow walk. It should be in such a way that your body should start sweating. You can go for running, do cycling, walking faster etc. Daily find some time 30 mints to one hour per day for your exercise. Have a regular checking of your weight and try to control it. It’s nice to have Medical checkups and dental checkups by which you can have an idea about your health condition.

Apart from these always try to manage your stress. Most people due to stress at work have health problems. By controlling your stress you can maintain a healthy body. Bad habits like smoking, drinking, using of drugs should be avoided. Usage of these items will have a very bad affect on your health. Your body should get enough time to take rest. Make sure you get a sleep of 8 hours daily. Sleep is very important for healthy body and also for mental and emotional happiness.

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Ngô Văn Phong
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Ngố ngây ngô
30 tháng 6 2019 lúc 16:30

Bạn có thể dựa vào đây để viết đoạn văn nha

- Exercise regularly. Teens should be physically active at least 60 minutes of every day.

- Eat a healthy diet.

- Maintain a healthy weight.

- Get enough sleep.

- Keep up with vaccinations.

- Brush and floss your teeth.

- Wear sunscreen.

- Don't listen to loud music.

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30 tháng 6 2019 lúc 16:28
All of us want to have good health because we cannot buy health even we are rich.I think we need to stay healthy to prevent the flu, keep as healthy as i can by taking good care of myself. Sleep and nutritional considerations are help to prevent the onset of a cold or flu, a healthy lifestyle helps my immune system to be in its best possible shape, giving me the best chance of being able to fight off the onset of a cold or flu. In my opinion, health is the better than wealth because if we were in good health, but not rich, we could do what we want, we could do hard work and serve ourselves in daily activies. Moreover, we could help others, bring happiness to them. With good health, we could interesting. Otherwise, if we were rich but not healthy, we would depend on others because we could not serveourselves in daily life, become other’sload, we are easy to be angry or bored with everything. In summary, healthis better than wealth.
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Cherru Ng
30 tháng 6 2019 lúc 17:13

"Health before wealth" is a good idiom which I like best to explain that health is very important. Nowadays, many people don't care about their own health. They don't know that a healthy lifestyle plays an important role in our daily lives. So I will suggest some ways how to keep a healthy life.

Firstly, everyone should have a balanced diet. Now, almost countries in the world have a problem about obesity. Although they don't eat in the main meal, they eat snacks, chip and so on. As I know, Japanese have a longevity because they have a balanced diet which they only eat 3 main meals: breakfast,lunch and dinner and they also they restrict snacks or junk food. Moreover, we should eat more vegetables and fruits.Those food groups contain necessary vitamins. So our health will be improved.

Secondly, doing exercise is a good idea. We only spend little time on physical activities and if we regularly practice every day, we will not only have a good health but we also prevents some diseases. Besides, we will be slimmer and thinner. My body will be more beautiful.

Finally, it is important to sleep on time. If we stay up all night, our health will worse and we will lose focus and not work effectively. Stay up late will cause a high risk of weight gain. Night time is the most important time for hormone production to grow in height if we are teenagers, we should sleep on time to increase our height.

In short, we should care more about our health to have a healthy life starting from the moment.

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huonggiang letran
28 tháng 2 lúc 20:29

I like badminton very much. There are two teams and each team can have one or two players. Therefore, there are two or four players. I play it with my sister every day. We need rackets, a shuttlecock and a net. I like badminton because it is fun and helps me keep fit.

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Võ Lan Nhi
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Băng Di
24 tháng 12 2017 lúc 21:14

In my opinion, living in the countryside has its own pros and cons. According to benefits, it has fresh air, quite environment and friendly neighbors. Firstly, you have a healthy life. There are no dust, no smoke and no traffic jam. The air is fresh and the rain is also very clean. You can get raging water to cook rice and certainly have and tasted meal. Secondly, living in the countryside is peacful. It is very quiet to relax after working or there are many beautiful wide fields and fresh air.Finally, there are no separations in your town. Your neighors are friendly and helpful. They are really best friends. They will help you pleasently if you have trouble. Each problem has its solution anf your neighbors will share it for you. In conclusion, I prefer to live in the countryside, but I don't want to live there permanently.

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Phạm Vĩnh Linh
9 tháng 6 2021 lúc 9:08

 Tham khảo nha:

       Having a good health is very important for us. So, what should we do to have good health? Firstly, you should do more exercise :run, ride a bike, swim or play sports, they are all good for you. Secongly, you should eat healthy food like fruits, fish or vegetables. It can help you to avoid obesity, and it help can help you to live longer, too. Thirdly, you must always remember that you should take a rest after working, it is very important.It helps you to avoid depression and it helps you to concentrate at school, and you will be comfortable after getting plenty of rest. Don not watch too much TV because it is harmful for your eyes. Is you want to have a good health, you should follow these advices.

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minh nguyet
9 tháng 6 2021 lúc 9:09


Eat more fruits, vegetables, whole grains, fish or other first grade protein sources like soy and dairy products. Don’t skip breakfast as it is the most important meal of the day which gives you energy for whole of your day. Have smaller meals at regular intervals of 2-3 hours. This will keep your metabolism in control. Have enough water and fluids (not cold drinks) throughout the day. Keep the levels of salt and sugar low in your daily diet. Don’t have fried foods. It’s OK to have rich food once in a while but don’t make it a regular thing. Avoid junk food as much as possible. So, make a habit of exercising regularly, even if it is brisk walking for 30 minutes. Of course, it will be good if you can exercise a little more and that’s a must when you are overweight. Choose your exercise as per your interest to remain motivated. If you don’t like gym, don’t go there. Do aerobics or yoga. If not, go cycling, jogging, swimming or dancing. When confronted with a problem, don’t think negative. Think about the best and the worst situation that the problem can get you in. Now, first focus on the worst situation- is it so bad that you need to lose your health by succumbing to the stress? If not, half of your problem is solved. Now focus on the best situation and the ways that can be employed to reach it. Make a list of solutions- mentally or on paper. Now, keep on reviewing and omitting the items (that now don’t look so good a solution) at every repetition. Ultimately, you will be left with one or two options to try for solving your problem. This will definitely help in relieving your stress. If you are not able to relax and your mind wanders around, you might take help of relaxation techniques like meditation. Learn new skills, develop your one time favorite hobbies that you had not been able to pursue due to busy work schedules. Read, write, sing, dance, socialize, party, travel- anything that will make you happy.

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