Ai giỏi tìm hộ Mik 4 câu tiếng anh 1chủ đề tự chọn lớp 8 nhA mn lướt qua mn giúp mình vs ah Mik đi thi nói r:((
Các bạn giỏi Anh giúp mình với ạ ༎ຶ‿༎ຶ👉👈
II. READING COMPREHENSION (1 point / 0.25 each): Read the passage carefully and decide whether the
following statements are TRUE or FALSE
(Lưu ý:Học sinh phải viết rõ câu trả lời là TRUE hoặc FALSE,không viết tắt là T hoặc F).
Air pollution is a cause of ill-health in human beings. In a lot of countries there are laws limiting the
amount of smoke which factories can produce. Although there isn’t enough information on the effects of
smoke in the atmosphere, doctors have proved that air pollution causes lung diseases.
The gases from the exhausts of cars have also increased air pollution in most cities. The lead in petrol
produces a poisonous gas which often collects in busy streets surrounded by high buildings. Children who live
in areas where there is a lot of lead in the atmosphere cannot think as quickly as other children and are clumsy
when they use their hands. There are other long-term effects of pollution. If the gases in the atmosphere
continue to increase, the earth’s climate may become warmer. A lot of the ice near the poles may melt and
may cause serious floods.
Statements True False
5. Air pollution can cause lung diseases.
6. The lead in petrol produces a harmful gas.
7. If the gases in the atmosphere increase, the earth’s climate may become cooler.
8. Ice melt from the poles can cause serious floods.
viết lại cho hoàn chỉnh câu
nam likes eating fish mai likes eating fish
->nam's ..................mai's......
who is your daddy
giúp mình vs cô giáo đang hỏi dịch ra tiếng việt
mọi người ơi cho mình hỏi một câu là ngô quyền chống quân xâm lược na hán ntn thì có cần ghi hoàn cảnh vào đề thi ko ạ
B. PHẦN TỰ LUẬN: (Thí sinh làm trực tiếp vào đề thi)
I. WORD FORM (1 point / 0.25 each):
Give the correct form of the word in each bracket.
1. The internet is a ……………………………………. invention of modern life. (WONDER)
2. Their warm welcome made a deep ……………………………………. on all the guests. (IMPRESS)
3. His classmates shouted ……………………………………. when he won the match. (EXCITE)
4. The house is …………………………………….
into five rooms. (DIVISION)
Giải giúp e câu 12đến 17 với ạ
Này là câu tường thuậy lại lời nói của ng khác
1. Wedon’tknowthenameoftheinjuredperson.
A. burned B.sterile C.wounded D.unconscious
2. Don’t let the victim becomechilled.
A. lookedtired B.fallasleep C.appearedhungry D. getcold
3. Theyfilledthebucketwithwaterfromtheriver.
A. container C. pot D.bowl
4. Theboyfell his bike and hit his head on theroad.
A. of B.for C. off D.out
5. Cool it immediately so as to minimize tissuedamage
A. reduce B.deepen C.widen D.enlarge
6. Peopleusefirstaidinorderto thevictim'spainandanxiety.
A. cure B.treat C.increase D.ease
7. Wecanstopthebleedingbyusingatoweltocoverthewound,thenput onit.
A.pressure B.medicine C.bandage D.cloth
6. Don'tgivethevictimanyfoodordrinkifheorshegets .
A. happy B.sad C.shock D.fainting
7. Covertheburnedareawithathick dressing.
A. polluted B.sterile C.dry D.affected
8. Farmerscollecthouseholdandgardenwastetomake .
A. compost B.floorcoverings C.pipes D.glassware
9. Mysistersoldalltheemptycansshecollected funds for theorphans.
A. totake B.torise C.toraise D. touse
10. Youwillgetbackyour when you bring the cans back forrecycling.
A. deposit B.account C.envelop D.payment
11. means not buying products which are overpackaged.
A. Reuse B.Recycle C.Reduce D.Refund
12. isalongthinpieceofclothorpaperusedfortyingroundandprotectingawound.
