Unit 1: A DAY IN THE LIFE OF ...

Ngô Dương


The opening night of a stage show means excitement and glamour. EXCITE

Often it also means【C1】______ problems suddenly arising. And that is even EXPECT

more true if you are planning to take 50 total【C2】______ and produce the STRANGE

【C3】______ South Pacific in two days. But that's what mother-and-daughter MUSIC

team Linda and Nicki Metz are【C4】______ offering as a weekend course. CURRENT

The plan seems 【C5】______ although the two leading parts in the show will be AMBITION

taken by【C6】______ actors. Technical staff will be on hand to give expert PROFESSION

advice to【C7】______ Linda says: "It will be a great weekend for people to do PERFORM

something【C8】______ and achieve something at the same time. People have ENJOY

a【C9】______ to work better if they have a deadline. A lot of people also TEND

discover talents that they were 【C10】______ of." AWARE

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