A. Waterpacks B.Bandage C.Blanket D.Handkerchief
13. Shehasalready her cup five or sixtimes.
A. refilled B.reduced C.reviewed D.recycled
14. Thecupofcoffeekepther allnight.
A. awake B.alone C.asleep D.alive
15. Ithinkweshoulduse such as banana leaves, lotus leaves to wrapthings.
A. treeproducts B.treeleaves C.fruitskins D.trees
16. Plasticbagsaredifficulttobedestroyed,sotheamountofgarbagewill .
A. godown B.reduce C.increase D. goaway
17. We feltveryhappy Tet.
A. since C.on
18. Thefarmerslookforotherwork get more money for theirfamily.
A. inorderto B.soas C. inorderthat D. sothat
19. Youshouldputtheaffectedpartunderarunningcoldtapwhenyouhave .
A. ashock B.afaint C.aburn D. apain
20. You should elevate the patient’s feet above the level of theheart.
A. raise B.rise D.reduce
21. A isusedforcarryingsomebodywhoissickorinjuredandwhocan’twalk.
A. bandage B.armchair C.wheelchair D.crutch
22. Typhoons, floods or droughtscaneasily aharvest.
A. destroy B.finish C.provide D.defeat
23. Myfatherhasworkedforthatcompany over tenyears.
A. for B.since C. at
24. Oneofthesolutionstoreducetheshoppinggarbageisusing .
A. plasticbags B.clothbags C.woodbags D. liquidbags
25. can take a patient to the hospitalquickly.
A. Acrutch B.Anambulance C.Awheelchair D. Ascale
26. Hetriedtoexplainwhathedid persuade hiscustomers.
A. inorderthat B. inoutof C. soasto D. so as notas
27. ContactanorganizationlikeFriendoftheEarth information.
A. for C.with D.about
28. Hepickedthephone as soon as itrang.
A. on B.up
29. HowaboutgoingtoVincomCenterfordinner,Alex?
A. That’ssoundinteresting. B. That soundsinteresting.
C. Notatall. D. Please goahead.
30. is a type of bed used for carrying the sick or injuredpeople.
A. Stretcher B.Ambulance C.Crutch D.Bandage
31. Mysister-in-lawfaintedbutthenursehelpedher soon.
A. ease B.revive C.minimize
32. Hersonoftenforgottothankadults helpinghim.
A. about C.up D.for
33. Youshould thepatient’sfeetabovetheleveloftheheart.
A. reduce B.raise C.elevate D. B and C arecorrect
34. Thegaslightercanbe . Don’t throw itaway.
A. destroyed B.refilled C.reduced D.revived
35. InBritain,everybottleofmilkiscollectedand about thirtytimes.
A. recycled B.reduced C.reused D. takenaway
36. Whattypeofgarbagecanyouput thecompost?
A. to C.with D.for
37. Youshouldeasethepain ice or cold waterpacks.
A. with C.or D.and
38. Farmersusedungofanimalsfor theirfields.
A. making B.wasting C.collecting D.fertilizing
39. Compostismade household and gardenwaste.
A. in B.of C.from D.for
40. Hebrokehisleg,sohehastousea towalk.
A. wheelchair B.crutch C.stretcher D.bandage
41. Thedoctorisaskingaboutthe oftheinjuredpersontoknowexactlyhowtocureher.
A. address B.condition C.program
42. Hisspeedy after the operation amazed all thedoctors.
A. representative B.revival C.patient D.emergency
43. ThereareflightsdailytoHoChiMinhCity Monday.
A. besides B.after C.except D.on
44. It’s difficulttofind at busytime.
A. mountainous B.fortunate C.depart D.accommodation
45. The of Flight 106 from Ha Noi has beendelayed.
A. arrival B.excitement C.island D.limestone
46. Theywere removed from their land by theGovernment.
A. magnificently B.accidentally C.consciously D.forcefully
47. Treatmentgiventoaninjuredpersonbeforeadoctorcomesmeans .
A. scale B.first-aid C.crutch D.bandage
48. Atypeofbedusedforcarryingthesickorinjuredpeopleis .
A. handkerchief B.tissue C.stretcher D.penicillin
49. Vehicleequippedtocarrysickorinjuredpeopletohospitalis .
A. ambulance B.damage C.mixture D.pressure
50. Sapa,afarawaynortherntown,isafamous resort.
A. countryside B.mountainous C.seaside D.village
51. Thesematerialscanbe into other packagingproducts.
A. made B.done C.melted D.recycled
52. Jim’shometownisinthe region, so traveling by road isdifficult.
A. tribal B.mountainous C.floral D.fertile
53. Intropicalcounties, areusedforpullingvehiclesandfarmequipment.
A. pigs B.waterbuffaloes C.camels D.donkeys
54. isaplacewhereastreamorriverfallsfromahighplace.
A. Lake B.River C.Sea D.Waterfall
55. The council should be able to help families who have noaccommodation.
A. a placetolive B. a place to watch sportmatches
C.aplacetobuymealandeatit D. a place towork
56. Ms.Smithlooks beautiful in her weddingdress.
A. magnificently B.kindly C.advisedly D.consciously
57. Aftersomanyyears,Tomwasstill recognized.
A. instantly B.accidentally C.hurriedly D.hard
58. Hewas aware of his lack ofexperience.
A. attractively B.wastefully C.naturally D.painfully